Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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February 22, 1953

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(From Our. Correspondent)


Gangtok, Feb. 16

A new Rest House
for Soldiers’ Sailors’ and
Airmen’s Board named as
Southern Sikkim Soldiers’
Sailors’ and Airmen’s has
recently been opened by
His Highness the Maharaja
of Sikkim art Namehi. ■
Many Soldiers and public
in general attended the
function. The function
started with a guard of
honouf under the command
of Oapt. D S. Lepcha.
The President of the Board
Maharaj Kumar Pd T.
Naingyal 0. B E. opened
the function with a pre-
sidential speech in Nepali.
Sri D. B. Chhetri the Sec-
retary followed. Bs. 600/-
was distributed to C sol-
diers who were the victims
in the receipt Sytnpani
disaster and lost their hou-
ses etc due to lire accident.

The Secret uy read
out letter from General
K. M. Oafiappa and the
message from the present
C-in C.

After the presentation
of medals and the Sanad
to : nb-Major Naiue Lama
Bahadur O.B.l. the open,
ing ceremony oi the Best
House was performed by
His Highness the Maharaja
of S.kkim by cutting a
vellow ribbon alter that
H. H. & the Guests were
intertained. The Dewan
Sikkinj State and other

Siligttri, Feb 18.
An Agricultural and
Industrial Exhibition is
going to be held here at
Pro lhan-N a g a r 1 from
March 2 for a week. The
exhibiti n will have many
entertainments such as
Nepali and Bhutia folk
dances. Circus and cultu-
ral shows. Dr. B. Ahmed
Minister for Agriculture &
Co-Op'ration is expected-
to open the Exhibition.
An Exhibition Committee
with leading persons of
the town has been formed
and Mr. George Mahabert,
M L.A has been elected its


Fro.ii Our Oorrc> pond out)

Riliguii, Feli. 1$
The local Excise De-
partment seized 3 seers
of Ganja from a person
on the 15th inst while the
man was loitering in the
fish market. I he man was
produced before the magis-
tratd who remanded him
to jail custody.

high ranking Officers of the
State were present

The President, of the
Board is very much inter-
ested for the welfare of
the ex-soldiers of the State
and all possible helps are
extended to them. The
Board receives more than
sufficient helps from the
Dm bar.

Kalimpong, Feb. 20

It is learnt that the
Parliament of Roliarons,
the first of its kind on
the Indian- soil, .will be'
held at Ananda Kafir-
Rishikesh, under the gui-
dance of Swami Sivai
naudaji on 3rd, 4th anti
5th April, .1953.

Delegates froth various
religious cultural and social
organisations; Universities
and other educational
institutions have been in-
vited to participte in the
, proceedings of the Parlia-
ment of religions. The
speeches of the delegates
and the messages received
for the occasion will be
published in a Commemo-
ration Volume.

Persons who would
like to Speak at the Par-
liament tnay specify two
alternative subjects to help
the organisers to release
the programme in advance.
Those who are unable to
attend are requested to
send their inessago of
Paper to be read during
the meetings and for later
incorporation in the Co-
mmemoration Volume,
aiong with a copy of their

Further particulars can ho
had from :—The eecre-
tary, Parliament of Reli-
gions Ananda Kutir Rishi-
kesh (U. P.)