Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hall, Edith H.
Excavations in eastern Crete Sphoungaras — Philadelphia, 1912

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anthropological pub. univ. of pa. museum, vol. iii.

inverted pithoi each indicated on the plan by a circle. The
pottery associated with the former was of Early Minoan II and
Early Minoan III date, with an admixture of Middle Minoan I
fabrics. The jars used in the latter class of burials were mostly
of the Middle Minoan III and Late Minoan I periods although
a few specimens, dating from the Middle Minoan I period,
occurred. We have also to mention a small neolithic deposit
which underlay the Early Minoan remains at the point marked

Fig. 20.—Early Minoan II Plates. Scale 1:7.

D on the plan. The walls which were found were practically
negligible; only two or three small stretches came to light and
these seemed to be the remains of short retaining walls rather
than those of graves or tombs. The deposits will now be de-
scribed in chronological order.


Ten metres south of the rock-shelter, under the Early
Minoan deposit at the point marked D, there came to light a
layer of black earth which was found to contain a neolithic de-
posit, the first which has as yet appeared on the Isthmus of
Hierapetra. The position of these remains so close to a cave,
recalls the megalithic house at Magasa;1 but since in this case

1 See R. M. Dawkins, B. S. A., XI (1904-1905), p. 263.