Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 47.1781

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5 tife W#r¥ t'rtii Sxats, " If is now
i : v;-, v. hat be was dri-jir.g at.

"■■» r, Dapnfy Nh;<sck, in -\val k i r.g along
the i'j'pi- if-Me the other evening, rccog-
? the ;'«eurc.of hisbki acquaintance

you can h-rdiy fHake a Pl^tiiifl Tree,:
tilt put, fiics f.n under writer, the con-
fsqncr.ee or* which is that. jcarcely a day
now jjaiTcs but furnifhes us with frefrt
accounts of fome Conte.led Lois, by

O-V '. Wcr fee MotiS; lifS fnlm aUt rf':. Cu.! her.djcc", ' iliaif^ITF.TXun fut rfetfe -3 Rofe
hiiv.ft?;'u; breaking in four Mnrfes, I'pophani had clear and explicit o.u- r M latc'v« from the city of Ivio-.-

' thority for'/vhat'-l:c did/ given 'a J^J** ^ an'Hxtravagjnt Pitch^rf-at

turn fo'the drfpute.---- '/lie oer my

friend mftanrly took, bat having re-
ferred it to many Gentlemen wthout
i \iZ^^^l^weJir^f}^ unfortunately getting any deciuon that was fa; isfac-
. happened to pais by at the. time.—'poor j toryj we,agreed to Hate the matter to feme or ether of theft Gentlemen.—To
.diHicken was'imrr.ediatcly alarmed with | you icr publication, and to bedetcrrrr~ remedy in fotr.c mrafure, the inconvrci-
t.c cry of Cbaiuck but the fwiftnefs cf J'.r.cd by the iir.'lncrfon who will take encies -that may ari'.c from fo. pr^v%J«nt '
j :s heels j a fecend time, fcood his friend t;ie trouble of pubhmir-"1 the know- Gamefome an Itch which feetfts to
.. r,.T enabled him to efcape a good Ud&zU t&* have of the tranfacllon ^ • fprcading with Pemlentiaj rapidity

lyhipfiiiiz. • ' * .u v l over the whole i own, It wotrd I afti

4 ,/,{ * , « , ,.. in vcur paper; at the fame time hop- , i-;t. fA , , ,

When-uhe Sfokesmakt read his -par!-'. .' .,, , , r luuubiy or Opinion, be no bad precau-

the News paper, it is fatd! "he in? that. nc!nc Pretcna 10 dc£cr" ,.tibri of thole Chaps who ftyic rhem-

'flinked like an Ox! in the radisnte of the mine whpis not competen'. ^ ' : fclycs grokers or Agents for the Fustic,

:=«« and bung bis dejeSed bead like a Bull' I am Mr. • Micky furprtfrd tiilt • were either made rWponfib'e in i'ome'de- •

r,-:b*\'-—:—-Before he makes his next Major Pophani or fomc friend o-f ids, : g.-ec for the foivency of the People xhtj-'

fpVeeii it u ftrongly recommend to him to has not in his jullification end that Lend 1 their Policies' to, or to devefcpe

jyjrchafe a good void and ear, alio a ^.f the Officcrs'and Troops under his ; when required, the fum that etch under

ompctcfit eollcaion of Engli/h Wtrds— Co > mami, published tlte whole af- VVrircr n1?V bave already with them


In fpitc of the fquibs fired at Sammy out Authorry.—Tn.:t the Dimvou- ppifci^d of fix-pence, and ibou'd io or
Ta'-LOWfat, he is determined to jietnd, tion of ti.e p'<doder oflitrjah t:«hiff [ a dozen of Ships be 'taken by tX»
lliz telly preventing him from running was the act r,{ a S.nditte', whir with] niy, which is not at all improbable, the

• .Arms in their hands, bid defiance' Cohfequcnce muft I think pro>t f.«.t

-;~-TT T ^ - | to ail Law, and co:vemn every >m_ | only fatal to to Per ions thenr.clves

» • lhcrity attempting to ionflow!'theiri j qJ^j

G the Pub- jn tb> tr intered-.-d dfclitns upon the j "'c "c'*"
Paper of lair Company'!- property; and that t/icy |
y wiic heads arc dct«rmircd tu nfahitiih v;iut j T H E G

Mr. HICK Y, ! lhcri5y ummn to ^nuoul'them i ,but ^, ^ fek ^ fh» ^ in

T O T V/1T H S T A N D1n G

jication in your Paper of laft Company'* property; ,fnd tl!at they \ MERCATOX.
:>r.turday, thcrr arc many wi!c heads arc dct.rmi red to maintain what ! ^ H-E GOOD W I F E:

('"Ktimed frem oar 40th A';.
'*~*I"A ili'i moll general iir.por5.rjjr

tc\ijiil:citiun in. cood Wif«
is tweetnefs of temper. Fcrm'd to
Obey, a being fo imperfect as ?»!^n
ihc ought.to iei-rn bvtim-s tun
fuffcr injuilicc-, and bc.'r it withcut
coniphunr— I: is net for his >^kt, but
lierown, tlv^tlhe fhould be ota rdld
tfifpof tii n«—1 lie j e:vc:ff: ei"» .nd il
Natme of \\ \ men or.lv i» t v« tv t»;
grcvato xhvir own mi>fi»r:ur.ts, ar.-
th= n.iftonduft of their lp.:lba*d-d
they mr. in plainly j i rvt i\ e :ha; tr?i»

d,out the Town, wlm will not tjK.y are'm poObliion < fj hi- die event
1*!ici»e that upwards of iiity Larks u3,ilt ,t —< ^ no Bhemy to
< i:Rupfics (or fix hundred thoufand Majb: Popham or the Army/but
r:unds -Sterling} : liave ^bem- dc- mxi'd\ the contruy,; and it would
j'iued - amor.gft the Officers and -gjvc rac ciic grcateit pica aire' to- fee
T: aops prcietit at the fdl of B.-cjah World f^r Htd th .t his and their
Chur, becaulc, as they lay, tuc Com- conduct has been regulated by that
yany's affairs arc net m a lituation to propriety winch their truefl l>richtj«|
juuify fuch a donation, and b.-caufc it 0Ugju to u .ffi — ! hat there is blame
is impoiiiblc that Mr. — ever wrakl fomc wherc is very cietf f and it be-
hzvc authorize t the dclliib rtion h0VCs every Man who is concerned
<A fodi a fumvvhen the Company's ;.«d blamcicis, t.. endeavour to em-,
idiairs liitereils would by the i,k. ty World to f y with ccrtaii.-tv,
mikt cf it be very materially' $l0X1 art tile Man \v!n» hail dcNvtul-

^fJeaed.- Mr. -they fay is e(} £}ie Ctann.my of above fix Hun-

oiat a Man of that ftamr to throw a- drcd Th mfaud Pounds'{heriing, &"
v.va.y fo much public Money, at a .,t a pcrjGd when h If f inch a fum
%iEK-wisf.n public exigencies require in.gh{ have produce-.; the tnofteilcn-
wcry large luppiics, and when tliere tial a.lvantagcs to the Company and
is ensesat difficulty in raifing % v a- the Englifh Nat.oti.
jrious■ di&dwtaiageous modes a fuffi- j j am> Mr. ii.crtY, of Opinion
tciency ofcaflaitoatiiwcrthe nee;-fliry 'that every Prit.fn fubieit lias a rirlit

ire not the Arms by-w hu 1» thvy j-iin

the iuper ontx--lit. ven did ret

btflow < n thtm the poVvi rs cf*i.:/i- a-
ati.n cud pcrfuation to be ferv.r.e
and n or lc; it c.id n< t c< :fti;ure
tiiem let hie to make thtm it: periods
it did nt t give them lo UM arJU agri-
cable a voce to ven: kbufe, m r fea-


arui every word to fhakc fee E:«h ccrns jn India, aid I believe there
tofts Ceaie , they would not hc-;arP fevv who either avowedly or fe-

licve a iylla^Ir>-A friend of mine, !vCrc.tly W|U not be well pie dVd to fee

;for whom I have much effcem, but ^'t Veil of obfeurity with which
•.whole zeil and attac&mcnt fom

•^arrf him, in argument, beyond the 'removed, and the Offenders, if there
limit* of prudence and discretion, en- ar£any, cXppTcd to that Public Odi-
.tered ist-i a very dole diipuie with Umwhich they fo jtiftiy deforv..
jjncitspoajfhe fubjea, aad adt laft be- I am he. "&c &c..

^ame-very warm; and it 5» difficult
#Q$jlM lh«w it should have ended, had
«r.ot J;(^ho.am a little bit of <a f,.or-


Calctatta 5th Dec. ;y8j.. 1

vand ;mQ£5 temperate) by -oi&.i ir g Mr. ES ,6 3 *.

ing tiicir Preaft, crying for adivorc-,
tbrcathen Suicide: and forget the
ftlvesj for tb.o' they may have often
rcafon to coniplain ; they are aiwvys

wrong to Icold*-Each £x iVii'd

prefcrve it's peculiar toneandmannw;
a meek Plldband may makeaWifs
inipcrtinant, but mildnefs of dilpo-
faion on the Woman's Side will
always bring a man back to ReatoA
at 1 alt, if he is not al)folutcly a brute,
a- d -will focner trb tcr /.rivm} Iv oAer
him." . ' .Veritas/'