Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March 29, 1953

ihimalnuau {Times



Kalimpong March 29, l'Ja3


The present Tibetan Raw Wool prices
in Kalimpong market are approximately
as under':

First white. 1(38'-, 1st, white and 2nd
■ white mixed in 50:50 proportion 1(51.'-,
Light, dray 115/. and Dark Gray 110/-,

. all F.O I!. Kalimpong.

Import’from Tibet is not very heavy
and so stocks are light at Kalimpong.

Last year’s contract between the
Governmi in of China and l he Tibet Traders
Association, Kalimpong for the supply
of wh ' e mils was completed In-t
week Wool sorting in the latters' go-
downs has, therefore, stopped but to
keep- labour engaged, it is reported,
sweepings, goat hairs and other inferior
. qualities oj wool that remain mixed up
'after the first .grading are be.ng now

Of- late some Bombay exporters and
Amritsar Mills have shown1 interest in
purchasing Tibetan Raw Wool and slight
. demand is visible from U.K. and Canada
also. -

With the -timl of last year’s contract
speculations are being made, as to what
will be the next move of the .Associa-
tion and the Chinese Government : a
certain section-of-the trade feel that
the position, tnay remain much the same
as last year although there are a few
who also think that instead of the As-
sociation supplying the wool as was done
in the recent past, individual Tibetan
traders may form themselves into a sup-

plying syndicate and deal direct with
the Government of China. -Vo official
confirmation, however, is available of any
deal or move and the local trading
community awaits further development
with interest.


(From Our Special Representative)

A social gathering of the boys and
girls of the Sp cial Department of the
College University was for the first time
held at Plivas recently. Th- evening
saw many young men and beautifully
dressed "iris enjoying themselves. The
event was a great success from all points
of view and it is hoped such gathering
in future will promote better understan-
ding amongst the different communities
of students li\ing in this town.


Darjeeling, March 27

Cannot the authorities do something
to! preserve bird life which is fast vani-
shing ?

Flowers, shrubs and even trees are
being uprooted thus disfiguring the looks
of this beautiful town. Such unwarran-
ted activities must and should he slopped.

2. Landlords should he directed
to have the roofs of their buildings
painted at least once a year. Some or
1 should say most of the building roofs
have not been painted for ages. It is
hoped that the authorities concerned
will give their attention to this matter.
It is further hoped that the Darjeeling
Municipality will, before asking the Land-
lords to so. themselvis set an example
by renovating and painting their own
I uildings Surely if this is done, it will
liven ttie looks of this beautiful station
with the snowy peako of Kinchuujhanga
at the background.