Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 31.1781

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leutta General AdVer'tifer.

\ A iVeekly Political and Commercial Paper, Open to all Parties, but vtf.uenced by. None,

83 ' From'. Saturday. AJOgtift the . 18th to. Saturday Aiiguft 25th .1781.■ [\*o. ■ XXTI]

T9 ell Geitfmen Seafmn, mi Lads of En- pathetically 'obferves; but not more fo Extra St of News from a Europe p'au-

terprize;.. end true fpirh. * -:* ' • ' ' 1

TI 7"HO are ambitious of making Un
VV honorable Independence by the
Plunder of the'Ehemies of their Country,
j The DEATH or GLORY Privateer

' a Prime failing Vefiel commanded by be'even permitted to aproach the i'ufi'.hinc, .iniPs ^•S-oa.ccafd Xlico ncl caeR
JAMES BRACEY mounting 22 fix . of her Infpiring Beauty.— fahitha Tickle- J> '<>} • 1 aajourwjhto c m-s-ovcr to ex-
} ounders, 1 2 Cohorns and- twenty Swi- j takes her leaye offcape-Gcat Djtrgee with Libit .complaints .aga.s.ft fo e of the
yels and carrying one hundred and j a Poetical Impromtu, which is now it) CLmpary s S.-ryants., fCr t-he c^r not
twenty Men. —— -will leave Calcutta ."much the'Ton. ., | j Corrdud th y have.perilled, in fkpM

I in a few days on a .fix Months cruifca- |Wheri nature four-gee's clay was blending to \..'l5 fa '-^,-'s « j.pi-,t"- nid th<-0'"s
gainli the Dutch, French, and Span- . Not knowing what the thing Would end in j a — ' m£t*V tfeM& d promts

L jao'.s. ! Wfrcther a hemale or a:male " - ;iz , - , .....V? c . 1 .

! The bext Treatment and' Encourage- A Pin drout in and turned the Scale.. \ W^^&^W: f!* L°rd 1 ^° 8
mcnt will beaiven. •••• Mr^TlNTEli : ■

e * _ "T"^' "" „ ' , ' it 1 OUR Ingenious Coffepore Cor re f-

► A LAD2 s Compliments to Mr, Ihcky and £ pnjdcpt having omitted to. fix any

fignature at the end of his ' Letter, • -1 beg
leave to fupply his defect bv

hegs his immediate infer ticn-ofthe enelo-

fe*$r£r w ' A ! i Ja! ha my dear Hic.<y, \ as j hu;1' b]y Cx;n,c;ve ^ftf §fi
M g cab any thing be halt lb ] anc^r thc purpofeof properJy defenbin,-

*j H g remcudous ! Uh Oil ! I j his cxaft drift and n ea. ing-namciv

.. {hall expire. Iim half dead.
Vv hata thought!-That in-

L fi • i 15.6a ft of the Epicene '-'gender,

*Pigan-; D : -gee, fancying tlie whole Town
jealous of his Pracw/j.and figure — Ha!
ha! ha ! I fnaU abfolutely-expire.—- ..Ye
Gods! it is enough to mzke.p/d- Saturn
fntrie. —- What an Idea! The Haughty
clc.' irted Ic-wius uncafy at thc'lloverings
-}f Pigibpty Durgey! nothing' in' my op*
iaibn is wanting to render the;charge: ot
t•>.:•. amourous Dung Fly compleafly c'ofi-
tempiiBie But the following Card,, which
[has a fair claim to your infertian Mr.

ure<-, and may not prove unamu Sng
to the elegant foe if ties abounding in Ca!-,
carta.-- i cannot help, as a woman, com-
menting upon the extiemc unworthinefs
or* Dargey's difcovery of t'aeSccrets of the
Arcanum, which until this 'moment, my-
felf and the Town, were ignorant of.-but
as I expect nothing manly ox upright from
this thins:. I fhall for the pkeferit tor bear
•making any further remarks on fuch a
piece of unparalklled nieanejs and Trea-
chery. Tabitha TicivLi:.

Tabllha Tickle prcfents her Compli-
ments to Scape-Goat Dnrgee, is forry his

r.reack,sRV' arid ' Dkce'it. The' Fox-
Mr. H1CKY, 'you Know' is traced out
by his finking Tail, and fcurllous .Writers
may be "found, out by the peculiarity of
their diction who then do you think is.the
Author bf that -Vile production,—which
is much.fitter for the executioners lajli
than: the critics !—Why' to (aye you the
trouble of gutfilhg I will tell, yo.u Apoor
Durgey who in taking mcafur,e \ of feme
of his belt Gt:f:cmerscarhe to the know-
ledge of a few of their iee'rets and has
been'fb unprincipled as to pubhQi them to
the World,—Indeed it is impofilble to

.De tli.- By. the fanxe accounts we arc
told, that the Eaiid^diamen -were in-
lornicd of the intetided.H^ft.Liies a-
jgain"^ :Iic:..pu,,.ch,::.bt{ore. they, -hid
reached . the.. Caps v f Good Hope,
shd that the general belief vvas, t!i .t
c;ur . Company^ forces had received
fuhieient tiotiee olvit. ■.■„•

On-the hapfineff oftiot fore-knowing -what

■-^•'■■v may "befall us -
X-J 71 SEEY -llat-h "fate ;to man denied
y V , .That- all his .wants . Ihouid oe
,.; ; Tip, led, .
Could i.e.his every-v/ifn enjoy^
iruitiqn would the end dciaoy.
"Of wealth, of ibite of power poifefi;
'Difgui'L' would leize the"fated bread,
:T-he mind afecne ofiumul't made,
■ Would ficken i;t the lau parade. -
i:hen reri-n.'eor.'t'in.t whate'er your lot,-
liuorove rhc-bieJliTTg's you have'got

read his hut Letter without horror—-The Let reafon---Vb:D^e—W-hii -you preiide.

di'gree of rancour, fpleen, - envy - and
falfehood -that pel vades the whole of it
could only be'Conceived by .a Durgey
What poetic fiction only had—penned
for. the breait of a cruel African he has
realized and transcribed from his oz

So fha'd your wants-be-all fuppiy'd.

iTe ,c T'n. o: f''E. "

N the. Year'1664,5" The.Engliih and
Dutch covered 'the Seas" With more
than ?oo Ship's- of War, at which time

To Young Sly Boots.

Ani..aftoni:hed that fo good ^ .Poet'.as
you, in the, bengal Gazette pro-
fkitthh Vanity, fliouhl fo far o'er-leap ! ved your fe!f to be, fliould have fo little
the bounds of modefty and common fenle j of the'diftinguifhing faculty as to Tup-
as to make him imagine that his hover- pole Idea Georg.-, the Author of thofc
im or Fluilp-ings could.pofiibly occafi- j entertaining, and well penned producti-
on a moments"refenlment in any perfons '■ ons, which have fo terribly galled the

In the kno-u-e of 7 «g K « He fo-ed Lo'Jls thc >IIVth had 0ill> 15 CJ,10

' Vcdfels in the'MeCtrtcrraman to keep.the

Corfairs in •order, and when the Dutch

urged- him to join his .rlect to theirs, he

eooid from the. Harhour^of Brett tu'rnifli

them-with only one. Vefiel, and that a

Fire, fiiip..— What a'.Change!' _

He hated and defpifed." : •'


From the St james'S. CHRONICLE.
" S I R, '.';...' '"'
A S 'the late 'Mr.'Garick's Works are
jf"^ faid t6'bi:'collecfing for'Publicad-
on, it may bemfeful to the Editor, and
not difagreeabie- to your Readers,, to be

brcjft, Poor Scapegoat properly ob- ; Co;nn?unity.-—ln my-humble""Opinion, a reminded of the following Lintrs, which
ferves' in his Letter'i'rom Coffepore that perfon may .be known, by his flyle .aln,.oIt d'ippearcdi in- your Poet's ■ Corner, March
he is, an innocent victim but it mult be as v;cil as by hh-.Featuresx.. ;. ;6, ^.761. :;.:-:;,ri . ■_ '

t)id that it is only the Victim of its own ! Who but muft laugh if fuch a Man Sent to-.a Ncblcnaii, wso afied Mr.- Oar-
frivolous puppyifms and inordinate/^ the-e pe'. . -,. ■ ^ rick if he did iitfiMend being in Paria*

ec-cc'-t— Molt unmercifullv indeed has Who really thinks that Titus . fnoukl merit.. ■ ^ _ . .

C'aitigator handled him, as' fcape-Goat be he t " No Dupe; j MORE than feolftcHt with what my