Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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April 12, 195:i


Kalimpong, April u
The Charteris Hospi-
tal, Church of Scotland
Mission Hospital, started
work in Kalimpong in the
year 1893 and it has been
decided to celebrate its
Diamond Jubilee on 25tb,
April. The hospital has
grown from oiie small
building to an institution
of 152 beds, housed in 3
large and Hsmall blocks,
with doctors’ houses .and-
2 homes ibr nurses. Sixty
years ago, Kalimpong-was
a small villlage; now the
hospital serves the town
and surrounding district, a
population of 30,000 people
with 4 doctors, 3 sisters, 6
staff nurses* 22 probationer
nurses and 2 compounders
on its staff 'framing of
Nurses has been a feature
oi the hospital Hrom its
beginning, and m a n v
young women have quali-
fied • to serve on its staff
or in other hospitals, in
private practice, or have
earned the teaching recei-
ved into homes of their
own. The number of pa-
tients treated in the hos-
pital, of all classes and
castes and religions has
increased steadily year by
year and (Government has
shown its approval by
increasing grants. But
Government and local
grants, and a contribution
from the Church of Scot-
land which more than

l^bnaluuan tliiu**


Kalimpong April, 4

A training meeting in
connection with the cam
paign for bringing about
an inc-ease in rice pro-
duction. particulars- hv

the extensive me of fe-l i
liscrs and the adoption of
the Japanese method of
cultivation w-11 be held
on l.T.f .'n at 3 P Vf. at,
the local Town Hall under
the auspices of the State
Agriculture "Department.

A’l •, interested mem-
bers of the public, OPR cere

of the Nation Pudding
Departments and progres-
sive cultivators ofKa’im-
pong are cordially invited
to attend the meeting.

equals them, cover less
than half of . the year’s
expenditure. The rest, has
to he raised hv fees and
rent of private rooms and
hv local subscript inns, Tt
has been decided that a
Jubilee Fund will he an
appropriate wav of cele-
brating the hospital's fit)
veers’ oP service and the
staff hon- that, all friends
and snrmnrters in Kalim-
pong will enma tn the hos-
pital on Saturday afternoon
25th April, and will con-
tribute tn the fund. All
contributions. small or
large, will he gratefully
received Tea will be
served: there will he games
and side shows and a sale
of goods.

Tin eo


(From-Our Correspondent)

, Siliguri, April 8
Under the auspices of
Siliguri Mondal Congress
Committee aconference of.
the members of town wai l
committees along with
many respectable persons
of the town was held on
April, 5 at. congress Bha
ban. Sri Kiron' Chandra
Bhattaeharjee, newly elec
ted President of Siliguri
Mondal Congress spoke and
requested every one to
lend every support to tlhe
plan they have made for
the upliftment of this town
as well as this sub-division.
A plan called‘‘ShortTerms
& Long Terms” was pla-
ced before the conference
and it was accepted with
minor modifications.


(From Our Correspondent)
Siliguri, April .5

A Bengali weekly in
the name and style of
‘('balti-Katha” is being
published from Siliguri
from April, 2 An Edito-
rial Board with Messrs.
Khitish Oh Ohowdhurv an I
Nripen Basil as its Chair-
man and Editor has been
formed and Sri Prodyol
K. Sarkar has been nomi-
nated a3 News Editor.
The l?:rst issue has come
out with News, Fiction,
Article Poetry etc.