Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 29.1781

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Ccxhzea f;'-s;i it* Ujt, in?-, as that of the Children, Gmrerncf;, \iy\ % Stillas Watch and &locV

ti In i u ■ tr i 1 ■ s Millrcfs, to whom vouijt MiTs is to "Be fen't I f\/I --.,1 ia <-•.)'" \ ,s"

,nou:d ea ]y bc,a,^J on h:rnnnd b^mtatm,!, if a,?allott„feSch>,is, ™^», and late Affiitantto Mr.

5 that r.e is atvfsars present to her aidtasn*,-! r . mi • u ■ d .i

' . ■ . i ■ i/l , i •• :thc Miftrefs generally lives in her Parlour--

•amd ataawnted mth her thouahts, and -tms, , ■* ,, ,

.,, 3 /- ..... • and o«iv noes anion' tnj Boarders at rnrcicu-

will occafion th.it habitual a*-tcr.tio;i to h"5i
thoughts and actions, and reflect for


'il.Hirs at the D<w. I'kno* that in cineof .the

g-re.Uetl Scools itear Toarn, the .vliirefs -io;s
•cusner,without Which it is itnaomole tor anv , , , ■ •.^ i

•».. i ul i tjtv , n anion!!; her young Ladies but once a (Jay — I

a V omen .to rnake either a. jooJ Wife, of * irood . ,, , c 1 , ? . . . , f , -1 I

-tl. i • ; i r .,- nut before the takes her aiiingin her t^arna<re.

mother. I.he alm-ightv has f« formed our J„, . ... .. ,, ,» .... •»,

• i iv tv. i" i i- i ne young Ladies live al Uav together wit a

r.ia ,-,.;<• n- -r ' -a-, a Crovcinets or two—* and yet. mis IS the lire

"vey lubltantiai utisfaiiion, it unaccompanied 1 . - , . , ., J , ,

tfaConrCioasne6 of.his.Vpproba.ion,arndas : * k™h th»t.is to polift them, more than
thfc cannot poOibly be felt*hut by thofe I ll^"^"^f^1^!.1^'^

BaM'hc.i lu'.b, is too many m >thei s now a-J,ivs
prefer the company of their admirers to th.it or
their Children--- and would r.alHet degrade
then (elves in the Eyes even of their paramours,
than fulfill theif Duties t<> the Almightj, their
i luflv.nds, and their Childien !— _ ;

f laving lent Mifs olTfrom her boarding fc nool
where fhellas >n general exchanged any niodeif\,
... . Haftfuinrfs iar.ocane, and love i f truth, that

— k„ -,„..■.....;„.i ,i,.ti,i....., I (he caiticduiioit - Ipj ur. nc<---inl-i;hb'v for

tperfeel Acq-iaintahce >vi h V-cc) i turn for x-
traviganc, • ontemptol F ujaiity ami readinefs
of inventing faif -hoods, and Concealing tnrhs
for thi-s is , dnvr bjy t-j tight Ladies, bv fcaich.
iilg llYem for fruit, and Letters^ on tneir rtiui-
wi no; from Vifits, vvh'ch leads them to put any
Billets for the!r fnerids,.*r fruit within mcij
S'.a'.s, or other Concealments— thus preparing
them for nitttiufl from a i'einiuary, when
•he has Ninety times in an [JcnJrrd, b-en'fia'd
more lor a kept Ivliflrefs, cr a Bagnio, than a
r. tiona! Ccmpanioii^ an i Mpthh.r of a Family,
;<-t us now attend to the Wi»'ndj*ahd enquire
whether the bad properties Hie has contracted
or encourstjed at Scool, are likely to be remov-
ed, or refrrftined, by /hilling of the Scene.

* Thcfa Govcrntdles cannot be fit Compa-
nions for young Ladies — (to lay no work- —(
Since lew., if any of them, are Gentlewomen
and non of them aciuftoined to live with peo-
ple of Fafhon, fo how can they be capable b(
teaching Breeding! thev can teach Frenchjitfs

whole general courlc of actions art the refuJt
•of a religious mind, a Woman deilitute of re-
Sigion caffinot have fuch a relilii for the inno-
cent plcal'ures to be i'ound. at home, as will
lead her to .prefer it, to dfflipation, and
•ena'-'e her to be am*farm!y chearful and
atreealvleto the partner of her ret wed hours,
like a fiiip at fea, without c ither compafs 0r
^ udder, it is impomblc for her to keep in a pro-
per fcarl'c driven by every wind, th-.t blows
<lireertrd c nly by her appetites.and pafiions, how
can ftte hear i:p agnnft the '.1 >rm, or avoid be-
ing wrecked bv the temptatsons that furroand
Sier ? to pitpare her for the dangers fhc mu.ft en-
counter, {he (houldbe well acqininted with the

tfpedtarois-Kordi'ce's tiilcourfcs to voun;

iVromtn,Dr. Giegory's adcico to his daughter
iMrsi L hapones letteis to the impravycpeni
«f the mind, Guardians, Ramblers, A.dVjen-

tu'er-., Sec.-and if fee knows the Hirtorie

*>i Kngland, and of the Romans fo hiuch th
-■beite''. This kind of reading, will inform., an.'
polifh ber mind, at the fame rime ihat it wili
guard her heart. She filotild be wc 11 informed j
3n all domellic concerns, foias to be able tc .
aflift her mother in the infpection afl I dircdlicn
•«f the famil'j. A novel (houid never enter the'
Doors, />-y.cept inly Julia Ma-odeviHa arid
Fieldiitgs wjikr j for they »ive wtouig turns

of thi-nkin/ii-Iradt yottus m wds to form 1

.phfurd-1 te;;s of C'nara£ltr, to expecb to mr e;

b.Uthfie in the Raclda Baazar. Begs
leave to ac<]uaint the Ladies and Gtn-
■ lcnicn of the Settlement that He has
taken a Hflfufc in the l.oll Baazar- next
door to Mr. Tinertn, where He repairs
and Cleans all kind, of Clocks and-

3n nncallv, in o.iJerto Copy the painting th:u
is drav/n cat of nature, i-jid which ab >u:>d
in everv nevei I ever read, except tile" above,
and perhaps one or two othirs, that I may for-
gct, add to thi<, novels are in!! of warm i!e-
fcriptions, run entirely on the lubjech of lovje
convey ve'y )<>ofo Idca^ an 1 reprclent vicious
Ch.iracler% in a light, tliat fo far conceals their
enormity as to prevent their di'gultina; as thev
ought to do. Young female minds nibuld he
eireftiUy attended to, they need no incentives,
the temper, and difpofitiofi liiould be watched
iron trie Cradle, and corrected, where necef-
izry. Thus educated, a young - Woman is
fo'tntu 'to.be her huib-nu's raiion-1 friend, and
*j'tcftitnmg companion. —endened to him,

To he' SO LI).

ASpot of Garden ground, Confiiring
of one.fiiggah and tour Cottahs
near Cof/ey-pore pleaiantly fituated on
the Banks of the Ganges, with ageod
Carriage Roatl.

lu;r particulars pleafe to ercuive of
Mr. FilCKY at his Ifrintfr'o Cffice in
tf;e Radda Baazar, at Caici.tta.

P A T N A. ,
JOHN LIVFSAY, Carpenter,

I> LG£l leave to inform the Gentlemen
J of the Settlement, and riie Public
that le has provided hiroi'elf with a
great variety, of Timber, of the- choice ft
fort calculated for ftirnjtute and Ccach-
tnzking, Has likev.-i'.e purcticicd an
extenli.ve piece rf Ground lur the Con-
venien'eof iiis bufificfe, and hopes the
Gentlemen of the Settlement -will favor:
bimwith th&ir future I onnnands he will
with the- utmoic care and attention en-
deavour to merit their favors, and give
general fktisfaflion to his employers.

i ?:h Auouit.

ti ue perhaps, wor* but thev cannot l.'nm man . _ , ,

nets of which they (themfelvcS are Ignor.mi. 1 .JtL iUah.O^ed khan Ottt in tllV


5 ^HE Widow of Sclhh abde<*
lyiahcirned khan did in t
now fpoak of ihofe wh i are fciiglifli with rcfpeift oalvear j i So Mo:'tG'a'vc to K'fhenri
to the French Goveineflcs-they are Slid worle, ^ I!;habit:Ul t of CailuW on>'lv>M
rer, of tlicm, we can know no more man that . l, ' <-n ^ l "

inev have a «ood ad.drtis, and can teach Fanch, 111 tnc i OV/Il or Hoilghly artij

elfe tiiey are known to be j one Houfe etc. in flse Tv.AVn of Chi-

aiul wlut ever

rjuauftcd to Convey a knowledge of, what they
wei e in France, muft remain unknown. Hew
can we kiv w but that.they were profh'tutis
Are fuch Women propsi Governeiles foi cut
Daughtfers? wliat can be expetled but ih?.t
the Plipil.-. tinn out in Life, conformable to
il.c initrudtions of inch ir ft: uclors.

'To be continued

nfuraii a1 d Sundryodier-tenehients
Houies Gardens &cc. lor 'he ditm ( i
Sicca Rupees ci ooo-and v hercas the
faid'Ki&enran? Pofewas then intro-


i rs

sit the fame tijrte that fhe i« the pendent diredt-
c.r of his family, and Guaidian of his d'omeftic

Xhefe are the effcntiaU that liiould beattcn.-
•fled to in titanic education. Every thing die
*h-'u'd be viewed, or.lv as fecondary objects.
But in (he prefent mode of female education

For Sale by P. Mac'Intyre, the follow- j ^ ™ | _
ino Goods on the molt reafonable terms.

iifppfe c
be.fuliy E
l) his b -

T.T Y S O N Tea in Chills Boxes and
2 J_ double Catty cannifters, Souchbrig
Xe.t in diffctent Packages, Sugar Can-
ity in large Tubs, Loxloy, Candied 0*

*vhai'oujjrht to be onl7fecoiriary"obj^ilV'are j iangts) P^in and Embroidered Lute-

nude cfk'ntiids, and the r ff.nti.ds arcncglecjed. (bring, Plain and Striped Sattin, Dimity j or Jag Ivj -

Who can wonder that our iVomen are fuch Sinfhaw and cordetl Silk, Peelong, Mode

giddy Ateted up dcils, without Solidity, Tiffany, Gauze, Gauze Handkerchiefs,

w„(kmU piincipJe ? a SooddiJpofiti-n, natural Cat Gut, Ribbonds, Plain and Erobrob

undeiitanJing, and having worthy pkrents jf,..j n,., . .„„j „.,

«nay, and I dar< lav frequentJy tloes, act the LU d °-US di,d f:W'

Ix tterof every difar!vantage refulting from a | Englifii Clat'etf Cherry Brandy, vi-
ionabic education mid may. r.fifi the dange- L nesar Sauces, 1 lams, pickled Xo'igues,

uus cti'ccls »l bad examples, but I fhouhi bard-
ly conceive thit parents would rhulb to lend
their children into a houfe, vviieic r.umbtrs
?ie ill t>{ the Pei'tilence, on the preftiniptioif,
that beciiuie tht.--. havi.i found Bbdtvfj are good
nfUtuii ns there is a pofebduy tliat the)
rnz-y efcape the crmtajjioni

But it may be (aid, tItrtC Girls rj" t" boarc-

Linlced Gil, Glafs ware, Silver buck-
les, Siik and Leather Sword Belts, Hatts
and Silk Stoekinos, i.eoks, with great
var ety of ether China and Euroj e goods.

Conftderable Allowance will be made
fo Dealers that Buy, a .Quantity : and for
the convenience of. thofe of his Ctil'tom-


fn^-hchco-s to *)<arn rcod breeding, as wcil i

hMiti French, D.au.,,,, Dancing&c. " Pa- j tliat may not chc-oie to Buy who
ions, and the Ccmp-ny whith Vffits them, 1 ibices, ric wdl it-Ii onks and Gauzes b>
p.flphe very iib-ticd i,iopley ind*td, if tRe'rf the Yard, and likcudfc ilyion-and Sou- Artit
h' c;,cty he net at hvf) is ii fhucfivr, j oMh- c horg l"ca by the Seer.

CALL L I Tr. . r...'teu bv j. A. i.+^u i, > '■{,'> and lalfc i k*i> is.u tc th-

Tt -


Clarret. '=-
Shs-i.b, Oej^
and i.ifei =_
Looking 5^
and Steel -
mounted EE"
d<s Viobi|^
ments, M=.
every In it" = ^
Books forl_
at a Mc EE
be ft i'aUiEE-


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