Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 7.1781

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the Enemy's Fleets to wash their mo.ions,*j we ?fain gst Sight oLi&£ Enemas F
which was admirab y well attended to by*|Jiat and .Tfor three bicce:TiveY}ay& purfued th
gpfcd and and veteran Ot-iccr, Captain


XheMajtceuvres the Fnejr.y made during
the Night indicated a \Vifli«toS*5i>id •SUtte1v9l
which I was determined they {liquid not,
and there/ore counteradVed all their Moti-
ons. At Day-light in the Morning or the
17th we (*w the En^rnvdrfti.^ilv-bcginhijig.
to form the-Line a-hiv.d.: I m.:«k the Sig-
■ p:.\ for the Line a-bead at two Cables lengtn
Jfjrffan'c^; AftffflTtV fiverfrfivrests tffepr Six I-
f- '.ve Notice by public Signa\.triat my. {in-.
^ii'Hori"\«3s*-to• ft**ack tlw • Enemy's Rcar,.
y-kh tot . whole Force'; which • Signal was
r.ttf.veredf byrvery Ship in th-'Fiecr.' At fV-
V;> A.'M. 'perceiving "thi'FPet t6o muclr
extended, I made the Signal _i'or the' line of
Jiutt'lc, at one Cddle's'' Ung'-th afnider only.
.At thirty Minutes after Eigli't; A. \J. i
made Signal'-for a Ethic of t5a:tle abrei'l-,
"each Ship bearing from the- other N.' by V/.
•a»(f$> by E. and bore down ijpon the Ene-
my. Tuis ffgisal' was'penetrated by them;
•who • fiifcovcrtd 'my intention, wore, atnl
•formed a Lirte of Battle on the other Tack :
.'I imm«dtate!y. hrJftdfe' the Sitrial t> n uti the
Wind, and form the f.Jneof.5 title ahi;>". At
iKins VV. M. made tii -"Si^nai'/orthe Lin-.or
a' fil'iKtJ at two Cables L'>ffg.t'b on the
Larboard Tacfc *
"-H'he'different Movements cf the Enemy
't:r.vii»et! me to' be'a.ifnt:Ve, and .watch every
o .port unity that ciFcred of attacking thorn,
to advantage._'. • "" ' • ~'i-*.^

Tr,e Manoeuvres made bv rris .Mjeft'.ys
•Fleet will appear., to- their- • j.ocdfhtps Uy
t.'«3 Minute's of ih-v Si^rfals - tita-le-before
and ikirin^ t'ne Action. At J-!!-yen A. M'.
•I 'rn>t!r> i'h'-' b'^mii to- pieo ce ..npr JJ»; 1J^^
•?.» convince the whole:.Fker :I :was deter:
'mined to hrinf'-tue-Ln-ittv 'to >n 1 agajre-
iv.t r.t. Ar 50- iviit-tufei Ajiicr El ven A. Mr.
J ijSiWC the 'Kjnal for'.every •• S!ip.:t<> bear
'down .-..id ilt'er for hat oppc.fitc.. in the En"-
Vny's I.inrj: aVtecai-'c ro the 'izi-ft Artic'e of
"tbVadih'tiobal Fighting it>11• -licetnii^. At 55
'h'> i:ut<■s A fter: ■ E:v'e11 A; M." I ' made.the
Spinal Tor Battle: A few Minutts a:':er»ib.a
'Sternal that it v^s»my Irtten'i-n ttifceyjg^ge
Oiifc ..and of cou. fe'-thc- Admiral's Ship to
•be the Estmpis.' A f''U'Mi)iut;t befo.'c ton's
P. iVl. one i.r the tlcadmci':- Ships 'began
the Aciii.ii. At one P. M. tfte'&ntcwilfi
Sin rhe'Cciiter' after, h-iving ruceiVed jfeveril



ut without EfTe^, they*.¥jjag eve^* En-
devour pofEble to avoid a fecord A£lion,
■ and enfcVvour^d tiyp^fb. for Fof.t RtJ-yal,
Mar'tintq1.!?. AYe r'atjltheni off :-:T« pre-
vent the Rifque of another Aition, they
tpok';Shejter ./jirdenG uadajpupe.-' . . • {

As 1 fourid it was in vain to follow 'them
with his Majefty's Flert in the condition t hey
\were in, and every "iVtotion of t)ie Enemy:in-
oicatinc; their Intention of •getting to Fort
Roval ll*v, Martiniqoe, where ajowe they
> coaiJd repair, tiveir (hn;tettd .Fleet, t^tjiopgh:
the .only Chance we h.ul of brtng:ng them
ao;ain to Action Wa& to be off Fort Rojal be-
' fore thern; 'when the Fleet tin ler- my -Com-
mand now is, in datjv expeiftatiott of their
Arrivafl . I have • difpatched Fripates to
.Wind'war \ ■n'J to! o .wi-dj of e.vcr)Iiland to
:give nte-No; ice of their A|>prf,?t'b
ti* Admiral Pat Iter -acijuaints tne, t'"at ft vera I
:Ships of tbe Enemy's Van were gjeady dif-
abled. and/omd-'o bear awav; hisow-ji Ship
<jy«s dama-eo,- it "id the Main-tnaft in great
'.Uan^jeri- ' t

I cann'otccndude without *Pt[fiaintTng fd'.c'r
LordllV j.f, that the Fr^ocll Ajlfijrraj, w J<>:.«i- j
p-'arWl'to mc to'besi btrivtyand, .lailat", Giherr, t
bad ibe l-Ionrtir to be nobiy fupisorted during
the whole A.!Vi.>n. ■••

" • Where, no CV »"-cti is, thcp^ople fall:
" but in t'e Piiibiinde id' Counl' Iiors
" there.is faf tv."—Pipvcrbs of ooiomcn
Chap.. 11. V.' i4-tii. "

.!'. this Majt.irn ■ of the faded Thylofo-
f!)rr ;:md profound .(lau'iinan .iv. tru.; ?
We. are Tin '.a . hc.1'. \\:\ ■': We hue itu'et.d ■
a Coun-r-1,... hut t\y(x of .the. lv ft Mem-
bers have Bern cut off by 'Death, and
two of the 'abifft lu ads by dci'erti'm.;■■
'Phe S t,-.rente bo.b'-, is dwindled ' intu — —
Tyo very refp-, (fl We Geti'leiheii,. bred;
hp from their Luf.'iicy ' in _ the \va\ s cf
'.J. rcfti'.-,,eaiid . J'.mg verted in the tii nee
,C,f finance; w.n.1.1 witdo'm iiid(fptita£>lei'.
but, the com'fib'y",. and extenii-. e Goveri.i-
nicn.t of the libitilh Empire - in ItidiV..
is it 'I'aflc p'thap^foa great, for snv
two of tiie abiell Merchants upft'n Faith?
It' is -; thereft re the dirty' of t vcfv good

SuFjffi, tp a'lCft i'.n cni'tebled a'dmin--11

wft'ii fve'ry hint, ' or •irformritif'n., which
may t.'. t'.d 10'the leiictit of liic tlate, or
to preferve tlic' cxiflence ' of the Compa-

.:/..es-/r«'m the Enemy begm ■ to enga.g>. M 1jyJ 'M<„e.P,'pcc;,iiv at t!lis critical 'pc-
'• y\rceiviHg'levm*! ot our bhips eri./aging at a
'•d-.ftiuce, I rtpc.ted the fignsi' for clofc Ac- .
'liosv. Tiis Action, in the-Center-con-
k\noed til! 13 .Minuter, after f .ur V. M, when
iVbviffs Ciuicheii'• in tlie " Cr«irc-une, in
w.i'ic -.!'' fbc\' h'-'d" mounre.l c)-j : (i u • the
"•Triumphi'pr - and Femlan't. ■ n-fter enga-
'gin<; the Sattdvvii.il -tor an I {-our and-tan
half, bore away. ; ' : ■>":'*

The Superiority of the Fire from the
"Sandwich, and' the gallant1 Behaviour of'
tlicr Oilicers-iina.incr., enabled her to-fu(lain :
To unr'qui'd a Corn*»af though, before-at- .
tarbe'd by them, fhe had beac ■' ftirrce Siiip.'s .
. V;Ut ot their Line'-of Uattle, -had •■ent-rely
broke it," iiid was to Leev/atd l;d/'tbe W^ke •
hi the French Admiral.' -' ' . "<« '

At ths 'Conciuli'.!) of the' Battle '..the'
Etie.'hy m'ght'be' f- id to !bc " compj.-atl-/
J'eat; but.fuch. was the I3iitanc; of the Van ?
;:«nd Rrai .Toni the Cerit'ei ,. a/id 'the c't ip- .
pied .Condition of f'evetal Sh'ipsj'pa'r'tituhat'iy
the Sapchvicb, who' for twenty four 'Hours
.was with Difficulty'kecpt '^hoie Wflir1, I
that it ;v.:i;s impo'lli.bie.t'o' pur tbe "tbc'nr t'XXt I
■Night witho.it the greateib.T'I^iledvil'i'tr.ige-: i
Howeyf r, • 1 v. ry. C;n!eav<a:r \v. sStthl 't(T pift
fnS Ficct m Order: .ali'd.I'havr'i'hc Plcalfilif**
to'av (.piaitiftbci'l LorSl'h'ips frfCl ."iVirl'e "?!ofti '

riod,' wiien ' a1!' Ftt-iop^,"""Afia. and -Airic-
rica,' Acrn t'6''■thrift n '. the -En.pitc of
Dritalri .w:l'h"f'<iei'trttce!;.'i;.". ' • '. '

•'It' is p.;riic.ufaiIy'!f'cnunate"'Mr. 'Hickv,
.tJiat 'vnii li.-.ve "lii'tt'oilaccd Into Lenyal,
that gicet ISuilwoik cf our Liberties, the
Eihcity'of "the ' Thefe;" by which, the
Friend's cf AdmimP.ration, c-t'n Convey
to them the nudl uli ful ■ hint■, without
being 'itifpicicd of .flatt-i)-, or o.f ba^i)ig
any SinifteT View?, upon the Jo'q cori-
•• tracls, .-•Pcwdbuitdie.s tit Penitons upon, the
licn^al Eflab.'irtiment. ' '■•.,.. <

All ir.cn,' ,;.nd -ail. (governors,- are li-
able .to Errors-,, -arul -Jiiould- not be of-
tendr'd when they iaje> ,'rild- of them: the
'little attcmpt to ■ (ttpp.~t,fs' ■ your Gazette^
ia ve<-y e ui'ehil to Government, was to
••fay; no ' woile,. 4mpn.];tirk; and (h is,
the "partial, .-:inl undel.ei ving Encdrage-
;men>", ' given -to your iifelcfs -Rival, Mr.
Mnivitcr, -who . will give, .his <iu!l adjpe-
irition. to . any ■ per.'on 'r-ather ..than to

Gov----t wheie they, are ;mo(l wanted:

-..IJe; .us: like;, mau'v , r.ahet: fycophaius, vvho
- (uceeud-Ji-ft .iia Btngal, .afraid to I'peak

l?!t.in TridJj.—-1, hope .Sir. you will go

tyi'h , 'te'tppyr,,, ami .• lhanly freedom :
The-' Ftiends . $1 liberty yii'-l' affift you,

and your Enemies * will be ; fli*med t«
I'Pprefs you, confider your Piefs, as the

"ntoft glorious Inflrument ever invented,
for the freedom cf the human race., the
fconrge of Tyfaj-Wiv, opprrfiion, Plunder
and. ft.aud :.'•Jet. yjpur Gaiw tte be a faith-
full rcgifter of • the tranfuflions of the

jEa(L in older, that jour King, your
Country, and the much injured Compa-
ny may .know, what jthey Iwe to depend
upon} ,\

tv m• tjt w ar ts ar -but wm km niiftt ltf

-To Mr. H.ICKY,

s .1. r, . .

OUR C01 refpondent Obfeivator hav-
ing caileil' for tf.e atteutien of yr.t:r
Readers to fi'veTaT"^?eafures which -he
conceives dejijrve Anlmadjfeifion up-or, I
beir leave '1 o 'alblf him in tliis aidu. u"c,
tin/ ifcorijrjk&siflc,'• hov.ivc'r iincqual lt>
the fubjeclV'-.'dnd the hi ft point whi^-.h
occttrs' to; me ; is :'Contrails, which are
abroft ij-emerald; in quantity, aud in-,
rr'cdib!©,- in. Quality. ■. We have a conton-
mcnt Cpntrafli which crakes it the it,-
_ ttleft. <>f the Contraelo , t > expend as
. much as pi fiible cf the (» o:r:party's" Mc
. ucv, bv a..v mean-:, his pi' fus beinj
propprticmatE thereto:—~A- marine . cow-
• tratt which tenders it the infei-tfl of .the
I lead of that' -Department (>yb<> is .th«
f"r>ntia<!lcf) to conceal the M lbih<n i'.-tic
< f ar.v Ihlot; fliriuiil ire.xtend ceint.othe
let's cf (he C« mpatty's Ships,, thro' either
ignorance < r deficit'; ileaft ••' tbi.fc . $Ai.n
when etr-jdi \ c i!. fhoukl" b B it' -the pt . r! s
of the Coiitrac1, by cxpendir.g- a I.aijrer
propoi'tic'.' ( f irorts to J'urnifhed by him-,
An;- Opium cc^t.racl ;• • an Lir-s leant' ce.n_-
tra'C>j a Rcgt eonnaci ; Si'k . coi-tf.
1 cut cotnracl? ; lJiolbiindce c. tvtftiitV ;
,thole wh.1 ought Ci'dy to be: couceii'fcd
in thofe ci.ntr.-cls " 'tiH Deajth i'S elo
part," and to others who ai<; ab/eiivti'lv
igtiorar.t tven' of the; meaning <;f..- -\\.<t
name; ar.d to ch-fe the y>\ itt.r i ft, • a
ro::tr;.£l for. pu)'i<,i.l:s atone, the inc.ft
extraordinary io its na'urc vvhuh was
perhaps fcv'fcr pr:nti-d; at the anr.ii.d ix-
pencc to the C< mpi.n'v, as I have heaul
kfiertt-d, 'of at cut One . Kundied • and
ivventy live Thou fan.) Pounds. If any
thing1.eJn add to thc odium 1! fueh trafcpx.-
t'on .it is to fhciv, that thtfe lucrative
contr-fts, inllca.l of bung difpolcd of'as
J till ice points out,' and bquuy 'demands;
and as the Couit of DiieOlors have ie-
peateJ'v com'mant'ei.', . by pi:bi:c' nctke
to tb.c lowelt Bbtder-, aic invaliabiy r'c-
ftowed cither upon Ibme obtt-quicus fol-
lower, or to fou c Man who 'has Intetclt
at home, .in order to iceure that Xntct'bit
for well icnown purpofe* 5 and almotl
without except on .to Ccinpr.nv's fei vants,
who are pftfitiycltf '.pftihilutttd from hoid-
injr any con ti acts at all 011 the one jail
mentioned it may indetil be remar-icedj that
the facility with which the name of-the
property in fo amazing a concerning has
been tnm*fcrred from OHC hand to ano-
ther, one may form an opinion of the
rial property which thtfe cftenfible■ Agents
have at all in it.

I may trouble you aj;ain as manyva-
vecations ptrmit, and petheps Lucknow,
as afTording an ample lirld /or fpecul'atiun
may be the object J next tin 11 to.

I am your conflant Reader. ;


C A L C U T T A.
General Grdets ijjwd 6t Bttr.tey -25 Decembtr


S y-ou'have rrp.ief' lit: d the tr.f tit ard
yes of L cut. Cck-ne; Ik.itley in ji