Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Heid. Hs. 3695 D1,S8
Wolf, Max; Schlesinger, Frank [Adr.]
Brief von Max Wolf an Frank Schlesinger — Heidelberg, 4.11.1931

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Ileiaelberg <>4 / 11 31

My dear Professor Schlesinger

Hearty best thanks for your kind letter of 0ct.B4.
If you would have asked me for a name without giving me a name
I should have given you the name of Dr.H.Luden&orff,Potsdam,
who is the most important and experienced man ana a splendid
charakter. /I man of a very good experience in your relations
is Prof .R.Schorr of Bergedorf too. But Prof. R. Prager of ileu-
babelsberg, is good and he is younger and therefore perhaps of
greater movableness thenSchorr. I like Prager too.
I think you know that we hac formed a committee of 11 As-
tronomers(Chairman-iiyself) for to discuss and to prepare the
eventual entrance of Gy to the I.Astr.Union. You know we haa
great difficulties about the Consei1.-Since this September
there is the possibility to enter into the Union without to
adhere to the Conseil. Now all our 11 members agree with to
enter. But now we have some difficulties about the money, and
before this question will be settled we can not tto anything.
For the yearly contributions and helps for us and the other
scientific branches of Germany will be necessary an amount of
perhaps 2o-3o ooo RM yearly, and we must see,if it will be
possible in these horrible times to grant such a sum.
My son Ernst is again now at Cambridge with Prof. Crozier,
working in Biology.
We often speak of you and your pleasant visites, an d I
hope to see you once more,if I will be still alife.
With my best compliments to Mrs Schlesinger and with kind
regards Yours old

Dr. Max Wolf