Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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February 8, 1953

3$inutl»tisn (Limes



The Editor it not reipuntible for view/ erpie ted in thii niumn
Ed. II..Timet


Sir, The recently concluded bye-elec-
tion in Kal mpong, where the Communist
candidate forfeited • his security to a
Gorkha Leaguer, is only an expression
of the ’ much debated theory but now
gracefully acknowledged, that to arrest
Communism, the successful solution is
Communalism. . .

Today, this district is perhaps experi-
menting, in s'-nding.four Gorkha leaguers
from all its constituencies, though facing
a problem how the ,Gorkha league will
now reciprocate, sucli a fine gesture of
the voters. During the elections. Com-
munist tried to make a capita! out of
the crisis facing the tea industry in this
district, . that the crisis worsened when
the leaguer .accepted the deputy Minister-
ship. Can Gorkha League now. give a
fitting reply, and make actions speak
louder tlniii-words ?• As the tea gardens
are not located in this area, the crisis
was never appreciated as an issue here,
but if the t ommu'ii-t now challenge the
labour IH- Minister 10 resign Jiis seat,
and contist on this particular js3ttc, the
much debati d popularity of the-Gorkha'
League here', could be then made to
undergo, an equally debated acid teBt

liven today, if if is not late, the league
leadership should take a serious note of
this writing, how a place like Kalim-
pong known, as rhe birth place'of the
Gorkha League, with more than 44.000
voters, could only appeal to 8000 voters,
out of a total of 9500 cast. Could this
bo due to a candidate, “sponsored’’ by
the League? Tho Gorkha League is ac-
cused of its legislative alliance with the
Congress, and submitting to such an
extent that even its election promise of
a separate hill state, known by ,the

Communists, as ‘R -ginnal autonomy’ com-
pletely silenced the League MLA's tit
the House, when the communist MLA
moved a motion to this effect. Will the
Gorkha L-ague now build a monument
from such allegations hurled like stones
by critics with, harsh' intent, has today
become a thought provoking issuo ?

Today the crisis in this district’s tea
industry would not have assumed such
a problem -if only certain minor items
of Five Year Plan’ were effected here.
If its application now is considered too
late by our rulers and statesman then
critics might, be made to think, otherwise
if one of the development bfocs in tho
community projects is located . in this
district, incase Congress-league alliance
in the As-embly has to he justified in tho
interest of the voters. To dav Congress
may be criticised for accommodating a
communal leairuer in the cabinet, or the
Le-ague for allowing itself to he used as
a pawn in the tea crisis, but will Gorkha
League’s lack of constructive planning
coupled with its ill defined “political
programme” which to many discrimina-
ting mind is .still a mirage today, who
assert that league is not a political body,
ever frustrate the voters here to be used
as fertilisers!} y the communists ? Your
etc. Burhmukhe Gurung.

Lower Bridle Roaf

Curriculum leads to the Senior Cambridge.
Boys admitted from the age of li to 12
Term begins March 2nd.