Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 26.1781

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THOGGfitS ;x tit ". ifriL s ••r.t-e-r;, T . .• v..,.. ■. ,v«.-f, fl.c tTw T?rc, rr't; lifcrv .ft Tver i'rd SOB

5.y. ChL'fh on the rr.inci, renders it uirspablc of h chming any of chcrs Tea I y

'AGACT of cur It'VMEN, | thofs National plfafutcs for which it was1

fcirr.c;:, and which aie.ne can afrWd ir fatis-
fefiien, arid thus ch-ftrojfijig ail private princi-
ple, temnves tli<- Foundation of Public, and
in'fures dead Majorities in Parliament, and a , f

ready acquiescence in the People, j .^enilernen of the Sett lenient, that I1 el

Shaii no att< n.pt be made to'put a'ftop tn \ .Circulatpng Libraiy kept hitherto in the!
rbis 'devouring'Fire; 'ft a!) we have ueftroyed ' 'Old Foft, is renidved to a Ccol and!




■and-MODEST WGMAN in the
.. free KINGDOMS.

■ fteu'irg

^V,? -•- "fhe T>er>g*r tf 'Public heixihekie,
Tlx Mfurdity rf »«r. Fertinlt P.ducatieu,—
Ihe filly, and he: I Tendency of a 'Fe.fl-.h-
t able bifi — dttd the evil: thai Stiff from

J'rcneh Ref.nciutnt-end Secondly-

■Jfoiu St/dim 'Adfen-mtdtoives ere neceffary
'that tbiir I'm,':!ice is Dangfots — Tbdt it
■is Repugnro't to Modef.y— Ten is to D<:f-
•-?'•«}• the Penc* 'of Fan.Hies, ar.dikda;iger

Tart tee first.

CHAP. .it.
V>. the Denver'of Publie tncfifttitittfU.

*>* b<*gs leave to Inform the Ladies pnd

every thing worth p/efefviiVg on £arth — do- ; Crir,.trod ions TJo'tife forrrerly helon-rmg
meffic Peace, PuM;<k line;eft, public Libe.ty. j to pj0&Qr Hamilton behind the Rftbffi
the COitfiaeia'">n I< xg-s .'•—. Shall we not 'c,»..,„i ~.-a r» a ,"i - t e tr

, r* • vr u i ■ i' r 3 • cl.ool, and Jserweetl the I ou ts ot
make a liojjie ructt to check its J rogre)51— J ri-. ' v ..... ,__. , • . .

while yet it may he poflihle t»-tjunich the! \yV0¥$ y*?ms r-5Clr- anU i'ir- achultz
fUmcs, let us carefully remote whatever irfhall i J'-v-0 ,.er.

be found can fete! them. 'For'my pait, I hold it j JOHtST AND'RF.V/f! r.;kcs this On-
incumbent on every Man ro.do his mmo!t to : port unity of feturnincc his ref^ectfu'I
1V-P an-Fvib that is a reproach touu asa-Na- i thanks to the Lndicr,Tand Genrlenierr,

who haVe honored \vm with their Com-
mands', ap.d hopes for t::e Continuance


tion •— Stiliits eur-nin:e«—and mtiix, if hot
remedied, be our Defrractron; .

It is with this'view 1 ihzl! rndeavcnr to ey-
0'»f'-'thofe Caufes,which Ithink le«i ro the fufii

o! Fentate Virtues- I value net thrppprobati- | " 'GUTHRIE and• WOftDfE.
.^wyn , . ■„ O'n or CeiMttre or any cut the Vv otthv part tf : „,-. ■ ,, , ,. - ...

- % *U many are the imperfect testis thit a*"- ! ;s . , . » • f. . v 1 HE ASvlL tilts ir.es nod of Acnuafnttfv*

k . , .{ , , £. „, ■• .. i th«: vommdnrty, ana j hope the motive by 1 -1 ...... , , iu'"u. s

kj tend rh? Lois of V ntue in women, . , , T ,.' , . . .;, .... -P- ■ X the PubliQ: t'vrr r ;»<-v •v.tr.A niut

■ „7m . l.jWlI-'m.i'i *__••« f„ ,.,.,..,1. .. „ ; which I iin *ttt>ateu, win, in tneir eftimandn, i rr.l*>» 1""L l'k.' tnitna (|u«t-


, crt:pt ..

. , , . has become a Tyrant — and a hove f.ll, that > flt7 ^ etilpoie 01 -cgairt,——Anv perlon

Hence it is, he aJ^s, that ihc {- bage Le- Lo -., ■ c . , r A te < ■ i-^K-.j 'JL : , f h r.

».£ .* 2 ,, ' . . fr; inameiu! Scandeioos Luftom of employmft ! i.jCi(.»ea to enter into that way of Bufi-
. ^ arnlatws of repsto bean ftates, have always ,f ... . . . v„ ,- . , ,. , -y . , ,

•k • j s\xt ■ ' 1 •/■-. • Men-miowtves— which our Women, ww. , nejfi m?.V now fuit themleiVf"' >v rb fr*

*• required ot Women, a particular trravtry ; . . . •. "** /r. j « *s V . . ' • . l"v,l'll">- 4 JFU

/ n' t-i v without any Neeeflitv, Modcny, Deitcseyi >. or verv nerd {-v-m-pc --vl -3 j

' of M.T.ners. Tnev hav«'profc*ibcd, not . - n ,,-■*.' ■ ..j , -' • u* yv/ g°yH liXcuiey, ana a toieratxre

it,- . . , ' •» r ' c -Al Decencv — or Kejpctr to tne opm:on of Man- . ■~>y~+n,„„r „•.* <t, , i„

' onlv vice, but the veiv A^p-arancc of it , .■ , ■ ■ , , r * rrer , • . ; SllOltment Ol licods.

•*4 <• * »t • o <i it . . -n i . Ktaii with the Sreateft fenn.ntcry, gnd imeu-

*' from then Republics. Have b^fitihed even ' , ' , S 7 \' ■ r ■ ■ 1 'V „, „ ^ „ ii

x« 1 - f- dentx, adopt fo far from beirc furpriz'd at the " <> be SOT r\

" ' ail commetce <.r Lrallantrv—a commerce t , , , ... , . • ■ < . r■ .V i"

*. . , * j, r A . . ' v : number nr women, who utn.'v ere oetrcted del- 1 a o-f-V /•'•''<*--.> „ 1 <- n ■

fc< that produce* Jdienef'-'-that renaers tne . -. rr. , , • . .. . /•» opot Oi vjaiurn Qrouiier, CoOltUililff

... tit ' . . t .. ntute of virtue.-— 1 am uirprjfeta themnn* PA '■ „. , ° , . ^
* Wom.m corrupters before tuev a,e corrup- ^ ^ fa- , JT X or one oiiggah and to.tr l;Ottahs

ted—that gives a/alue to « nSes, anu Be- 7 • ,• 5 near Couev-core tVleafaniv fttuated on

-hales things of Importance." _ ^ _ khe Danks ol'the Ga:.fe< 'with Sood

1 he very worft Governments have P».id at- j A L L V F. R S O N S. 1'Carriaoe Road,

tfntion to the conduct of Warned Women. v yavimp , -i • vs t- - ! t ■ ~ ■ r ■ ■ ,

%i , a t> • r a ' a " < - T SAVING any .Claims* or Demands, on! ror particulars bfeafe to en<s«:re of

•onder the R::cr.s of A n-ruflus- j—ano fven or B—a „. t^i . vv. T .■ , V. : » „ . , rni

>r., . u ki ■ ' % ,,-fl , 1 . E 8 tne tlTste ot l\1r. Jo cph Cooper De- > Mr Hit V Y *r *v PrinitmVr c-.c • :.,

1 therms, Penalties ivcrc ir.tli-r.ed on adnltref- — o , ■ 1 A 1 J-----— x 1,1 mmmg t-mct 111

jg. v I • r i 1 e r e • ■ cealecf, arc rrquefled to fend an arcottnt *>f 1 tU"!m,Ha pTii„, ;......

4T-.s. Yet in hnnanq—bo far from navinje ix- r. i> r .f „ cu fc Iv?dv*.P?^ar, at Calcutta

, c - , 3 o ./»• f *v 6 ti'.cm to iv:i. James J'refeof, one of the Exc----~-—•.•.■.■■« nil*. im.VcJ^. _ ._____

?j if countenanced therroBigacy *or our W«>men « .Ai r . ,• v . ,. . ,1 .tt-e ovvi-f • - • •■--—

rr „. , .« , X. , cut..is nn it before the ftrft W A tier > nsxr, 1..' b.brs. SI ARK ana kGivr b i -,t .v

tirraihicn, the le^iflature fumtrs it in be en- A u u r • . , «; L. , •, ,-•„ • * ,,,,,, x v">'"' • '•^j'v,

1 . , and all rerfons inidfthted to the faid r.rrate, are A ff! IA] \ the RtihS?>;i,v^o

■« curatcd. .! hou^h J divorces aw fo*commom, r. . ,-, v.i-e 1 • • r - ■■ i'i ^..vv^w/iiw a tne ouo*crioers tpl

. j t \ i n r u 1 . ..' r<.« e.cftco to J)ifcha»m.-i tuetr refpcct.Ve l^ebis . .A"* tu. r olv;,, n

tena In manv Ad 11 It relies have -been married uv ' 1 1 • *■ *- toe i_.oirt.iy j«r ti_e fclarmumc

it . xx 1 • r r. . . ■ '• •- V ' WitDOUt UClav. t 7 r .. ' ... . «

*heir- jJebauohers—rarhamtnt nave, nr.t vet j ' •__________ _ • .tioo-t?; .v/as tirav/ii rh;s Momma, and the

Va-iwl a haw prohibiting the Man :;nre cfrhc ! AIT t> '&%£ oH ' " I Prize cai:ie up to N6. '148.--—

|W«ltreft? with tb* man for fehom ftiS has t % g A' T " y^' d- tI,c The Proprietors of the followintv n;;rv

tieen divorced I 1 bus a ocor has been fuiteied \\f ■ Memanus on v«e t . - - , , . - .

in remain c*en, for admittint: hil^un; s to VV . Ettate of Mr. fames Furze Dei i cers bei!!S entitled to navc rhe:r inbicnp-
p*y their trfifiiiial address to'Marric'd "Wo- ceaied, are requeued to fend an f.ccount v'iy'\l?°™y ^3l<* arc reatteftetl to draw
inp^ ond-'r ih* pretence of Love, and a ....fire of j them to Mr. Francis BalldiyortO on ^^''^^^ly^i^^l^
<6f being united to them by Marriage. TU0' ft/fr Wi!Ti-im c;-- -, - i'.'v,.r..mrt ..nJ nl1 "mount -
1 ftej may hey* no Intention to Many the ,Vo- • f ' ■• jM(kbted t0 rhc faid gftatc are \ (->™ t:3"=« S^Ki

.nen they hnd abandoned------they arc,notwnh t> , -..... , . r, ... 1 »=_.: 2_^^S

lrah.ditjg formflved with plaufi'b 1 e.excuses for f^q^ed to Difcharge thfrr Refpeftive j = <%l^>

t->i'-At P'rc!e_5cr.9 of Regard, for which other- i ^*bt.s. without Delay. ...... - „ r/i-V>

>yife they could have no pretence. ! ' , ,A"~~A'"V- : ~

m , , , n 1 ; for -aieov r» Msc'lrityrei the toiiow-

• I he-more ditlo.iitc-the wanner of a People ; . ; ■' , „ » "A , , _

*'re; the woW eafilv u.ev a e corrupted, and j 1Ro Gftods the mo.C realotiaoie tern-. ; 1 &i, E- |
t.^f!ave.l--is it not. then, the Duty of every • ¥_| i'' S O N Feu in Cficfts BpKeS and ! ] 42i E~ g>
Ifoneft Man to d<jhi- ittropft to get a j.aw,£«?' ( Jj[ J[ double Catty cajihiilcrs^ Sptichoho;! _:; «"~TT =-„ _— 5
ieicd, rrndcrijig it impofiiule for an a-hthref. 1 Tea in different Packages, Sugar Csn-
fo be "married to the Man who has been the j c)y jn Jar-oe Ttibs^ Loxfoy^ Candied O-
tiufe of her Divorce?—The nature of M"a.n v>«_;n CmK^n;j,i„ii 1

• „ . . r xi7 . , ranges, i 1.1 in «na r.niDroioerea i .tite- . , — m 1 1 ^
1 ,u!f cfeanoe, before Women ceaie to ihflu- -

. nee their rnaimert. .The more abardoned cur

VVcmcft are—7'he mt.re uhprbicipied will fee

4'Hr men. If Women were virtuous, Men

*'ould not he templed to violate Frvieiui{hij —

HHi break thr'.-in''n ns'v Tic tb-t^.oUi'l br

field ftcred. The want <'f virtoe in Vv ••men,

fender* them hegletSfttl of their Htrfband s !h-

-^refls, and by r^.ifin.. their Fortunes, throws

bitn at the feet of Mini fie; s. ft poifons lhe

Kouife of D'inicJiieL- Kappinrl-, and (hives

J.'ufb^nds fi>,m iht-ir Jloules to (Ltt R.'i'f in

)>iflip.ition, ant! in coftf^vuhicathig'thxti *V.iii.

I nt« int.) th- Kntif'rs «f tlu ir Aeouabii •> ec

ftring, Plain and Striped Sattirir, Dimity j ""'^ *' =~ _:
Sinfhatv and corded Silk, Pee'ong, Mode j
Tiffany, Ganzej Gau?.e Handkerchiefs, |
Cat Gut, Ribbontis, Plain and Ern__i*d_-
dtiV y^rt'. and Slippers.

Er.edifh Claret-, Cherry Brandy, Vi-
Iiegat Sauces^ Mams,. Pickled Tongues,
Lififeed Oil, Glafs ware,- Silver Buck-
les, Silk and Leather fiword Eelrs, 1 latts

d Silk Stockinp's, Books, with frreat

variety cf other China and Europe g>
Co.ifideralile Alh.wancc will be fnasie

1 h.ch n_s iiiar.t- in.! ir t.wn, h_i.'ftt!. 1 hu\ t ^ .x . V. uVb • 1 £ .

_.."••»■ ....... . ' , ,., ,• • to Dealerstnat fctiv a Quantity : and ror

«;uir.es Sir. i.c. h bv < in ui.i.on. In the v tuds ' P« convenience ot tfiofe of his Cullom-'

*t M.t)Dtefqy.4tt',' it rmders tl.e WYh,, „ C(.r. crs tluit may ret chnote to El y whole hint t./ rw D |
♦fpters before tb-.y are tormpi..!, It li..<K to Peices, l ie v/ill iell Silks and C ' ~ ^

-•hii—_i- am_..iK_j.:i»i—

€"ALC,5?T / A r.imtu by }.. A. i-ICKY, /"»y7 and late Frik-tkr to the Leg



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