Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March l, T953

ll'.imalauan . Wtn.ca

servoir will store 1,104,000 acre feet of
water, of which 725,000 acre feet will
be controlled Hood storage.. Power plant
will have an installed capacity (/f 40,000
KW. The irrigated area will be 270,000

A tunnel has been bored to carry
the cold wed-ther discharge of the Barakar
river. To carry the excess flow during
the monsoon a diversion channel is being
excavated. . Round Maithon. the I) V C.
has its biggest colony provided with all
modern amenities

Panchet Hill Dam
Panchet Hill, the fourth dam of
the fir.-t phase, will be taken up this
year. It will also be a concrete cum-
earth dam and. will have a height of
135 feet The main earth dam will he
1,800 feet and the concrete spillway 755
feet long. On either side will be bulk-
heads totaling 400 feet. The dykes will
he 5,020- Pvt long on the left side and
6:380 Teet on the right with . a saddle
dyke -of 2,120 feet. From a width of
35‘f-ect at the top, the concrete dam
will, broaden out to 250 feet, at • the
base, while the earth dam will •■cover
800 feet. , Engulfing an area ol 22,800
aores the storage-volume of the reservoir
will be 1 214,000 .acre feet providing
perennial irrigation to 0,83.850 acres.
The’ installed capacity for pow< r -gem ra-
tion wiH be 40,t)u0 KW.

Durgapur Barrage and Irrigation System
This project envisages the construc-
tion Of a barrage at Durgapur.jtbout
9, a piled upstream-.’• The existing Ander-
so.n Weir and a network of irrigation
canals will irrigate over a million acres
in West Bengal. The. barrage will he
of the floating raft type constructed over
three lines of sheet piling. The structure
will include 34 gates for releasing water,
a- lock for navigation, fish ladders and
a r.oadway. The length of the concrete

section of the Barrage will be 2,305.feet.
The main irrigation and navigation canal
90 miles long connects the Damodar
and Hooghly rivers and will average 60
feet in width with a minimum depth
of 9 feet. Qn the left hank, besides
the main canal there will be 800 miles
of branch canals and ditches, 398 miles
of drainage channels, and 50 miles of old
canah will be rehabilitated. The right
bank system will consist of lower locks
at the Kunti river, regulators, falls and
bridges. The barrage design and engi-
neering is well under way. Surveying
of canal- and ditches is in progress and
construction machinery is available at
the barrage site. The whole project is
expected to ho completed by the end
of 1954-55.

The first phuse of Dimodar’s d°ve.
opulent is expected to cost Ks. 83.89
crores. Its benefits will he the provision
of much neeHt-d water to 1,025 000 acres
of land, and 300,000 KW of installed

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