Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 39.1781

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0 R '1- H E ■ O 11 I GJ N A L

f4 f f ii if- f^-'-ri P1 v o 1 A f! \T f* v t i :1 P t4

^ Weekh Po

Hi'icfil and G:

>nnurc:nl P^r.per, Qi>cv

to all Parties, influenced ay None,


From Saturday 0

-> ! . !

-ljjs< , uj .

—,—.-/ ■ ni--

13th If) Saturday

October >oth 178)1. - [No, '


W Ft E R E A S. . ^-CiSO^-f O'U have I fuppofe* heard here, every Chriftkm here were obliged

Richard tifdall how of Cilctttta § . •§ of the ftrange fright' ^e to Keep a Bear in readinefs fo lit off, in

Ivv" fdfely in i u i^enerouQy fid- & ;iS wefe pat in about three cafe of an alarm.—-But thank God I

nuateVthat my hte Em'lo^r Sir. weeks ago.-The Troops hope there -will be no cccafion new for

_ * . n. tv • • ' • . t" « at Dinapore were alarmed, thiS-precaution as every thine promifes

James Auguftas HiCiy Proprietor ot af Ch.ytc Sinfs force bein<r at Hand, & P«ce and qiretneis again. -

th* Bengal Gazette, hid taken an ad*, immediatcdy beat to Arms, Vlaced, Guns' A N ' y' "J?.'n ^ v ~

vantage of me rcl itive to my Wages loaded with Grape and Round Ihot, at! ^ if I ^r^t w«M.iL

, . o t j c_i-_.1 . 1 r • u - 1 1 r» /! »<•• vjat ric .v was t el line iJocior

as his Savant, I do now bo em y ; the fame t,me an Exprefs was difoatcbed | that h& cne^cs and

declare the above aicrtion to he falfc from thence to the orendemen at BankyvjUjnviertWealways 5nfin(uating howimuck
a ad ill ground*.! ; and that the fftid j pore, advihng them.-(at Midnight) to | money ^ an'a how rich hewas, from
Mr. James Auguftus Kicky did notlf^e for their i.dety.—^You can t the profufi0n of his tankfand lideboarc'

1 w 11 imagine, what a panrck we were k\z-

ecl with, at the report.---To be waked

out ofeiir fleep and told, r'.at the Ene-
my was at bawd itady toMaffacte u?> can-

in any refpect t ike the leaft a;iv tatag
■hf me, but on the contrary that the
Wages which I12 agreed to give rae
was what I alk d and wh it I thought
full fufficient being unicqilanted
V/ith thi burmeis for which I was
employed, until I was inilructei by
M HiCKY's People at t'hi'e .rneit
requ:ft ofthefaii Mr. KICKY.

Aid I maft alfo do .Vl . HiCKt
the iurther j uftice to fay, th \t he did
not avail himlelf of the Articles oi
A .;re:ment Executed by m;, but that
he d;d ganeroufly of his own accord
pay m^every month V-iegi xiingatthe
end of the ri ft month) Five Rupees
over and above my wages fo agreed
for, in the laid Artie! s.

And that in av.ry (hoit time after
J had been in his the f id Mr. James,
AattgiiMas liicky's Employ, he did
generouily raife my Wag6s to utjiible
the Amou Uof the fum fo agreed for
by me in my laid Articles, with the
ifaid Mr. Jan-aesAuguftusHicky, And
that I thought mytclf very h-appy in
his Employment, and have frequently

not be fb -rtrc-ngly defefibeel as felt.--We
a'll took the alarm, and in the inmoft
•conltern-atlcn forhe took to their Heels,
femeiii Cariages, fome on Hor'feback, o-
thers not allowing time, or hot thinking
them Selves lafe to go through l-'atna,
feized on any Mifcrable Boatv they could
lay hold of^ and in this manner We re-
tired "into the Killah for fafety,——I lafo
hurried rn'y Wii<e and 'Child into a Pin-
nece, and I mounted cttc of my own
Horfe.% leaving evtry thing tlfe behffid-,
fo fweet is life for We took nothing but
what we had on our backs^ and in this
condition ijjoftof us arrived ill the Kil-
lah, Where the whol'c Group cot a molt
curious figures, fome of the Gentlemen
with Coats and Long Drawers . en,
while fome of the Ladies (hewed a ru-
tural difiTabillr^ having iult 'noddled
on a few CloathsindifpeATable neaffaries
However febn after cur arrival there,
we v/ere agre'eablv reliev-ed froth our
fears* by another •Exprefs with the news
of it's b.ing a falfe Alarm which was
occafioncc! by a \Ve'dd'mg between fome
prinicipai Ztmindarr, v. h ) with their

adding, ** Ho-vv, Doctor, fliall I-remove
thefe invidious in'finuations •?" Reftibv-4
them ! (replied. Johnfon) Wliy afic the<ii
to dine with you." ,. ■•••:*-

O r 1 o 1 m ojtlc Hsvfi T O A S 'T.
/^VNE of the-beaut;iul mhtreficsi'<3f>
\J> Charles tlie 'S.-coral ha'djuif retired
from1 the .bath, when a gallant Courtier^
enpping his cup within the watery drank
a lie«lth to the fair Venn's that came, fruaa
it. His companions follbvC'ed tire exam-
pie, and the Lit' -who raifed the liquid ta
bis lipsi exclaimed (alluding to \ he.'con-
itant cudom 6f p'udtihg brcacl' wiu'iin'tHe
cup) " thetoaft h ftifne:'* ! v

"pT^OOTE andGarrickbeingst 2 tavern
1/ together,- at the time of the ilrfe
regidation -pf theg<4d coin« Foote puilina:
out his pviife to ]>ay the reckonings afkri
Mr. Garrrck, ** what he fhoulil do with,
a light guinea he. had r" PfozKv it's vjcr/b
'f:oiling, fnys'Mr,- Gar-'ck-, 'fling it io t'bt
Jjc--cil.—4Vell^ Davia, fays 'Fcote,- ytk art
what Jahvcfys toeisyou for, ever contriving
to make ii. guinea go further than air; tihet

exprci ei the heart felt Satisiat^on 1 ^ Condu^ tSc jJride witil

enjoy dto feveral of ms family whiilt : a Namber Gf Lights and by Beat oi

1 was in his Employment an i mud;, -j Cm-tcms fee. tothe Hu;band.-"-So

Acknowledge th.it 1 llaouid have con- j that we had for our pains only the trou-
tinaed happy until this Prelent time, b!e of returning to our relpcaive' homes
liad I not co.-iverfevl with bad People, next Morning, not a little afiiamed
Wko hav* been the means by their otufelves-, for I really believe no Euro
^1/iceof my negleding the bnlnets F^ns ever before made tltemlelvrs lool
^fmy faid. .fenW* M* Hi ky, i .ttle.m the Eyesot the Natives a, w,
, 7 ' •' j - : did, I aiiurc you I was afKamea tor icve-

(svno I hive very great reaion to thmk j ra, d afk/to look any of thc;n ;n xu,

had I acted jultly by btm, tnat b«
■vv-juld have gtnsroiiily raifed my
wa?es flili higher.



, ^ v t/Uneilet,

'aal Ferns. J

A N E C D G T. E S or,

7HEN Lord Caniden_we.s C:hanceh
or, the;famous, affair <>f.the lead

mines* between .Lord..-P---— and'Mr*'

Smith, cflinc to. be determined in Cha 111
eery. Yvnen tlie Chancelkpr, ..gave 4
decree in . favour of Mr. Smith, Lord

P--------".vs* in Court, a«d when ,%6

heard the determination^ hicte\mc<l
in'aiury*- t)vat4hat ieilor/(mr'anfng Lord
Canadai) knew: no mores-of" the biw ,'thaii
his Hor:'l% He. behaved 'in* other refpefts
fo ill, that he .was taken into theoiitodjf
r.:ce.—'-What is rcrtia.k bit we found \ of t:;e Court* but d fd urged atthe par*
every thing al home* as we left them, j ticular intcrpoiit'ion of Lnird'Camd.e-n.
tho' all our Servants had abf;ofided.r—1 When L-trl Bathurii, then Lord
J .am lure ten ot twelve Refofutc Men Apfiey, p -efidid in the ChsWry,' ' ftnr&

might have had a line picking-■■during J P--^"delivered '(in his own per;bn) a

our abiencej Yet •{ heir of nothing, be- pfcritiou to the-Chancellor, prayhiir tor '*

frefh recognition of the lead mines it
was* however, couched in foch ttrm'-s*
that the Chancellor, after having -read, a

ig Miilhrg or loll, except my Wife
'ho in the Lurry and ■cor.r'ufion of the
Nighr, loft one of her Eat ings- (a Crefs)

jfact'oQ 0$ a teller from Path* giving a
furihe* ac-t of thi fappafd tttiaiL <kt:d 5

ftMibtf J#8x» • ____ ' w-aich her e/iettur gsve hxx w.icn lad | X-w lines.*, thrsvy it with iiidi^;iaticn avei