Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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tlunuary 4, 1953

ini mala trim ITiii»rs



dhu. Chitta ^Ranjan Das'
belongs to the whole, nation

Governor’s Appeal

Dr. H. C. Mook'-rjee,
Governor of West Bengal
has ' issued the following
appeal —

It was a quarter of
a century ago—on June
lb, 192o, to . be exact
that Deshbandhu Chit fa
Ranjan Das passed away
at Darjeeling. The house
where he. spent his last
days and closed his eyes
‘ Step Aside” stands today
in a neglected condition.

It is not perhaps
incorrect to’ say that this
building should, long ago,
have been preserved as a
national monument and
turned into a centre for
the continuance of all those
constructive and humani-
tarian activities so dear
to the Deshbandhu.

It has, therefore, been
suggested t hatSStep-Aside”
should be acquired by the
nation, not only for per-
petuating the memory of
Deshbandhu ai.d as our
humble tribute - to this
gr< at leader, but also for
utilising it as a centre
for the service of .the poor
and as a token of our
effort towards realising
the . great ideal of service
which was the kevnote^of
his life.

Ail those consulted so
far. have unanimously
agreed that tl\* first floor

For Funds

of ‘‘Step-Aside’1 including"
the room where Deshban-
dhu passed away, should
• be set apart for the pre-
servation. of the little
furniture and personal
effects used by him during
his illness,.his photographs,
writings, manuscripts, arti-
cles and other • mementee's
now scattered all over
our country among, his
friends, admirers and Coun-v


f • •

We have not only to
acquire the ..property and
\tp repair and renovate it
but also to creat a Trust
Fund, ’ the income from ,
which will cover all'ex-
penses including the finan-
cing of such philanthropic
activities as may be deci*

. ded upon r by the Board
of Trustees which will be
in charge of this National

T feel that, having
regard to not only the
urgency but also the man:-
fo’d nature of the needs
of the local residents of
Darjeeling distt.. the sum
of five lakhs our immediate
target, is on the side of

T have such an abi-
ding faith in our people
that 1 am confident that
the amount required will
be raised by Voluntary
contributions. Deshban-

and is above all' parties
and groups. . I cherish the
hope that every one irres-
pective of caste^ creed and
ideological affiliations will
contribute according' to
his ability.

All contributions should
be’sent either .to the Secre-
tary to the, Governor (sec-
retary; to the Committee)
or .to the Treasurer, Im-
perial Bank of .India,
•Calcutta, who is, also the
Treasurer of this Fund.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad,
President of India has
sent' a sum of Rs. 500, -
to the Governor of West
Bengal as his donation
for this Fund.


This is to draw the /
attention of those requir- j
mg Professional Service
that Dr. B. Franklin will j
be visiting Kalimpong,.
and will be . pleased to j
interview those requiring j
dental treatment or those
requiring dentures made;
at)v day between the 0
A.*M. to 4 P. M., 12th to
17ih January, 11)53.

Please send enquiries to;
Mrs. A. Perry,

Himalayan Hotel,


(Also appointment can be done
direct by Phone I)j. -bb).