Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 49.1781

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P O E T's CORNER. fir-v ccxh Ef.rg beauty "Hews; v. ill be fubmrtieJ to Pu

'■>■: feUc-vin* Verfesvserewrittcn by a Gentle \ I'll Cy, in pace of mind, f ly Mr. Duncan*

" r '•• "* • ■' **• «" " feipp'ty, gi esithtisj, tail bt hi mi P*

T<ach thy vqt'ry all the pcvvc'is
Oi each plant ai d every rjee ;
Tcil i.ow fhcrt-iiv'd arc the [icw'is
Bring the n.oial kerne to mc

C^xciitta i/th D-.-c.rtnocr ijSi

"just" ru.iji,ft)HEi5
VjY authority.

AND is Sold at tl,ve Library, (he Lite
Bye L?w cith f bi>u'a'd or in Sheers,
Bid the fleeting Lie defpife j To be S O L D.

Mike rcc-hunvb.lv, make me .wife, ^ BWDGERQV/ the Dimenfions &c

Never yet uprear'd her head ; j La!'F: Hal1 and Venetians enquire r i Mr

within rny kv/lv cell I ot' ;'.n Indramaris Long Boat with

0:1 r. Lady's faying jSe iviJkedfor^So
yhing mere than Shi; i'ossess'd.
,'EW are content with what they've
.V got,

But fomething moredefire!
The/ widely different is your lot,
Who Nothing do require.

grant their"utniofi; wifhes bleft,
By having'what they call :
What's luxury, 6f wealth, at beft ?
W hy, Nothing after all.

Tho' fomething is b»all purfu'd,

And moil at Nothing vex'd •,
That foniething great 3tdiftaike view'd,
Proves Nctbitiz when poflefs'd.

The merchant and the tf adefman too, rubified. Thee 4 kupces. i iV1aynard, will hear ibmethihg to his ad-

In Nothing much delight-, A N Almanac for the enfuing r™ntage Mr. M-~— was 5th Mate of the

Sell what t!icy will, they'll vow to you, J~% Year, containing the Chrifti - jhrev/fbury Indiamen Capr, Coggan
That they get Nothing by it. j an anrj Bsngal Calendars, with the J°ut tw.° fears and a half ago, but re-

Your caufe preplex'd, the Lawyers may j Mahometan ^ra of the Hegira,- ma,"V? o' JgS f5cn'n ,Calc"n?;

or.jnftice lo\,d!v bawl; The conjunaion,, Squaresfand op- M

rh.vin.i-. ^thenvouoavJ^^^.he JjUrnnarie?.-The ^ °* lhc Bsn°al

Moons Southing Calculated agreeable
to apparent Aftronomical time to the

Scl.tude with thee i'ii dwell

Pride in mc is lung iince dead:
Cold to pleafure, deaf to praife,
Here I with tc end my days.

~~t \ ~~ A NY Perion or iVrlons who can

Now in the Pnfs, ovd jpecdiiyn ill Le £% gjve information of Mr. .William

Nyls in Calcutta—alio a (mail Convenient
S Oar d Budgerow of 2 Rooms both in
good rcpah, and fit for i umediatc life.

•24th Nov. 17ST.

Your caxtfe they loie, and then you pay,

For Nothing, after all.
The Courtiers Levee you attend,

Their very faults adore-,
He'll promife much to be your friend,

But will do Nothing more.
When friends difpute.and difagrec,

To interfere is vain :
Each wonders that you can't agree,

When Nothing 13 fo plain.

When virgins figh or fhed a tear,


Meridian cf Calcutta, and may be "y S hereby given, that on Monday
reduced to ny oilier Meridian by a X the 7th of January and following
Note inferred fcr that purpofe.—The days, the Effects belonging t> the
Pvioons culmimvhg the Meridian, Homier-able Johannes Matthias Rofs

being very uleful for determining the Efj. will be expofed at Public Auc-

time of High-Water at any Poit ticn at Chini'urah—They Confift of

or Harbour provided the time be Furniture, Piate, CHINA, "Ware,

nen virgins UgH u, mcu , , afceitained at which it is high Water MOTOKS of different, Sorts, Ca ria-

Whicn love can caufe or cure-, I 6 . . ' . .' , c

You zSk for what they grieve?—Oh dear! at the lLlil and Cnange.— i he bout- geS, ilorfes, (amo -.gff which abet of

For Nctbiv.* to be fure. hing mayalfo have it's ufe by taking iixgray To rkays). DifferentB^oks in

Tho' foidiers with their fv/ords unite,
Their country's foes to flay,

You afk the reafon why they flight
For Nothing but their pay.

If in the fl rects a crowd you fee,
The caufe you may enquire ;

The anfwer probably will be,
Oh, Nothing but a ft re !

The pafllve hufoands fometimes run
From clamour, noife, and ftrife :

iler Meridian Altitude, For deter •
mining theLctthude proper Allow-
ance bein:' made for Her Parallex

Engliih, French, and Dutch, mongd
which the Encyclopedic and the
Corps diplomaticque with its Suppel-
in Altitude.-The Equation cf merits.

time nece ifary in regulating Clocks, | GLOBE3, TELESCOPE and
Alfo Ti Table of the Suns Riling and : MICROSCOPES, and Many other
Setting, independant of Refraaior, j Articles.

with directions how to find th
Moons full and Change at any other
Meridian on the Globe where Lotiffi-

Afk each what 'tis they'd wifn to fliun, tude [s afcertaincd.


Why Nothing but his wife

For Nothing we dtfpair and grieve,

For Nothing we contend,
For thofe endearing tranfports live,

That mini in Nothing end.

The almighty Powe'r on Nothing hung

This univerfal ball.
Which at the firft from Nothing fprung,

And muft to Nothing fail.

N. B. " This Almanac will be
printed with a beautiful new Type on
a fine P iper, and lold at the Printing
Office, the 28th of the prefent


SWEET companion of the mufe !
Gentle Solitude ! appea ,
All thy calm content fnfuje,

Soften anguilh, banifa care-,
Lead me, O majeftic Queen,
Thro' the aromatic fcene.

Nature's copied here by arr,
Joyful.we the fraud confefs -,

Whofo weil performs her part,
'Tis but nature's better diet's -,

Solitude here fit my feat,

Flere in Cowley's foft retreat

Conditions of S.de.
The Goods are 10 be Soil tor
the Pure =? ^V^5

por then e ^/s^>
paid for>5s!^fl1^

the Mo.r
fe-fold I
pence of ^ |

__=r t! 5

— o

THE =- -C

fifl|_2 O 1

held on I |_ _ 1

and requ-= m O

Ticketef|~ ^3

that day a=_" C 3



A N Extervhve Spot of Ground in
f\ the be-ft an d Moft ai ry Place of
Calcu'tt \vheFcbn is efeaed two
fubffantial C>mmodi>-us Pucka
Dr'ck Iloufcs.— Ti::s Eftate already
brings in four Hundred Sicca Rupees
per month and is h tt to t le Company
for a Tcrm at the Will and option of
the Pvrchafer. For the conveni-
ence cf (he Buyer two thirds of the
jui\lr!fc Money may remain on
Mortgagei For further particulars
enquire of Mr. Duncan at the Old
Lay me in the fnent mead, i Play-Ih ule. _ ^ 'may mceif^ D

•Where the murmuring river flows, N- I?.--F not Sold ny Private viding to |- O

Where the elm expands the fliade, Sale before the. end oi teoiu ry, it _ |^ O

CALCUTTA Printed by T, A HlCKY, Eirft M lace Printer to the f Q



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muft be v=r CD

glim La.:H rn

hand, unc=- \J


and of go:
to Mr. H