Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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ito tiii: editou

f he Editor i/ not responsible for i'iewt ezprttHd in thii column
Ed. U. limes


Sir, It was very encouraging to read
the lucid article by Sri K. S. Samanta
under- the above caption in your i-.sue
of 25th .January, 195$ • The Subject is
of sufficient importance to iperit .such
elaborate handling by one who knows
and ..interested. The serious difficulties
he has enumerated are genuine under
the circumstances ' prevailing in India
or. in fact in most backward ‘countries, •
d he following summarrised position may
also be considered :

1. N.o father to get -more children
ho can adequately -maintain b^pthe stan-
dard known as' the cost of living index.

,*FaiIure .to constitute, an offence ■ under
law. • \ • '"/

•j. The- method tp. be-- that adyoc au d
by that famous Dr Bernard MScfaidine
who explains that by a minor-.opera linn
on the man ho ceases to be productive
without losing the sexual power or in
any wav imparing his general- health.

2. Fro per lectures on public platforms ..
explaining the position will be beneficial
as most men will see the point, in re-
ducing as number of ch ldn n to a limit
they can reasonably maintain in a fair

4 To ensure the procreation of heal-
thy species both parties to a marriage
contract to be examined by qualified medi-
cal practitioners. Unless a clean bill of
health is produced marriage to be unlaw-
ful and the parties to be liable to puni-
tive measure. Your etc. ‘M il !

(Continued from page 10)

this is done the better for all; for the
implementation of this Scheme will-rightly
go on keeping the people, of both sexes
engaged in the Lndu trial hum of life.

and this will.be the means' of earning
their livelihoods, and ultimately the na-
tional evil created out of unemployment
will be effectually combated. Emerson
says <fThe crowning fortune of a man\
is to be born with a bias to some
pursuits which Finds , him in employment
and happiness”.

Before I conclude as a lover - of
Small -scales and ; Cottage Industries, I
request the Government, to overhaul the
present arrangement of the ,Ex!-serviee -
Woolen Industrial School, running at
present in Beechod, Darjeeling, ' the only
■ Institution in this Town, and ihake the
Instt: open to. alj sections of the people,
as hitherto its "benefits seem to be con-
fined only to the lamilies 'of Service
and Ex-seryicemen. By doing this, the
Scheme will attain its popularity and
also, serve the immediate purpose at
least for this' Town at the present moment,

I hope the Public will share my
views] ^.nd render every help to make
the Scheme of.Small scales and Cottage
Industries a success.

Lower Bridle Road

Curriculum leads to the Senior Cambridge.
Boys admitted from the age of 6 to 12
Term begins March ,2nd.


Furnished B u n gal o w
“ Hegavus ” witli Six
large Rooms and Four [Bathrooms, Pantry
and large front Verandah facing the snows.
Built in li'42 on about one acre of land
the Kalimpong Development area
near Convent and College for Rs 35.00Q/-.

Apply : H R, Edmunds

“Sunnydale”l Kalinipong.