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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 49.1781

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Calcutta General Ad vert Her.


11 ] A JVeekly Pslliic&l and Commercial Paper,

Open to

all Parties, hut influenced by None,


From Saturday December the z2d .to


December 29th 1781. No.


Continued /'row our Laji.

r UCH a fight was more ex-
X O preflive than all the powers

^ & of eloquence. He railed
# *£ her tenderly from the

yft$.5St ground, and, foothing her
with words of comfort, offered to con-
duct her to fome place where (he might
get that refrefhment of which lhe
appeared to be in too great want. • Oh i
Sir, :' laid 'he, pre Ming tire hand that had
railed nef with her cold trembling lips, "
my deliverer, lent by Heaven to lave me
f rom defpair, let me not think of taking
refrefhment myfelf, 'till I have firft pro

two children, fhuddering with cold,
chough huddled together to fhare the little
warmth which exhaufted nature dill fup-
plied them with.

While he ftood gazing with horror at
fuch complicated wrctchednels, his con-
du&refs ran to the bed- fide, and, falling
on her kneeds, " Oh ! Sir! Madam 1"
exclaimed- fee in rapture, " arife 5 I
have got relief from an Angel of Hea-
ven >"-

'* Take care," anfwered a voice, the
hollow trembling of which was fnarpened
with indignation, "take care it is not from
a Fiend of Hell, who has taken advantage
ctucd it for thole whole greater wants I j of your diltrefs to tempt you to ruin

for with whom elfe could you be 'till
this time of night ? But know, wretched
girl ! that I will never eat the earnings of
Vice and Infamy. A few hours will put
an end to my mifcries, which have re-
ceived the only poffible addition by this
your folly."

" He muft be fuch indeed." interrup-
ted my mailer, Hill more it ruck wuhfenti-
ments fo uncommon in fuch a fituation,"
who would thinkof tempting her, in fuch
circumftances, to any folly. I will with-
draw while you srife, and then we will

feel ten thouiand times more feverely than
my own."

" What can they be?" interrupted
he with anxious impatience, r* Can hu-
manity 6 el greater wants than thofe u'-.der
which you are finking ?"

" My father," exclaimed (Ire, burning
into rears, " languishing under infirmities,
acquired in the fervice of h's country •»
my mother worn out with attending on
him, and both perifhing for wan t; (Hea-
ven grant thy are not already dead ' )
together with two infant brothers, i.ifen-

pa- ticularly fo go. I am not rich, but
thank Heaven that it has bleffed me with
ability and inclination to afford fuch
afiiftance as may beimmediately neceffary
to you, 'till means may be 'thought of for
don.g more."

" Oh, Sir !" anfwered the mother,"
well might my daughter call you an
Angel or Heaven •, you know not from
what mifery you havealready relieved."—

" Nor will I know more of it at this
time,-,' interrupted my mailer," than that
which I too plainly fee. I will leave you
now to your reft, and return as foon as^it
is day."

" SpeaK not cfleaving us, Sir !"exclaim-
ed the daughter, who was afraid that if
he (hould go away lie might not return-,"
what reft can we take in fo fhorta time ?
Leave us not, I befeech you; leave us
not in this place.'

fi iie of the caufeof their difirefs, and j confult what can be fooned done to alle

cryinsr to them for a moffel of bread,
whicn it is not in their power to give "

viate a diltrefs of whichyou appear fo un-
cle ferving."—While he laid this, he took

Ceafe,. my Child!" interrupted the
father," norpreis you benefactor to con-
tinue in a fcene of mifery that mud give:
pain to his humane heart."

" If my (laying will not give you pain,
anfwered my mailer," I will molt willing,
ly Hay ; but it mud be on condition that
our coverfation points entirely forward
to happier days : there will be time c-
nough hereafter to look back."

Saying this, he fat down on the Bed-
fide, (for other feats the appartment af-
forded none,) between the hufband and
wife, with whom he fpent the little re-
mainder of the night in fuch difcourfe as
he thought molt likely to divert their
attention from their prefent mifery, and
infpire their minds with better hopes i
while the children, all but the daughter,
who hung upon his words, comfotrtd at
heart with a hotter meal than they had.
long tailed, fell fall a deep as they leaned
th ir heads upon their mother's lap.

As loon as ic was day," Now, MaUam,"
faid my mailer, addrcfimg himfeif to Hie'
■mother," I will vo and provide a place
for your recpiion, as you fay all places
are alike to you. In 1 he mean time, ac_
cept 01 this trifle (giving her ten guineas)
to provide fuch neccfiaries as you may
indifpenfibly want before you remove :
•when you are iettled, we will fee what
farther can be done. I (ball be back

mMn fee the whole fcene m its genuine that io poor an exertion of it (houki be; with you within theiethree hoursatmod."
cXr l ie therefore, followed her thought dele, ving of a return proper to1 hor inch bcneucer.ee there was no po-
up o the top of thehoufe, where opening be made only to Heaven ? Cpprels me ffib.hty 0 -cunning thanks ■ but their
Soor o^he garret, fee difcovered to nor, Sir, I conjure you, with the men- hc,rts fooke through heir eyes in a- tea.
h r f«ch a dene 0 "mifery as druck tin n of what it would have been a crime guage lufficiently mtelbgible to h.s De-
h mwkhaLniihnent. By tMe light of I could never have forgiven myfelf to pa, ring dircflly, to lave both h.m.feU and
v SXneredLhe ffrelefs have known I had not done It is too tliem rne Pam ot purlumg a conve, fano.i
!• • i\ £ 2w 'vh* on a bare bedhead, late to think of leaving this place before tU3t grew too didrel.rui, he went with-
.V-t^er'cow-r^i-than the reiic, tomorrow, when I will provide a baiir, out regard iochar.ge.ot dU-.s or appearan-
tlhS iman'awomaa and il there is not any to wUk'h you- th,K- cr, to look ter.a proper lodg.ng for them

Where can fuch a fcene of wretch- 1 the wine out of his pockets, and, giving
tednefs be hidden frdm relieff, IMI go with it to the daughter, went directly down
you myi'eif directly^ But (top! let us . dairs, without waiting for a reply ; and,
(irlt prociire fome comfortable nourifh- | walking backward and forward in the
ment from. Tome of the houfes which are itrect for fome time, enjoyed the fubli-
kept open at this late hour for a very med pleafure the human heart is capable
different purpofe. Come with me j we of, in confidering how he had relieved,
have no time to lole."—With thefe words and (hould farther relieve, the fuffcrings
he went directly to a tavern, and, en- of objects fo worthy of relief,
quiring .vhat victuals were dreffed in the By the time he thought they might
houfe, loaded her with as much as fhe have learned from their dauhgter the cir-
could carry of the belt, and, putting a I cum dances of her meeting with him,
couple of bottles of wine in his own | and taken fome nourifement, lie returned
pocket, walked with her to her habitation,' to them ; When, the moment he entered
which was in a blind alley, happily for the room the whole family (ell upon their
her, not very iar dfftanr, as weaknefs, knees to thank him. Such humiliation
together with the conflict of pardons was more thin he could bear. He raifed
drugging in her heart, made her fcarce them, one by one, as fad as he could,
able to go. and, taking the father's hand,'' Gracious

When they came to the door, (lie would God !" laid he, " can a fenfe of humanity
have cone up fir it for a light 1 but he be fuch an uncommon thing artiona
was relblv.d to accompany her, that he creatures who call themfclves human