Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Germanische Literatur.

M. Pf.
Vale Press Drucke siehe unter Blake, Cellini, Cupido, Shelley,
Sidney, Suckling.
1427 Valery, hist., literary and artist. travels in Italy. W. 1 map.
Paris 1842. Cloth. (71/2 fr.) 3 —
1428 Vaughan, H., silex scintillans, etc. Sacred poems and pious ejacu-
lations. With a memoir by H. F. Lyte. London 1883. cloth. (5 sh.) 2 50
1429 Victor, the history of the thsatres of London and Dublin from the
year 1730 to the present time. 3 vols. London 1761—71. Hfz. 9 —
1430 Walpole, H., Memoirs of the reign of George III. first published by
Sir Denis le Marchant Bart, and now re edited by G. F. Russell
Barker. 4 vols. With 16 portr. London 1894. Cloth, top gilt.
New copy. (52.60). 26 —
1431 (Walsh, G.), l’höpital des fous. Trad. de l’anglois (par De La
Flotte). Paris, Seb. Jorry, 1765. Cart. 5 —
Avec 1 planche de frontisp., 1 Vignette, et 1 cul de lampe par Eisen, graves par La
Fosse. Cohen, Guide, col. 216.
1432 Ward, J., The lives of the professors of Gresham College. W. the
life of Thomas Gresham. W. an appendix, consisting of orations,
lectures and letters etc. Lond. 1740. Fol. Frzb. M. Portr. u. 3
Ansichten v. Gresham College. 22 —
1432a Ward, Th. EL, the English poets. Selections with critical introductions
by various writers and a general introduction by M. Arnold. 4 vols.
London 1880—81. cloth. (30 sh.) 30 —
1433 Webb, J., translation of a French metrical history of the deposition
of King Richard the Second, written by a Contemporary, and com-
prising the period from his last expedition into Ireland to his
death; from a Ms. formerly belonging to Charles of Anjou, Earl of
Maine and Mortain; but now preserved in the British Museum;
accompanied by prefatory observations, notes, and an appendix;
with a copy of the original. W. 16 engraved plates (facs. of minia-

tures). 4. London 1823. A. 442 pp. 26 —
1434 Weesils, A., satyrical fable: giving an account of some argumental
passages happening in the Lions Court about Weesilion’s taking
the Oaths. 4. London 1691. Hfz. 10 —
1435 Whincup, Th., Scanderbeg: or love and liberty. A. tragedy. To
which are added a list of all the dramatic authors. W. many engr.
portraits. London 1747. Calf. 12 —
1436 Wilde, Oscar, Salome. A tragedy in one act, transl. fr. the French,
pictured by Aubrey Beardsley. Sm. 4to. London 1904. Cloth, netto 21 —
Of this work 250 copies have been printed on band- made paper.
1437 — the same, copy No. 35 of the edition on Japanese vellum limited
to 50 copies. netto 42 —
1438 Windiscli, E., irische Texte mit Wörterbuch. Gr.-8. Leipzig 1880.
XIII, 886 S. (24 M.) . 18 —
1439 — mittelirisches Kunstgedicht über die Geburt des Königs Aeol
Slane. Leipzig 1884. S. A. 1 50
1440 Wolcot. — Reitterer, Th., Leben u. Werke Peter Pindars (John
Wolcot). Wien 1900. 4 —
1441 Zeuss, J. C., Grammatica Celtica. 2 vols. Lpzg. 1853. (24 M.) 9 —

Nordgermanisch. Alte und moderne skandinavische
1442 Aarboger, for oldkyndighed og historie. Udgivne af det Kgl.
Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Jg. I—III. Mit Tafeln u. Holzschn.
Kiobenhavn 1866—68. 10 —
Bildet die Fortsetzung der 1836—63 erschienenen „Annalen“.

Karl W. Hiersemann in Leipzig, Königsstrasse 3. Katalog 318.