Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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ifiimnlamtn (Times

January ..11*,- 1953

Kalimpong January 7/, 1953


The eighteenth of January now ap-
proaching nearerf election tempo in
Kalimpong is slowly rising. The election
alliance between the Congress arid the
Gorkha League does not seem to be
working in practice except for the fact
that, there" is no Congress candidate in
the field. So far the Gorkha League
alone is running the %show and neither
the District Committee nor the local
‘Congress,.Committee is seen doing any
election activity We do not know how
the- two parties concluded the alliance
but we ’‘expected, at least this much that
both parties would remain very active
in supporting the candidature of the
‘andjdate whoye selection, we understand,
was solely, left to the Gorkha League
•-Eyen the etaiicb congressmen, are prac-
tically unconcerned so far wo are not
aware if. it is due . to the change ot
altitude or the part of 'either party
sinco the conclusiqn of the alliance.

' From letters and correspondences
from many including front rank Gorkha
Leaguers, which were sent fpr publica-
tion but wg^did 'not publish’for mutual
betterment of feeling, we understand that
•Sree T. R. Sharma was the candidate
constitutionally chosen and accepted by
. all sections of the people. 'We do not
know what made Sri Sharma withdraw
from the contest but this much we can
safely say that there would have been
less criticism and a wider popular sup-
port from everywhere. To us every step
has appeared like a dramatic performance.
The ambition- for M L.A ship and then
further for deputy ministership or minis-

tership perhaps did not lure Sri Sharma
even when it looked pretty certain that
his victory was a one horse race, when lie com-
pared this to his primary responsibilities as a
volunteer in the held of education.

Much stress is being laid by the contesting
parties that. Sree Gurung is an independent can-
didate. This point however has been denied by
the Gorkha League.and the League openly declined
that Sree Gurung is its candidate, 'this hurts tlie
feeling of the Congressmen but Mr. Gurung’s cri-
terion almost, appears clear. Any way the verdict
lips in the hands of the electorate of the- Kalim-
pong constituency and we anxiously wait for
the election result.


In the matter of Bengal Co-operative.
Sbcietie'S ' Act, lb 10 *


In the matter of !>. II. Railway Co-ope-
rative Ore it 'ocietv, Ltd , Kurseong,'

Notice is hereby given that the
statutory audit of the above named Co-
operative Society for the year ended
30th .June, 1952 has been taken up by
me. I, therefore, request every depositor,
creditor, deb‘or and member of the said
Society to verify his individual credit#
& debit balance and ‘lie share balance
respectively. as the case may be, as at
30th June, 1952 with me either at the
Society’s office at Kurseong or at the
address given below within seven days
from date.

No separate individual verification
'lips will be issued to the above effect.

In ike absence of any reference,
the balance as per books of the Society
shall be token as correct.

“G ii os rc Lon.ii:” ARY A K I’M ARRAY.

R. B. Road, .. r,

Kurseong. inspector of Co-oprratne

21-12-52-. • Societies. Kurseong.

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