Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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Ktdiinpony April 5. HIS-5


The Government of West Bengal have
now decided' to apply to wool godowns
in Kalimpcmg the provisions of the
factory Act. This they have been con-
templating to do for the last twenty
years and ns a matter of fact once they
did make it applicable here years ago.
But the undesirability of it was dis-
covered immediately and it was With-
drawn only after a few months of its
imposition • to be precise even before
anybody, took' any .steps to implement
its 'provisions.

Again after a lapse of several years
the Actr has been imposed here although
several 'times in the past responsible
officers of the Government and even
some ' .Ministers " of the West Bengal
Government are said to have been"
convinced that their Was no ne d for
the application ASf the Act here except
thiiti by so doing new complications would
arise between the labourer and . their
'em pi '.vers,

We, would not like the labourer to
suffer in any way due to non applies
bility of this Act but. here we would
certainly prefer to maintain the harmony
that exists at present between the wool
godown labourer and the wool godown

Then is another sid ■ of this
pictur-1 also. Our neighbouring state of
Sikkim is now encouraging all types of
trade in its territory for the advancement
of its trade and. commerce and it is
heard that they are prepared to accom-
modate any number of wool godowns
there. If. however,’ the, wool godown

April Rio

owners hero feel that they are net pre-
pared to shoulder the complicati. ns of
the Factory Act, nothing will prevent
them from shifting their godowns to Sik-
kim thereby creating acute unemploy-
ment here and dislocation of the trade
of the locality.

Creation of Pakistan, limited transport
facilities in the past on the Tresta
Valley Road and lack of sullivient
government interest in Ueveh pment
of ICalimpotig have all contributed
towards tiro loss of tourist traffic of the
place anil if the wool trade is also sh f
ted from here, Kalimpong- may be found
heading towards the. age of its birth.

The wool godown9 owners too have
tot play their part well. They have to.
as we believe they do. provide amenities
to their workers just in the same man-
ner or even ill better way as they would
be required to do when the Factory
Act becomes op^ra ive here The A.ct
in question is to safeguard the interest
of the workers and if they are satisfied
with conditions obtaining in wool godowns
here and proclaim aloud their sat'sf iction
and contentment, no government would
like to intervene.

A Conference, however, ol all the
three interests, the labour the govern-
ment and the godown owners, in iv he
helpful in the smooth settlement of the

WANTED a qualified Electrical Sup. r I
visor lor Hydro Electric Installation at I
Gangtok. Apply to State Engineer. Sikkim |
giving academic quilifioationa amt pail
experience with copies of testimonials. j
Scale of pay K.%. 2>0-2!)-T>lt KB-20-5l)ii- j
Persons with experience in Hydro Elec- ]
trie Installation and qualified as Eiectri- !
cal Engineer from any recognised in-ui- j
tution in India should apply. Hill man j
with necessary qualifications, and past J
experience will be preferred.