Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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^j'mmlnftan June

February 1, !C'ii3

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Kalimpong February I, 1953


Indian • republic now cr.ters into her
fourth year. The achievements in the past
three years have not been many but these
yea s have not been wasted. A great
statesm n sai l *\Ye are in difficult times,
but we shall be oiTt of the wool one dav.
Britishers handed over to us just when,
and perhaps just because the world, posi-
tion .bad b -come most difficult.’

*,(4ur difficulties have been numerous-
Avar neao-’i* home, 11 ) ) 1, earthqa ike. refugee,
-pestilence and internal ideological conflicts
and so on; but we have braved them all
f, with dignity and rather enhanced interna-
tional status. Three years js not. enough
/to un !o' the doings of centuries and also
to bripg about vast administrative changes
and we, on our entry Inter the fourth year
of our Republic, must pledge full support
and cooperation to.our leaders and admi-
'u a.raiors .m l strengthen their hands to
V!u)r! them to lead the country, tiiroug!)
‘.troubled davs, 'to safety Arid "lory and
make out^'Republic the home of justice,
liberty* enm ity an 1' fraternity**..

by the Municipality: Items rales where
requirt 1 has also to be quoted.

Amount of

Lists of works



Sealed Tenders aie invited from the
approved contractors - of the Kalimpong
Municipality for the following works
before 4-3) p in. oP the 9th4 February,
’52 (Mcnday).

Rati 3 may be quoted at par, below
or above the Current sole du!e of rates of
the C.’& VV. D,.Kalimj ng Sub-Division,
Vorthcrn Circle vhich has been adopted

1. Wid *ning and ulabing of mar-
ket drain in Ward V. ... Rs.5000/-

2. Con truction of 4 unit Urinal

Ra ge at Motor Stand in

WT d 111 .. ... Rs.1041/.

3. ('on truction of a Goat-Kill

li< sc in the Slaughter (

Ho :se An a in Ward til ... Rs 2'4I7/-

■\ *

4 Premix Carpeting of a por-
tion of Atisha Road in
Ward X ... ... Rs 4000'-

5. Providing Water Hydrants.

in 1'irpai Bazar in Ward VI I;, • Rs. 400/-

.0. Improvements to .Market

Place in Ward V ... Rs 1892 -

7. Provision of a I ig-Stve and
Water Trough in the t attle
Pound in Ward \' ... Rs. 700 -

8 . Restoration of Rain Dama-
ges by .June, 7,0 disaster
in the D *v« unment Area
in Wa:d X :

(a) Gro ip l:Jhora-i d < Tilvor ts... Rs 4723 -
,b) Gro ip IRJhoras & Culverts.. Rs 0763 -

(c) Grc i{> 111: Jhoras ... Rs.13,440/-

(d) Group iV: Jhoras ... Its.lJ,s2J, -

(e) Group V: .Jhoras ... Rs. 3579/-

(f) Gr< up VI: Restoration to

Roids ... ... Rs.14,911/-

Fu ther particulars may be obtained
from \ te engineering Section of the Muni-
cipal J(Tice during office hours or from
the P blic XTotice Boards.

Mun. ipal Office, S. N. ROY,

K impong. Chairman,

The 30t January, I9ij3 Kalimpong Municipality