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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 13.1781

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Calcutta General Advertifer.

A IVeekly Political and Commercial Paper, Open to all Parties, but influenced by None,

65 From Saturday April 14th to Saturday April 21ft. 1781. No. XI'I

-JlOOOtfCOOttlOtQlGK y£W&&W#)&X)£# ['Characters among the Antient English ral cxprefsly forbid their giving the lead

Nobility been degraded and dLfplaeed, and protection to English Families if thty

every Man of Principle and htdependant expected to avoid Hyder Ally's Refentnym,

feelings who had the fpirit to fpesjk his Hyder then proceeded to. Nagapatnam, and

Sentiments on fucb menfures, and fuch Cha- in his way burnt and deftrOyed feveral

reus wound, and has Fired your Piftol in th
" air it is impofii le for me to go on " Lord
Balcarras a 1 i Lord Caven 'i h immediately <'e

Continued from our laji

"^.yfC^MyH K- FuJlertoon (aid he was incapa-
?5( ble of further Sentiments of Re-

§ M * ferment alter what had paflVd. h"s h,:'d * D^er or a 1 dbl k' ^n'h V.llages.-—Capt. Kroger Uul'd

& *--btf.deHe added as youA W at hlS {J??' T , fer Europe from that Coaft with this bad

" Ebrdfhip has received a Date- Wu,lcfs-Lord- bheburne. News the ,8th.March, and Capt. Lou-

Mr, Fox. i beige was to tail the next Day.

Mr Burke. j Lctters which arrived this Morning front

Some vagrant hireling Scott has always the Southward, mention as fact that Hy-

Ja.ed thai the Parties had behaved as Men we'i rwdy, and an affiliation ;\Var fecms der has taken, and Plunder'd Tianquebar,

of Honour &c. Ltobc *]>f 7 commenced, the ocotch oc- aiui mcallt to ferve the Dutch Factory's- the

.... ^ ,- r j c v r .1 t r i cupy all Offices and be^in to (warm in fimP

I lie Cite of London techno; for the Infu t »» u • r c r» , • i lamt.

'i , , i i rr > i t> r i t,te noule ot Commons were nothing but ;

that had been .pus offer d to a Peer of the ImpudekcE) am] thc moft bafefaced adu- A Parquet from Europe arrived at An-

Real*, fbrJcxlanng h,8bent,ments agreeable to ilat-on to the Minifter of the. Dav, procures jengo the 20 March which left England

the free ufage of Fail<ament, and upon a m-a- 1 ,u s * , , - . • ■ \;s f_,„ .-c ,a n,,.,»ms.-r

... .. , . . ', .,. ' , _ ! them (eats, no roaster whether that mini- >° late as lit rsc.mrxi. -
jur - as "-roil:)' *vttal and /»/ utinr to the 2;h- i /i „ . „. ta •> -r r^ u 1 i_ r^-

glifh name and nation, a, it was detrimental to In , th%Df'>> ,r hc has 0but the I Peace likely to take place fpeedily with,

the AA« ana Dimity ox the State__The ft0",? 1 ,c loav£' th,e scotch fol- America.—Some of the Congrefs in -Lon-

City thought "proper to f,..d' his Lordihio a \n\ ^T7 H°Und8 rT >' dc"> 10 fcttlc Matters on the fpotf.—But

public addrds of Cond-damt, expreff.Ve at 'the ! M^°ns—crv h.m up as a Demy God ; a moft bloody War was' raging in all

ame time of ,he p rfed and intire approbation i ""^ ,rea£ the Wretched. Orat.ons of Mr. ^/<r/ with the ^ ^ fc^.
, , 1 m ,. a 1 1 n \ DnndOi Mr. Adam, Mr. Wcddtrbirnc and a

>lv, Lo.d .V ..y,u Alue roe. and Common | [he M(Jla„ of5^ TWx, and mark th- ve- Colonel Pearfe's Detachment was arrived j

Si- S folt ,lal HyP^Hcy and flavifl, adulation that ac ot in great want of C0 .
My Loui,

companies every period.-. It tboui'd fee lles a,ld Hooker Badahs.--The Con -

. the bullnefs as much as it is the Duty of every mand tak;'n from Pcarfc» and &ven to the
" r..c- Lord Mayor Alderman and Com- ! PIa:„ Honeq Manly Engiifaman to develop the Scoicl'J> General Stuart, in Compliment to
« mon Council ot the City of London, true Charaft r$- of thefe Immical Siyctfbant* to Mr. Haflings.

" laK" • ear. °P1?0rlUUlty f mftew wherein their real merit Confifts and On board the 5 Indiamen taken were 600
" Meeting to Congratulate vour Lordflup what a fctt of Wrecthed Rulkrs they flieiv Recruits—ISO Cadets and other Military

" on your Kecoyerv.---— u. the pref.-nt therhfelves when they b-come to ufe a term of Officers ftveral Young Ladies, many

complement, the City or London only the immortal Ewlijh Shakefpear Dref'd in Wi iters, and a great quantity of Milt-
join with the lubhr* large m expreffing « little brief Authority- they play fucb tricks be- tary Stores and many important Difpatchcs
their Anxiety for the pwervat.on or _ a ( ^ Heaven as make thi Angels IVeep. j both and iW<.

The writer of thefe Comments knows them i -— —---------—------

well—and tho' there are-among them fome few } ^ Nible Conjlrajl to that Surprizing Naval

worthy liberal and difinteretted" Men-----The j Commander Sir Edward Durbar, B. K.

National Charaftcriftic of the whole Peonle is '^Ci &c

moft valuable Life, endanger'd in confc
quence of a Parliamentary exertion of Pub
Lie Virtue.


The faid Letter was ordered to be fairly
tranfdribed and figned by the Town Cier'-"

that of Deceit — low Cunning— exiream Selfiflj-
ne(s— uncontrdulable Aflurance— an averfion

and delivered to the Earl of Slielburnc by j toliberal Arts, and liberal Maxims, replete with
the Rerhembcranccr, to which his Lordflv.p
returned the following Aufwei.

(C O P Y).

Berkley fquare 2S March 1780.


T am truly fcnfible of the obliging ami
affecting Terms in. which the Committee of
Common Council have directed you to
m.ike fo early an enquiery after my health,
I can only anfwer their Goodnefs by afi'ur-
ing them that My Life has always been,
and always fnall he devoted to the Public,
and my belt and warmed fervices ever at
the Command of the City of London.
I have the Honor to be
&c. &c.


As the Earl of PemVroke, and the Mar-
quis of Carmarthen and many of the
Engl f!l Nobility, and antient Whi»'_C fa-
milies who placed his Majefties Family on

(he Throne, have been intuited and Hi ferae -

* ... . ^

cd to gr.itify the inlatiable malice of fuch

f-lfifn Men as Lo.d But", Earl Mansfield

Mr, Weddeibourn, forme.ly a Writer of

th" Signet now in mockery of Decency

'male an Englifll Peer.—-[ fay to gratify

th fe Men, and make way for a Needy

Crew of Caledonian Locults have the firit

a.;J 1 oft .''.ceio'.rr.ible, worthy and digri'Sed

Envy, and fixt and rooted Deteftation of the
E'nGLISH Name, and Nation, whom they only
meanly flatter, to PILLAGE ; the extream
poverty and defoliation of their own Country
not admitting even of the..means of hare cxift-
ance, they come in Shoals like Herrings and eat

up the fatt of the Land---" pujbing us from

our Sto'ls" as Macbeth fays, and impudently
Ufurping the Bread and Natural Birth-rights
of thc plain Hontft Generous and unfufpiciouj


New North Briton, No. 2,

Ingeram ift. April 1781.
ESTERDAY arrived Letters from the
Ship Copenhagen, Capt, Kroger, at
Anchor in Tianquebar Roads. The Let-
ter bears date 21 March and mentions that
Hyders Troops were come within 2 Miles
of Tranquebar (the Danish Factory),

Hyder feat his General to the Danift, Fort
who had firft a long conference with Mr.

La Baume, and afterwards with the Go- i ry 10 theCUieen, who Knighted k, • on ths

N the reign of Q^ieea Ann, Captain
Hardy, who Commanded a vcflel in the
bay of Lagos, having received advice that the
Spanifh Galleons Were arrived at Vigo, efcort-
cd by f venti en Men of War,fetfail immediately^
Without Orders, to carry the advice to
Admiral Sir George Roak, who making ad-
vantage of it, took the Galleons alter
having deftioyed and difperfed the efcort ; afler
Victory had declared in his favor the Admnal
ordered Captain Hardy on bord his Ship.—As
loon as he came in his prcfence, he (aid toehim
in a fevcic tbne/you have lately done an impor-
tant fervicc to the Queen your diligence ha»
added to the Glory and riches of your Country ,
but at the fame time you are to be blamed.
Do not you know that you endangered .your
I fe by quitting your poft without Orders.——•
He replied—•' The Captain who has any regard
for his Life, when the Glory- and 1n-ie-
" rest of his Sovereign obliges him to facri-
" fia it, d estiot dd'ervs to enjoy the. ps;r of a

" Captain in her fervtce."--'The Admiia.l

being tlruck with the intrepidity of this icp!>.
SCiit the Captani to carry the n< \rs of the vicHo-

vernment, He demanded in very Hauohty
terms % I^cks u\ Rupees, but as he could
not obtain fo large a Sum, he was) contented

to take 20,000. Rupees----Demanding at the

me time, that Capt. Mac'Intofti, the En-

Spot and made him a rear Admiral.-This

Man deferved Knight-hood but thc making
fuch a itiipid avaricious fellow as Sir Edward
Durbar a Knight of the Path is a burlefq.ie up-
on that antient Order, -and a Mockery of Naval

gush Redden t ftiould be delivered up—but . Rewards. ■■ His a fu fin-a-the protection ot

he efcaped by rroing on board a Ship in I ti,e Britifli Flagg to the fupplications and in-
ili; Raids f.r Madras.—l--Hyders G'cae- I treaty's of Lord Pijjot, the !awfu!l Governor