Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 7.1781

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ferfa aSars/t.! to .Vr. WC^T en renting Sk-alv-.'a? Is rAcSi, ind is pleating ari 'To be L E T T;

tis fpiriud J*f*nce of his Pat.tr. _ young. . " fTpHAT We and commodious Garden-

WHEN crlt Apoii.o to Dak Hicky Then t^fe I hidden muft .nab my re ; j ^ * prcl-unt occunied bv John

F-ave „ r.Ur" •* . u »'•.. . /U *■ i' * A Brinow Efq ; and iituated near the John

Tne fav'nte .{rem, to plant ia caftern Thy Rofc » too Hoorhmg, t*o thort-uv d ba on ? p]cafaht f of Ground, hop

f^;t and Iwect; . \ tx - -1 ■ ;m fi j

. >01U . n ^ t \/r *i • i n- i particu jars pieaie to enquire or Mr. txlward

From nox:.-ns Wafts the tender twig to But Jenny, my Myrtle is lafting and green. lj~


fave And all the ycartbro-, thou the lirai ftiil
He plied his morning care, and even-, »K____

ing toil:- ! ^?>^1»'v*W'*'W.1i' ^^r**)^^'*

With mickle pains I ween, and .great , Mnfr' Hii(,rtV( ori, oTWvrrr r T^Oo '^ve to acquaint the Lad.es,

turmbilv Huogins and O Donnell. Jh$ and Qendcmen of the fettJement.

But ftill it's doubtful growth feem'd : T> ESPECTFULLY Beg leave to that He continues as ufual to bake Bread and

unfecure, i J_\ inform the Ladies, and Gen- all forts of Sweet-cakes for'breakfaft, Alfi»

Till fate grown loth the infant plant to i'tlemen or" the Prefidehcy, and of *»e fort cf Bifcuit, fit for the ufe of

c ' n W », * \ ! the. fevcral fubordinate ftations, that: \>»«<s> »f Gentlemen who travel, by

Sent Reed & Mentis1* forth witn loads , , , ,„ " ,„ «/•, 'u„„f„ Land, or bra. And »c1!< Butter after th*

impure !

they have opened a nevv Ware-houfe
Las. which form'd a rich I to" the Southward or'the great Tank

for the lale of eij kinds or Europe



Thus when f>me tree dtfowns th* alloted

Soon as the, treafures of fome dung-hill

I . js?ar, ■

In plenteous heaps with pains are thrown

tn knotty duffers Opening bads ,. ap-

■■'■" P"1' . , . ..

And filed forth fwtects to grace tne fmi.-

Hut yeari

So blooms the item which owns itS-HiCKY's

Long may it flotifh vvhilft to freedpd:
• ■ dears

Sparf ruthiefs pow'er ! f.-ir freedoms offspring
fjl (re.

Nor lop-it's tender boughs,-nor Grip it's

manner Mr. Le Gallais did, who fhortly

HeliopeS they will favour Htm with thfit-

and" China Articles," of the firtr I oomnftnds, which will be thankfully ree'd.
Quality, and on the moil moderate

N O T I C E.

hereby f*rven to the Gentlemen o-
the fetflerfient and the Public in genef

Terms- That all Orders and Com-
mhTions from the Country lliall be
punctually, and attentively complied

with, and that they will receive j ralthaiMr. PobertHarvey'sGotWn in
back any things .not approved of \ theRadda baazar, .oppofite Mr Gurhries
on their arrival, (Cliret, Porter, and j p,,n-,,J( !y Mr. f hon>as Smiths, Eurqpfe
Teas excepted, which are liable, to j Shoo, is now ope.n for the laic of the

followiii^ Articles viz.

The beft Country Rurn ■ wholefate
ihd retail, in ps.mcheo.ns., Pipes, and
H<»gSVeati'sjfat the rate of one K upee
eicht' Ans per Gallon wholdnle, and.

Damage from the fmalleft inattenti

onj I'hey. would therefore vviiih

that the Attovuey at Calcutta of

ajiy Gentleman who favors them

with their Commands, may fjev and

tafte the latter Articles, before they j '~'L",~, !^ A

' "lr — are - embark.ed, and meet them it- not n , • r- „ ,>.,„ i .„„..

5£''w"2i:iyxvv. •*».".»:#• -»"m' I'»' i ■ I Good?, C wt-mDa.tirai I .mv. .').•»>, raw

Tb Mife W,__i_ | e> ■ , Silks All Gentlemen ravounn.3

~\ T rHEN clouds thv A^gi-l face deform, j Tur.KBUi.l, Mae' IntvUE and Dawxey,

VV Anxious 1 view the growing ftorm, \ j^^q ,^ave refpCefyUy to
V i-.r.-.antry LIK«tn»«^ arm that eye, K th(t rlftA aJ GOntjemci

And sell the eaih'nn^ tcni^M ni^^j
t 1 u'fe the Si x and bid adieu

' To ftma c Friendfijip; Love and you-
But when foft ]iafnc:is rule your bre.i<',

A i«d r;u h kind look icais love/na* dr>.ft,
\Vi..T. e:oui!isf- frrtilCsiroUhd you plaj,

And j;ive the wor.d a I lot id .^y—
I bleis the iiour w hen f r.1 1 "knew,

Dear ft male (li'eiidjQiip "Lcve and you.'1'

t. durgle!

'J £ N N } and C H A L. L Q 1,

a ballad* • ■

A T onee I'm in love with two nymphs
/j. '-u- a;e fair, . . . . .

f'mij to fwcetj! in my garden thefc nymphs

A compare ■! ,. . . .

Nor can ihrub nor can biciTorn be better

than ihofc,

And. Jeni y4s my'Myrtle, and Qharht\ my
Roi'e. . j

My Charltt is fond all herch.irms to difplay,
With the Roie ui'her cheek £he toali wou'J be

<i. \ W.*L / / '

On all paltT btautits fhe looks down with


And can bear not a fiow'ret to grew by
fi her'fide- ■'

She thinks not how quickly thefe charms
Will expire,
That w,;h May they fuft crme, and With

Summer retire ;
'\ "i.'.t Pride fo loon over i; foolifh, and vain,
And Love built oh Beaut),, can't hold WitD
a fw'arni

But Jenpy, my^Myrtle, ne'er changes
her face.

No Srafon nor Time, can her features dif-


the Laaies ana uentienrcn >>r uai-
eutta, that their Invcft'mcr.i of -China
(roods irriported in rht!' Fcembold, is
now expoi.-d to fa!a for ready Money,
and v>pi • n the 'moft : reafonable Tenns,
.:t the Hotife formerly Occupied by Mi.
Slisihf, near the Court HouiV, As they
purpofed returning from China to- this
Si-rticment early the enfuing feafpu, «hey
will gladly 'receive; and carefully 'execute
any corn millions l!v"y may be favored
with. Their teims Will l>c made knovrn
to any Lady or Gentleman that apply
to rhefn. ' Cafcum 22 Feb'y 1781.

Mr. Hai'vtv n-lrh their Cprnrriands^
may depend upon his ev?-tb)£> every en-
ckavour to sive thein la*•*'•£'<.;'<n.

'I V, be s g.l J)

APii.nave prijtjj.ec^, '* f-u ^oci, if
if. fmal! hut extreaidy v-c'l foupd .-ud-
. in-venistst -v\ h beef t»•(>•" a-< t hall.

I nquire cf Mr< Hl^KV, thi- printer.

To he bOL'D,


1 a .1A


WHO have any demands on the
Eilate of the late Lt. Colonel
Upton, 'are deiired to fend in their
demands, ;md' all perlbns indebred to
the laid Eftate, are requelted to pay
their.refpedlive debts, to John Murray
Ek] •, Executor of thefaid Eftare, on
or before the l\t(t ot April, next.


die e. xi

dency, e_t CC

neat Afi"<|_ f~

-Mr. ROBERT-WSHTOnT" p0^edg|_2 Q
J>EGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen i an(J Pu}; -

Andrew:; at the Lierary
fome exceeding good Clrtret Imported by
uTc iaft Dutch Ship, .'t a very rcafpnablc
Price or,by A Hiriiaid,' wlio lives in the
houle foirri' riv ocdipirj by Dr. ILmihon,
next to t J E


A 'H. ^

IS.UI. IS pi? -

Me- 2

of the'fettkmehtj that at the defirc of
his Friends. He has opened a Tavern in
the Radiia Baaz.'.i, next to Mr. Fivey's
Kuro|ie fhop, where lie hopes for.the fur-
ther continuance of their favours. He alfo
embraces this Opportunity of 'cYpreffihg )

Y V= C


a Carpeut =_



histhanks to the I'ublic in general, for the I HaH^threS-2 v.

favours .and -countenance He has met with, | number o e. Jit*
and to allure them, that it will be his ! o-, o-m- -

ptincipal ttudy to give iatnfadtion to'thofe r tiks' =— fT\

who may be- pleaild to continue their I >j p_ e. \J

ks covets no praife, nor with Envy is' favours, ' j J„^. John y

flung. ! N. 0. OyIters every Week. power to e °0

CALCU l"i'A, Prujiad by j. A-HICKY, Fir/.': anJ.late i'RiH'i-ta^c the Hon, En



- E