Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1952

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Juno 15 1952


(From OurCorrespjr.dent)

Kurseong, June 10
The general body of
the Nepali Sahitya Lekhak
Sangh, Kurseong, met at
1 P. M. at the Dharam-
sala Hall, Kurseong, under
the presidentship of Mr.
Mertin Gurung of Sittong,
on Sunday, the 8th May,
1952. The meeting passed
the draft constitution of
the Sangh including the
fol.owing aims and objects.

(1) to increase circulation
ot Nepali literary periodi-
cals,-(- to encourage rising
writers, (3) to arrange for
standaid spelling and com-
position rmes in Nepali
language, (4 to collect
folk lores and folk tales,
(5) to encourage transla-
tions, etc.

Mr. Mertin Gurung
sj oke on the aims and
objects of the Sangh and
while congratulating it
deplored the existing eon-
g<*>tion of imitations in
Nepali liicrature. He im-
.] res'iil upon the audience
iu scan h and find out
literary originality which
he believed may l.e traced
out in Nepali folk lores
and lVlktales. Me exhorted
upon the listners for trying
to dej ict the real life of
people and not to run
after cheap imitations.

Sri l>. B. Chettry
th inked the president of
tl.e meeting.


(From Cur Oorrfispoiulrnt)

Siliguri. June 12
The maximum tempe-
rature of this Sub-Divi-
sion went upto 104” on
the 8th & 9th inst, and it
has been varying from 98°
to 104 during the last
week. Due to burning
heat and lack of breeze
it has been impossible to
go out doors The worst
sufferes are field workers,
Office-employees and out-
door-businessmen The heat
cools down a Bit^onlv bv
the last part of night.
•\ sort of drought prevails
here. The current. month’s
upto date rainfall is behind
that of June last year bv
8 inches. But the rain-
fall in May of this

year was ahead of that

of last year by 7 inches.
Due to drought condition
tea-leaves are being infes-
ted with redspiders and
the cultivation of paddy
is stiff* ring. Tt „is s^l
that lack of r'ens’ty of
the forest in the foot

hills of terai. due to the
clearance of jungles, is thd
main cause of less rain-
fall during tl e last two
years making the tempera,
lure here very high in
sum mer.

FOR SALE Prince Peter
! of Greece’s green D >dge
sedan, fluid drive, American
I build excellent mechanical
condition. Apply Tashiding,
! Kalimpong or call 74.

Hydro-Electric Workers to
x go on strike

( From Our Oorresp"ndetit)

. Kurseong, June 10
The president of the
Kurseong Hydro-Electric
Workers Union, Sri Pro-
bhat I5iavvj9 has sent an
ultimatum to the proprie-
tors of the Kurseong
Hydro-Electric Company
demanding redress of cer-
tain grievances ot the
workers of the company.
He has also notified the
fact that in case the
demands of the workers
are not redressed beture
the 24th June. 1952, they
will go on strike irom
the same day.

" DF.Al)

(?ron O.ir <■ jrrojpaalent)

Siliguri, Juno 12
A man was found
dead on the morning of
12th inst beneath the over-
bridge of old railway sta-
tion heie. He is reported
to have come here about
5 days ago and lived on
begging. It seemed that
the man died of some
diseaso and malnutrition.

Darjeeling Goverr.n ent
College. Darjeeling
Darjeeling Government
College, Darjeelirg. A
hostel at the “Heather!
I.odge” will be o| ened for!
the accommodat op of girl
tudents of tie College!
vith the beginning of the]
1952-52 session. Detailed
particulars may be 1 had j
from the Principal. j