Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 47.1781

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Calcutta General Advertifer,

I VOL II ] A IVitkly Ptlitual and Cammwdal Peptr , Open t» all Parties, iut infaencti . ty None,

99 From Saturday December the 8th to Saturday December i|th 1781. No. XLV1I


Mr. HICKX* j liberty. A pampered Horfe likes to ces of diem to Britifh Subjects and

».-ww^w • ^ 1 a' feel the bridle hunt lofc on his mane this poor diltreffed and txhaUltcd

Congratulate you ^^M6^^^^^M^mh Country.

% I '% lyolr wontl'Sl his ridcr-In ?f ^ O on, good Hicky, in defence

♦ * ard entertaining Publi- >'°ur PaPer 18 MPt&cd of Irony> VT of Our Cm,Je,

1 larcafm and double meaning.—How- A^nft thc inyaa4 of Jufiice and
ever in fpite of thefc difadvantage;, t Laws,
can allure you the vX)ice and gocd
withes of the public arc with you, and
that there are, at th's moment, in
Bengcia hcc of PATR10,T $ who' like
thc immortal Athenian, would hold
the Helm with the right hand H»if*
it mould be cut off, with the left
hand -if that too fhould be cut of
with their teeth.—Your fufferings and
firmnefs have gained you friends and
roufed thc public attention;—Glaring
injullice done to an—'-individual is
often of fcrvicc to the whole com'
munity.—The moil dangerous prin-
ciples are not fo apt to alarm Us as


Letter is written, not only with the
feelings of a Man, but in the Apt
and eafy ftyle of a Gentleman, and
deferves the higheft commendation.
With thc beft information and thc
zeal of a good Citizen he makes
known to his Country-men the dan-
ger which threatens them from thc
iate marvellous change of fyftcm be-
yond the Provinces, and cenfures
with a manly freedom the Author
of fuch meaiures.

Your Bon Ton and Racing In-
telligence, on the other hand,
containe's more happy images, genu-

ine wit, and poignant fatirc and keen J ftubborn fails.—Thc moft moderate
Irony than any one News Paper cs-1 Mert in the Settlement think you

hibitcd before. Thefc excellencies
have given great conlideration and
fupcrionty to your Gazette, and ex-
cited me to become your Correfpond*
ent. Yet would you b.Leye it,—-—
Mr, HICKY, many paits of thefe
productions,, though perfectly inno-
cent, have been diftarred into Licen-
tioufnefs and fedition by a few of
thc Dictator's, hirelings and fyco-
phanfcs.—It is indeed merry enough
to obferve what pains they tike, in
defiance of rcafon, Gramaraud com-
mon fenfe, to wrefj your Words to
a bad meaning.-Manv of


Papers are put on the Rack an 1 tor-
tured into a thoufand contract.ons, 1 diment to bad meafures, know no
contrary to the obviom import of thing of the matter ;—for to my

have been perfecuted in away which
the real fpirit of the cngliih Law can-
not juRify, and, from motives of felf-
prcfervation, makecommoncaufewith
you.—I therefore hope you will not lay
your Imprifonment Co match to he an
as to diioontinue your nervous and
humorous publications.—You un-
doubtedly have a right to. lean thc
the conduct of every man in a public
Station, and to condemn or approve
his doings as they appear to you to
be calculated either for thc good or
hurt of thc Country and Society.
Thofc who imagine that your papers

Expofe the mrdk'd hypocrite, villain $

And render them odious in Englifli-

men's eyes ;
Still fhew us their Pictures and"!

humble the pride |
Of thofc whom Old Lilgland J-

thought honelt, till tried;
And every Briton will be on ycur [
lide. J
With your paper reform The Dtc«

tatok and Crew
And thc world will behold a new
Tujc.lv in you.


Calcutta* \Ub Dfcemier.


GREAT confufion has lately arifen
from a Blunder of CoKnfeHor Fecbk%
who is always dabbling in the Love
Lettcr*way.—It items he had mad? up
two packets, one intended for his adore-
able Charmer^ The Chinfurah Beauty*
who taught him thc fvlinuet F)elacout\
and the other for a faithful Lady ac
Batiiflk—with whom he generally fpends
thc Citizen's .Holidays.-"——When lo !
each Letter fell into thc wrong hands
and no One knows how thc miftakcwill
end between thc Rtoal Lady's.

A Correfpondent informs us that
Cc-ui'fdkr Feeble now conftantly drinks a
fort of Cordial dram, which he calls the

arc no reftraint on bad men or inapt- W 0 fa's Eyewater^ and of which

he drinks fo freely, •,

That he if ten dye fee.
Retires Tip fey he he he.

them. If you entertain the Town knowledge the firft Characters in thc

out of Hittory, with thc practices & Country .tremble atthe cenfurc of the' We arc afiured that Feeble has declare

fall of a cb.rupt and over Grown Prels, and it operates Powerfully on cd t0 the Covermn^ fswer.s that very ill

Governor, there arc ofliciou. wreech- their condUfi.-You have given us T^X^X^^'Z

esand panntcs who can never relt at repeated inftanccs of your fortitude, lcfs effectual meafures are immediately

cafe till they have found out fome of mind, and have already produced! purftftd to rcftrain publications of a

dangerous fenfe at the bottom, and important effects to your Country. — - ladicmus nature, he will inevitably fall'*

fitted the Cap to fome Hon'blc head Do not, I conjure you, bate a jot of victem to them, and be deterred froiti

Jtill fl juriihirig among us.--■ heart or hope, but fiill bear up and lollowuig his favorite amufemcnt of

Tyrants who are directed by their fleer right onward in the glorious cutting to the found of a Fiddle^

Ambition and caprice have fome caufeo/the Engl'ifo N(itiort.-~even in ^^^"^S^^^^S

reafontodreadtheanimadverfionsof the of £pri ton.-After a few ^ZTu^~^1^.

the i rels, and wouid willingly convert, tedious months' confinement, you a Marriage is now much talked of a«

into a Iible, every publication which wdl Lok back with joy on your palt fp-"dily to take p acc between Counicl-

brc-ath-s any fpirit of candour or fuffsringri and tb« happyr confequen- lor Fetbk and the Chhfnr& ^#/k-^-Th%