Hinweis: Dies ist eine zusätzlich gescannte Seite, um Farbkeil und Maßstab abbilden zu können.
1 cm
Fu^GST^FF, -^RlZO^i^
April 32,).916.
Professor Max Wolf, Director,
Astropbysikalisches Institut,
Heidelberg, Germany.
Dear Professor Wolf:
Your charts of photographs of the sky with the
16-inch Bruce doublets are frequently used and we have been
impressed with
their excellence and great value.
It has
occurred to me
that since you have two of these objectives
it may be that you are not using both of them, now that photo-
graphic =_
E "
the fi 1!'
making :Z
same sc^E-
— o
lies in J=_r
u u d a r t a I'E
zz co
For som<]E
survey. E-
= (0
of five E
scale i
t r. e 40- E
w 1.th th. =
and lab E-?
doublet ="
ived quality and defects of
blesome as formerly thereby
graph fields in duplicate on
[ot using both of the doublets
jow much in need of a first-class
Mis size, but the matter of
] at the present time seems
fulty of obtaining optical glass
!d in an extensive photographic
Made with a Brashear doublet
is instrument, however,the
has also been covered with
ited field of good definition
ts any extensive survey slow
tad the use of the 9-inch
Observatory. During the
Fu^GST^FF, -^RlZO^i^
April 32,).916.
Professor Max Wolf, Director,
Astropbysikalisches Institut,
Heidelberg, Germany.
Dear Professor Wolf:
Your charts of photographs of the sky with the
16-inch Bruce doublets are frequently used and we have been
impressed with
their excellence and great value.
It has
occurred to me
that since you have two of these objectives
it may be that you are not using both of them, now that photo-
graphic =_
E "
the fi 1!'
making :Z
same sc^E-
— o
lies in J=_r
u u d a r t a I'E
zz co
For som<]E
survey. E-
= (0
of five E
scale i
t r. e 40- E
w 1.th th. =
and lab E-?
doublet ="
ived quality and defects of
blesome as formerly thereby
graph fields in duplicate on
[ot using both of the doublets
jow much in need of a first-class
Mis size, but the matter of
] at the present time seems
fulty of obtaining optical glass
!d in an extensive photographic
Made with a Brashear doublet
is instrument, however,the
has also been covered with
ited field of good definition
ts any extensive survey slow
tad the use of the 9-inch
Observatory. During the