Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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Six iliumlnyatt vTimcs January II, 1053



WHILE wishing you a happy new year
I am impelled by selfish motive. I
cannot myself be happy unless my neigh-
,b<j>ur8 are. happy too. Blessings, congra-
tulations. Asirvad, god-speed are based
on selfishness which however is not a
very serious crime. Otherwise great lea-
ders industrialists and ambassadors Would
not have been so selfish.

According to the teachings of the
Freudian school of scientists, when I
wish you a happy new year I ‘project’
myself into you. I wish that 1 myself
become happy in ihe coming year.

Certain ft rn.s of story telling are
’based on selfishness like wishing you a
happy new year. The grand-mother's
story ended like this:—“And^ so they
were, hapj y, — 0 supremely happy and
t'hd pair entered1 their domestic life in
peace and phasure ’ No hearer wishes
that 'thejuro ana he:oine lead a wretched
life.. 'Ihe novels that depict perverted
char.actejs and- traged}7 cause pleasure
through pain because, according to some
poets ‘Our sweetest songs rue those
that tell of saddest thoughts.

The old type1 of story-hearer are
against elaborate descriptions .of love
affair. , Whemthe narrator on a New
Year flight describes love intrigues, the
grandmother^ > comes thundering along
asking “Well we're they married after
all ? Yss or no ?” ^Tne narrator’ out of
respect says “Yes granny, they were !”
Cranny says: “Then go' to sleep, —

you children and adults there 1 It is
nearly midnight.”

The idea of the next \vorld is pro-
bably based on a desire for happier days,
just •as we wish a happy new year.

This world being full of sorrows and
sufferings and cruelty and poverty we
hug the idea.that surtly a .grander world
with better days will dawn, and hence
fhe poet asks tho singing bird
Or dost thou sing
Under force

Of some divine command,—
Commissioned to
Presage a course
Of happi r days at hand ?

1 his ‘next world was well explained
at the Calcutta GPO wall placard “Travel
by air and see t.he world ’. Some! un-\
known hand wrote beneath it * Travel
by the IvIR. and see the next !’—that
was owing to the iepeated derailments
and collisions

Last year on New Year's Day placards ,
Inarm. the inscriptions “Anand Ilaho !” ,
'Sub koi ki bhala J' were carried through
Vivekananda Road. On the footpath . in
immediate vicinity lay famislu d beggars
in rags or semi-naked. It was a . cruel

It lies within the power of a State*'
to start homes for the infirm beggars .
and supply them with food. It ought
to have come within tho scope of the
five year plan.

Not being a religions festival the New-
Year's Day beholds racing carnival, and
gambling and excitement go or on the
course. A part of the intake ought to
have met beggars' cost. Of late pictorial
articles have appeared in the vernacular
papers giving pictures of of tho maimed
and famished.

It is also a cruel joke to a happy
new year to the middle-class or Grihas-