Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March 22, 11)53

ifiimnlamtlt tTimc


(I1'rum Our Correspondent)

Kurseong, March lS

■ ( i )



(Pi-um Out 1'urtospondcntj •

Kurseong,, March 19 ’

A Tribunal Ins been sitting s'nce
Iasi few days al the local Gurkha Public
Library under the Chairmanship of a Cal-
cutta Judge. The Tribunal is hearing a
vear long feud between the Kurseong Hydro
Electric Company Ltd. and the Hydro'
Electric Workers l nion/ Ii may be men-
tioned that the above 'Union served a
strike notice on the. company' about a
vear age demanding increase, in wages and
the re-introduction of Provident Fund Scheme
which was abolished when’ tie -company
came under a new management.. The,
strike was called off w heir the .Govt. . decided
to send the Tribunal. .


(From Our Cvrrespondent) , N

A man with setvere injuries was
admitted , into the Ku.seong Charitable
Hospital few clays • ago. It is said that
at Gbethal’s Sidingi the man took the
si.de of the road to saved himself from'an
approaching M ot or Hus, but next minute
he found hifiiseh stab ing between the,.
ISIotor B :s; -and .a .running: train, which
happened to. be running low r Is Kurseong.
He felt very dizzy0 aid. nervous due -to
the double motibir'of the. moving vehicles
and unable t o rkeep> 'Jtrw-_ bd aiict* he fell
down on the road. •’ The .merviftg bogies
of the down -train got, him and glragge i
him to ...a long.' distance .inflicting- severe
injuries.. all-' over' his bodv


Kurseong. . M ar c h 18
A meeting of the, leading citizens of
Kurseong was held . at the Sorabjee Hotel
this evening under the chairmanship ‘of
the local ^. D. 0. It was decided to bold
the Industrial’ and Agricultural Exhibition
on 3rd, 4th and 5th ol April and-not on
thi-v 201 h: 21 st and ..22nd of .March as

decided before, The place 0! venue has-
been changed from the st. Alphonsus*
School to the Ma-hatab Cub.


Wanted a qualified Electrical Super-
visor for Hydro Electric Installation at
Gangtok. Apply to State Engineer. Sikkim
gi\ittg academic qualifications and past
experience with copies of testimonials
Scale of pay Rs. 250-20 350 EB-20-500.
l'ersons with experience in Hydro Eleo-
tric Installation and qualified as Electri
cal Engineer from any recognised insti-
tution in India should apply Hill man
witli necessary qualifications and past
experience will be preferred.

That a human being weighing 10
stones contains enough fat for seven
cakes of scap. carbon for 9,000 pencils,
phosphorus to make 2,200 matches heads,
sufficient magnesium for one dose of
salt, iron to make one medium-sized
nail, sufficient lime to whitewash a chiken-
coc.p, enough sulphur to rid a dog of
■fleas and water- to (Til a ti n gallon tup.

That being too modest to place his
ear against h s patients cheat to listen
the disorderly heat of her failing heart,
a young doctor, in 1‘aris in ISHi ul.i
lized a rolled up n iper which lie p'aced
against the woman’s (li st, and found
the sound tube conveyed the sound very
distinctly. Later, the physician, Rene
1 aennee. thought matter over and the
result was Ins famous invention - the

That a statistician states that the
average man speaks over ten miiion
words a year. To find out how many
a married man speaks just kncck off
three noughts.