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Himalayan Times — 1953

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Februaiy 22, l‘J.o3

* an Ount£S

Kalimpong Ffbmary 2-1. 1953


We hear many people talk about the
proposal of a T.B Sanato'ium near Algarah.
The proposal from the Government side,
to the best of our knowledge is not fina-
lise 1 yet The place will be observed lor.
quite a long time, climatic condition .will*
be thoroughly examined and so it wiH take
quite a.loh time for the p-oposal to mate-
rialise. Bnt even at this stage the opinion
of the local people appears to be definetly
against if We I; ear’them citing the exam-
ple of.Kurseong. The place proposed to be
selected appears to be very near the thickly
populated btisiees.. J-lence instead of cure
people are ('reading the spread of ‘the
li lted disease^iri this so far healthy area.

It is-high time for'the Govt, authorities
also to take into consideration the .opinion of
the local people and before anything much
is .spent in the observatory etc the Govt,
should convince the people and failing which
they should drop the proposal finally.


This week we have the Pedong Exhi-
bition. For the last main years people
have' expr ssed their opinion to change the
site ol the. exhibition‘to Kalimpong It is
true that a cultivator of Bhalukhop or Lolay
or Nimbong pees not take his product to
Pedong but a cultivator from Pedong or
Silky on g wilt certainly bring his to Kalim-
pong bee utse it is tie nerve centre for the
whole sub-division-. No doubt the people of
Pe ong area might have benefitted by the
exhibitions but they are . not very much
enthusiastic in the . show. A more central
and bigger place can certain1 v exhibit more

show anti demonstration to the people Be
it cle riy understood that these lines are
not the editor's news but we merelv express
what ;ve hear from the people Pedong
has now a good approach road and this
may be to some extent due to the holding
of the Mela there because high officers
and ministers experienced the difficulties
themselves while going to Pedong. If this
is so then why we should not propose the
Mela to be held next year at Gitbeong
where we shall have another pitched road
within a few years ! Either of the two
proposals appears to be very sound and
more beneficial to the people for whose
benefit the exhibitions are held.


42 Nominations Filed

From Our Correspondent)

Gangtok, Feb. 20

42 Nomimtions were filed before the
Returning otlicir for election to the Sikkim
State Council till this evening. The fob
lowing parties filed the nominations :

Sikkim National Party ... 23

Sikkim State Congress ... 12

Proja Sam telati ... 5

Schedule Caste League ... 2

The scrutiny ol nomination papers will
take . place on 26 It and the last date of
withdrawals is 28th inst.

Ti e following are some of the impor-
tant persons who hive filed the nomina-

Sri I'ashi Ts!u ring, Sri Kashiraj Pra-
dhan, Sri Sonant Tshering, Sri Clttong
Renzing, Capt, D. S. L> pcha, Kazi Louden
Durji and Dr. Tonyot Tshering.

Preliminary elections will he held from
30th March to 30th April and the final
elections will commence from 1st May
and wiil continue upto 22nd Mav, 1953