Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 28.1781

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. tonlhmd <rm cur ti cm to sfForcl going for a winter.or two, to for particulars pkafc fo c-r quire of

.__„„ A ' • J '-Q. . . fbrt>e trretrt town arc the moft improper, M afl . 'Kfr KICKY at his Print jr<* Off ce an

J^OES fhe not then 1 ve-more for the _ ^omfn> tQ havcti,eir heads turtu-d topfftur- '

vv, with I.leas of eicpcrices (hew ouffide—and
their mincls rendered unfit to-Ke pared with
Mtn, whofe fortunes wilj nc• t bear to have

World,' than tor her hufpand ? and
f!:<is proper'? Is ft compatible w:th donieflic
1-iappincis?---- fiis wh. great c-ft pleafitre

fh<5»U1 cor.fil'r in rend rut: herl'elf apreeahif j Thcir'*Foufcs turned iitftde out, for want of

•to her hufband—it: rni'k'ug his home more
entertaining and plcafmg to him, than
/feciies of Diflipation, where nothing is heard
hut nonfenfe, and unmeaning compliment —
becomes i nil iff. rent whether he approves* or
cenfure is pleafetl; or difeontented—and lea-
ving him to enfcrta:n hitnfelf in the b ft man-
ner he can, flies abroad to be approved—by a
Crowd ! — I cannot bear to fee a Woman of
fafhion fit down to an harpfitlioid at a public
conceit, and hear her clapped hy ft rangers on

ceconomy, and of that attention t^-jtheir In
terefts, which it is ncceflary for wives to pay,
If a man whofe Income, with ceconomy, is
("ufHciemf to enable him to iupport h;s family
fhould notwitWhnding find himfelf id danger
of a Goal, through Ins Wife's extravagenc*
and Inattention, wo'ujtd[ be beconfoled in his
difrrefc, by feeing her run her fingers, in good
time and tune, over a number of black and
white pieces of wood, fafier than his eyes can
follow them ? I fhvuUl fancy not, especially

tfnifoing lierjune--as iHhc were a common j jf ,Je r,.C(l]1,ar(1 that his aiftrefe arofe from

/rtifician. To lay no vvorfe, it throws her off
fhat level, on vvhicii it is her thity to movf,
and afte. all—for what excellence has fhe beeit
applauded ? file has been clapped, and extolled,
Kcaufe. She happens to have the ufe of her
.Fingers, and a };ootl ear.—In the excellence
on which fitc fo much val.lu.es herfelf and for
v/hich fhe has made fuch a fsciifice of time, and
mental qtialifits fhe is at leaft equalled, if not

/uipafied, in every theatre in London 1-

In the tnldft of her applaufes* I cannot help
feeling a ferret regret that fhe ever learned a
!. , If to ftng—to plav i n the harpfi-

iphpfdfihfly-to Dance and fpeak Italian

j? to be highly accomplt&ed---it follows

that, the public fingers-arid female tea-
chers of mufic, are—are what ?-the

jnoft aecomplifhcd Women in engLnd.

And french, too, of wh".t ufe to our Wn-
jDten; is f en eh ? all ranks of People, even
our very Tradcfmens daughters, muft now for
footh be fent to Boarding fehxjols to learn
French &c. as if there were no doing without
ft!—-To gentlemen iu ;e-d, french is a verv
rteci.fiarv branch of education but except to
thofe of onr Women, who are to move i n the
very firft circle of the Court, it probably will
ihe of no other ufe than to enable them to read
Irrentb Noyeb, that had much better have re-
mained uiiintcll'.igibje* Andeven with refpeel
to our Ladies of'the fi.ii circ'r, I fee no ieafon
•why tt is any mote incumber r en them to leaf'n
french, in order to convrfe with foreigners of
fafhion, who vifit our Court, than it was on
thofe Foreigners, to IcaiH englifh, to convert
•with our Ladies, and if the motive of under,
iftanding cur Women, has not had lufficient
Weight with foreign Gentlemen, I tthink it
might have as little with 61*- Ladies of the firft
r a rile. I hive (aid thus much of French be-
caufc the learning it, is pleaded as one of
the-motives for a Boarding-School education. I
Tiave argujd again*! mufic too, tor the fame
reafoi-i, I would not he uv> '■'■:< itood, however,
to mean that yiourit; Ladies fjiould not be taught
theft little accompliilii-tieiiis, but I infift that
nothing can he moie a'ofurd th.ii to fee fheiil
made fo much the cfi'iiitiais of education, as to
have thofe qualifications which really are
elientia!, negiecteJ to attain them let Hiufic,
Ii.nicing, Fiene'n, and drawing, be taught,
V>tit let than be taught at home. I would
afjc a'nV advocate for a Boarding School, what
js the motive for femiitjg my' Child there ? I-.
it berautc there :s a goaU mufic matter f I wil'
fend for him to riiy houle, fines though I pay
}j;oi ten tim< s more for i'.,m\ daughter has fir:\
times the advantage, by his attention bctn_r
confined to her, which othfrwife Would be dc-
VtScir] among lief companions. Is there a good
dancing nv-lttr, drawing mailer, &c; there i I
make the (tfn'e cnfwir, "If their f'amiiies* air
at tx» ;;reat di-i m:; f- >':n th is m titerlet t.lii-
parren's, or Ft lends go to fome l.ir^e t«wi
where they can he px.cured. The impofiti- n
in Boatdtng School bills are f> many. Hod th
expences (<> great, that whoever can afford t
fend a chiU to one of thofe-abominable pc
Uoufes Sinks of pollution Graves of al
goo..Inef-, ce.n afford to change his habitatiel
for a winter or two-and if be, cannot


having paid more attention to thofe pieces ot
wood, th»n to his Guineas !—and even though
We grant that he can afford her extravagance,
and Inattention, yet mufic, upon mufic, will
not always do. 1 am as fond tff mufic as any
man i'hould be, and have a very good car,
but harmony though very agreeable now an 1
then, to the ear, will not make up for the
want of an harmonized, and poliftied mind, a
a man of fenfe requires in a Wife, fomething
more fubliantial than the triffng qualifications
i hat are attained at a Boarding-School. To
be educated for him, more attention fhould be
paid to her underilanding, than her fingers—to
her mind, than her Body. Her Body fhould
not be negledtetl, that care fhould be taken
that fhe fhould oMerveTthat the chi f attention
of her friends, was paid to her principles, and
mental endowments, a Jult fenfe of the duty,
and of the relation ii) wfitch fne ftands to him,
f<.rms i.v foundation on which every th rig


To he Continued,

W H E R E A S.
rpHE Widow of Sellah abdee
_J Mahoiiied khan did in the Ben-
p-aTycar : 186 Mortgage to Kifhcnram
Bj:c Inhabitant, yf Calcutta one houie
&c. in the Town of Hcughly and
enc Ho«fe &c. in the Town of Chi-
niurah ai d Sundry other-tenements
Kouf s Gardens &e. for the fttm cf
Sicca Rupees ci,ooo-and whereas th:
laid Kifhenran? Bole was then intro-
duced into and {lid Continues in
Po3ciuon of the laid h<xufes-tene-
ments &c. Nov/ the Said Koihenram
Boie is willing1 to make over and
dilrofe of his xVit-r.grgi on the f id
houfes tenements 'See. any pei(bn
wid ng to pay dt.wn the money ma
be fuliy acquainted with the Fartie-
ulirs by enqur.ng • of jM-tvldun
G >paul" Bcfe in the Saan Bazar CaLutt-a
or Tog Mohan Roy at Hu'-hly.


It .yf R. Stillas V/atch arid Cleck-
iVi maker, and late AfliiUnt to Mr
Guthrie in the Kadda Baazar. Begs
leave to acquaint the Ladies and G»-n-
ilemcn cf the 'Settlement th.r.t Me has
taken a i iot.le in the 1 .ell liaazar ncxi
door io Mr. Tirrefta, where He repairs
and Cleans, ail kind, of Clocks ar.d
W ate In s.

the K adda B.:azar, at Ca 1 cutta.
iCliN ANDREWS RdpeaVuiiy
v l egs leave to Inloim the Ladies ami
Gentlemen of the Settlement, that the-
Circulating Library kept hitherto in the
Old Fort, is removed to a Cool and
Commodious Houfe formerly belong'nq-
to Docdor Hamilton behind the Riding
School, and Between the Houfes of
George Livius Efqr. and Mr. Schultz

JOHN ANDREWS takes this Op-
portunity of returning his reipccbul
thanks to the Ladier, and Gentlemen,
who have honored him with their Com-
mands, and hopes for the Continuance

of their favors.-•

for cale by P. Mac'In tyre, the follow-
ing Goods on the moft reafonable terms.
TJ Y S O N Tea in Chefts Boxes and
jL A. double Catty cannifters, Souchong
Tea in different Packages, Sugar Can-
ay in large Tubs, Loxfoy, Candied O-
ranges, Plain and Embroidered Lute-
ll ring, Plain And Striped Sattin, Dimity;
Sinfliaw and corded Silk, Peelong, Mode
Tiffany, Gauze, Gauze Handkerchiefs,
Cat Gut, Ribbands, Plain and Embrot-
der'd Shtcs ar.d Slippers.

Englifii Claret-, Cherry Brandy, Vi-
negar Sauces, Hams, Pickled Tongues,
Linhed Oil, Giafs ware, Silver Buck-
les, Silk and Leather Sword Belts, Hates
and Silk Stockings, Books, with -great
variety pf other China ar.d Euicpc ooods,

Ccnffderable Allowance will be made,
to Dealers that Buy a Qiianrity : and for
the ctinvenier.ee of thofe of Ids Cull oth-
ers that may not" chopfe to Buy whole
Peices, He will fell Silks and Gauzes hy
the Yard, and iikewile Hyfon and SoU-
chong Tea by the Seer.

ij^>^N Friday Night the 6th of ju-

\B ly ]'d1 from t-hp hr ■>■>'" rif Mr


To be S O L D.
Spot of Gniden ground, CcHfifling
cf one Bitmah ar.d four Cottuhs

white J;
(he onl]
and has[_
Lei h:nf
bring h.ev
Prii.t-r f-

of 5 Ccw°

XJ"AV i"
JL K. tliC= oj

cc.did, ai -

then, io AE-
cutois rr= co
and all P. E
rccp.a-fled E"
Willicut c E_t

Gnfhsh =_j
of fix K -
'< otue 1 ="
tine No'iE-
,f l-dh=-

. , i.e.r Coiicv-pcre pkalantly lituntyd on

I am fa e that voung ladies, viiof; ;u\rn-i<, ti c Bai 1 s 11 ii t p?, w.ih agi cu K ^

b-V;5 not i'uuic^i.t monirv in fmr, .....M 'Catriar.r Fo.-rl. 1 til) I •<••=■

CALCUTTA rrirtcd by J A .o7~~... .o ue










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