Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 26.1781

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tjgtefbgaa&jr ^fen that Llbeify "is a-
"•^-idgcdL, tar.d nothing dare be ..Printed
%tatt «HhR «hath .Received the fan&ion oi
as Statefman imprimato.;*e^ 'the -;ftihjeel;
~m.v/ bc daringly Qp^rt-fted, arid:they may
il>e ilbre no licencc'rill be granted for
cyuUi? Thing a -dctsil of'their wfort***, the
&Viin»'fterwiU rhen boldly-sdl ids- Matter,
tthat tturery thing goes or, right, - that'the
'pecjple-are happy and contented, and the
4teficWed Monarch all the while lavs un

toftmacrt'r&igion. All thefec-Kciufco'ris,
arc already made by<Our laws; and as no j;
man can fey thofe things with impunity,';
fo ti&atftf) pOgbt to print them : but then

in'dtt*ti <dhefe cxduilon*'credit not to be
'explicit .and not tend •a;ovrhe'«tl«pt!ng
temexdess, by which '4'oriffc 3&f8t{&ing*
Lavycfs •-might turn the holy Scriptures

land, "anci tfelRich CfepPof India (vvhicla
felt and at 'this inftant feel their fharp
Sickles) •wete inluhicierit '.to fatiate their
unq-utfnchabkt ihirfi of Gold, but
attcli^pted^hrtt-fcrdy to'obtain molt places
of truft, a'nd'h'iho"- in Our -American Co-
lonies and febj3K«t itlkem'to (what the A-
mericans fuppolifJ.;) iillegabtaKafetfrn w hieh


into Libels and danders. As no nun out) j -fes brought England lto 'her prefent.
or ought (by any authority whatever; be j calamitous ftate, theft coercive Ccunlrls

puniiWoie for wi.it he doth net kno*

*der she imputation of having ordered j'to be *-crime, lit no man ihould ha*,
nvhatevera minifter has dared to do-, &c ! powes, »'or be encouraged to conftrue

'Country be "ever fo -unpopular, unreafo-
"nable, and abiurd it's generally adopted
and defended by the whole body and

•were not onl-y maintained by tlie moil
vy,owerfull Natives of that 'Country a-
botit trie throne at -'the 'Council Beard,

knows not that the multitude fuffcr, ''tijlj'iny wGni.fpckcn or :?rin:ed, as criminal but dn '-the Senate, they avowed them-
san open defection proclaims what has - by any law crixicifm, but what are really Ufelves 'the -Patrons of it, -to "which their
ibsren done. ! and-abjblutelj fuch/for if'this is allowed, j -Countrymen :both abioad and at home J

Asit is not the intereffof tbe-K:n<r, no? thcarfctut be a final- ltop putts any pro- j almoft to "a Map ahemed-, Let a Public J
snore is it that of the »ood Miniifer to ; ducr-ions of-thcprcR fincc-thc moit In- jmeafurc when promoted by one of. their
\eitoain the Prefs. .No Minifter, hOw-j noottit and the molt -unmeaning words
•ever great, however •enlightened, and Ca*! be tor-tufed into crimes,
pable, can be fuppofed io know the ac- The Tribssfc oi-thepeople.

^iofl -of all thofirwho aft in the lev-cra-l:-:-'-~-Z ^ ' f****™ ;"«!o« io weak and kittle,,

«deparrmcrt«-i>fri-e State at-home, in the! Continued'fram iw^cta-Numb^ (that they arc lure to leave woric Impnef-
cFkets and Armies, the Government -of rjTtfiEIR Bards Story-tellers, orChrb- -Ions cf. the nt;nds of the Hear-er-, v 1-
^diftantprovinces, or incmbaffies abroad: 3L nologers. theirpredatoi y manner of peering '-the Caufe they attempt to tf-
sthe accounts fent home bv the Parties making War amongit-their-Recks and pouffe, --than a: firft. Their influancc
st-hemfelves, will moil rertaifiW 'be in Lakes, as-the former -medto do among'1 now -fo '•rl<oro'-'g'':ly pervades aH depai t-
Kheir wn,favor, and' without dvc Prefs, their and "M«injainfr, all Sprcwe tntm^o£tm& and Coniequertce in the

*io one will dare difcoverany Mifmana^- them-defcendants oi the-Ancient Irdh ('ftar-e thsz few Gowrnors, -Genfrrals, or
4mcnt finee if inferior ocrfons if their 't-he habits ?.nd cuttomsnaturally refu!- j Admirals -dire op.pole the advancement
-name's are known, tfccy'may Ml a -Vjc- ting from fuch a tyrannical SyRem, is 'of a perfon rccomnlended by a Scotch-
atim to the power of -thole accufed; But '<bat at home the Chief Family, or Cktn . 'man i-n -poxVeR, if he attempts it and
Sby means of the Prefs. .and Public Pa- 'is the Idol of his.dependants, which ap- .'prefumes to keep his place the neg'eded
gjers, a man may give Vuch intelligence Pcars *° Flattering -to the Dependent party "will 'be feirejtotnake -j* a thorny
•sis a good Mini Iter v/ill be glad w Re- when abroad, and his own Mafter-s; that one*, ikm by the induence of one Man
tceivc, and thereby, fenOwin^ the minds he-endeavors to Lord it over thole who. -an extraordinary 'Ive-.-oltrticn 'haptns to a
«of the Peopie, may act fcr the univerlal h-e -ndt fpirk or Ability to refent his Xv-hole Nation.

ipcod Infoler.ce^ thus the Scotch as v/ell -es : "When Scorch-men fcrg.-t old deftruc-

'■On the other hand, fince knowledge 'Iriihilien at fi-ril import into any Conn, "ttvc P^udiceD, become mrre impartial,
and experience are nut confined to rank try lietraveb-to^ his _Iiatrye Pr.de, and *nd ho,r,\ m their Opmrons- adume a
and Fortune, a firaple individual who ^jud^s* the PecuS.nueS of his Aoc- Manly rreeuom to tnear iy-criors, divch
laath not means ofaccefs to the great, ™ fd demeanor.give hrm no favora- ^emfelvcs of leuoal kftetf? to the;r
«nay ftart a thought, which, If iecond- ble Introduction to Singers ioteat he Lh^nors, and ipeaX^o:r c-va opmicns

^d by the power and Wiidom of an -old , "a<Vlcs h^klr ^ ,tte <loif lmkl * m iiea "°^h.eir **tr0™ ^h tm,e^

and honeft Statefman, may be oroduc- h,s Countrymen, wherevfer he can und ccme ;and is advancing, laft; none ihall

*ive of general good. Thus* by .the tllCm» teGpmty for *fcc moit part fo

aneans of the Liberty of the Prefs, the h*\™ to rr.ocK the mok mde-

•intdlitrence, the hints, and wile projects ^ttgable Labet of the Huibandmarv

-of a Miniaer, may be greativ expended; f^o^ *abm fcanty bimpn for nature

*ruth will come unftooped to the.light in hfs Youth fo/,aa£ dle ffrof wanr'tn?

'vtWti them -iTiOre prblpcrir}/ than

lens fiiius,

Trom fee LCN'13ON GAZETl'E.

AVHiTFUALI.. DteOt.itT 70; Iyj»0."

HlC- foJi'.;*.v;rx flcinctuiVfj o'f the -hte hur-.

^trutn will come unltopped to the,light *" f, T-? rfn HE foll&»ttur nrroumi of the hte hur

of a King, and thence follow juftice and ^nkqutnee of-it. produces in him a, J ^ at Ba: ,3d0fS ,nj lhe Lcewad-
benefit to the people. , .grecdmefs-for -Gain a molt lnl-atiable-, 1 snd Charftbr-c-niar.d.s liax bem received by

;> i he ialt rebellion in Scotland with the
but if tnole great advantages anfe -,, r , ,t j v ,. ....

-r „ »u i-l . r .l j-° i. Refentment that .followed it; greatly
arom the libcry of the prefs,, whence at-k i i i r-i <r»u' ,

• i r r j afflicted the lower Clafles of that Coun-

then can it be iuppoied any one would i * u v • r m r

•ru . r • r />• i 5 t ^ - try and-the Abolition of Hereditarrv
*ver wilh to fee itfurpprofied ? i anfwer, rJ % c -a u
«• 1^1 i_' V 1 1 1 iunfdiitiotrs loon alter r-ui-ned numbers
solely thtoueh fear, and none but bad r , • ^ ■ <• ■ 1 • u 3 . ^
I . • 1 r of their Chieftains* which made them
vac?i can ever entertain that rear, none ■ r rV _ r
? , * , 1 rr /.5. pine fot a turn of bortunci lome times
4>ad nun can dread an open dnqufition of ■ '* • ^ -., T^ 1 c v r-
„t • „ j a r u „i 1 previous to the Death of .-King Geo:
aheir condudt, fince it is tne uood mans 3 , . ., 1.-11 v * f. x, -
«'Ui-'^rt 1. f r i j l , =the 2d.-a iJoor Nobkrnan, ol-tiiat i\ati'-
intcreft to be fully known and the ; „_._..„ £______.-.^.i J.a...c._______k.,:,,

•numbers of his needy Countrymen doc
ked to him, as the Sens of Ifrael did to
ofeph ■V.'hen at the fc«b?i in the Land

^. 1 . ,. , ■ on had the fcrt'jns snd aadrefs to obtam
more nis Lharacter is made puolicc the , r j ' 1 r r c 1 1

^, . , • , ,-Kc , , i-the confidence ana EJtcem of the late

snore glory accrues to himieir, and the i -, • *- r\ cw 1 1 1.1

^ " , . ■ • .. ,, - ,. , Pi mcefs -Dowager of W ales and on the

more emoluments to his fellow kib- ; 4 n. c i ■ r • c

2c(cl, ; -Acceflion of his prelcnS Majclty, ap-

' " " pearcd not only ho'nor'd with his confi-

Sincc i have laid thus much on the dtnee, but moft d'tllinguill^d regard,

aibcrty of the prefs, left any one fhouid

JTufconftrue my meaning, it will be fome-

•what ncccfiary that 1 fhouid declare what

.1 rnean by the liberty of the prefs,

I mean then a full and Uncon-troverted

Idberty.t-o prih{ (without l'eeking any

permiffion) whatever, a man oughcjdft-

1y to have liberty to fry. This <COnf-

«jucnrly will exclude all treafon, all

•fianders, which may be prejudicial to

any honea mans life Character or fortune

all obfeenity, which may becbrrup'tive

tif Morals, &r.d all imukty wiikh te.il

I/ord Kjcwefi <Jerni3inc, one «f his M?jrfty's
principal Srereiarics *r" Sfatf, brcatrht ky
dipt. KartwerH-, cf hh> Mii,j»fry's Ihip tbc

Copy cwl letter from \': jbr Kjfetr. STaughatt,
CommatRlcr in Chief cf bis fvlsjefty's for.
'ctr in the Leeward-I'd.,-nds, to Lord G.
Gerrnihiaj dated flarbidocst, Oclober jr.,


I AM rmit h cbivcerht'cl fo mifbrm ymir L.ordi
fiiij^ that this iflaYi'd was ainic.it tntirely de-
ftroyed by a melt violent hiinieanc, which or-
gan on T..utftlaV ttic i-'ifr i-.-.iftsnt, and continued
al'thoit vr't!»owt in.t«tfhiffioti for near l'orty~cig .t
hot-rf : It i- 5m) olhb'e for nic to attempt a ;!--
foipHon of the >Stort« ; firffiee it to !'jv, t-hitt
few f.'.n iii<s have-'efcaped the genera! ruinj an.J
I do-^ot b'cHcve thattfji boufes arc laved in tha
whole iilancH fca1 tc a hottfe is ftaildhig now at
Hi i'.l 'ftvwn : Wiio'e families wire litltrfd iti
Egypt- tne Ct>nJeq«nce was lim.lar they Ujc ,\l!n of thdrhabitations and.many in a-
totne provided for above their moit lap j tempting to efcaffctVete main.ed or difablted ; a
guine Wilhes; in nutny IilftanGCSj at .the general "convulfion ..feature fcemcd to uk«

expence of the oldeft and hioil approved
Servants of the Cfown^ Places in the
Civil and Military HftabHlhment both
abroad and at home, filled a place with
Natives of that Country, they foon fur*
rounded the Throne with their needy
Re.ai:-en> the a:npk' Revenues t>£ Eng-

placei and -an uni»eifa| deftru£l:»n tnftied—;
T he ftrcn^clt ccjoiirs could not paint to your
L&t-'lLsp the mifciie* of the inhabitants-oil th«
one ham', the grttiind covered with the niang^
leoj bfdie!< cf their {h'tou&s and rcJatious, and toH
1 he otheti tepntiWe families wtiidfring ;thro'
the hUfnf, ftfkihg for food and flu-'ier ; its
f .oM, i: :.ir.il alien can fain: but a i.AM iitt.