Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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May 31, 1953


Knlimpm.g, May 25

Ifiimnlnvau tLimra

H. E. Dr H. C. Moo
kerjee visited Government
Cinchona l’lantation at
Munsong this morning
where he was accorded a
very warm welcome by the
plantation workers. Addre-
ssing a hope gathering of
about 2000 workers the
Governor said that he was
speaking to them as his
brothers and . sisters be-
cansn they were all chil-
dren of one God and
before whom' they wore
all equal no matter to
what raste or faith they
belonged “It has been a
great pleasure to trie" His
Excellency further said “to
be present.' here in your
midst fbday and see ho\y
you are all pulling on. It
is not that I lack the
knowledge about the bills
and the problem of the
hills people. I had been
to Darjeeling first in the
vear 191)0 and ever since
I have been, a frequent
visitor to this part of the
country. I have thus ac-
quired some icloas about
t he special problems
of .the place and the peo-
ples and it is for this
purpose 1 have come here
to tell you something You
know that during the peri-
od of alien rule in this

country. nothing much was
done lor the promo-
tion of education among
the hill people because
they knew that their inte-
rests would be jeopardised.
But since the advent of
country’s independence
their has been a rapid
progress in this direction
and evrn in a small dis-
trict like Darjeeling there
are about 250 primary'
schools, and 2 Govern-
ment High Schools and a
college. Sixteenth Health
Centres have already been
opened and another six-
teen are being added
to these. He referred to
the Primary School in' the
Plantation . itself where
about 200 children wore
receiving education

His Excellency further
pointed out that'the Cin-
chona industry had so
for incurred a loss
to the' Government to the
the tune of about Rs. 45
lakhs. Nevertheless, the
Government did not like
that the industry should
close and thereby the la-
bourers should suffer.
There were better facilities
for them as compared to
other labourers employed
in the tea gardens and
elsewhere. Government


was fully aware of the
•problems of the labourers
and - was. doing' its best
to provide all sorts of
facilities to them.

In conclusion be urged
the labourers to’ work bard
and improve, the indu.^ry
as the sooner the loss 'in
the industry was brought
to an end the better it
would be for them. He
warned them not to listen
to cheap slogans by agita-
tors which would only
bring ruination to them
and the country.

He wished them aA
success and prosperity. '
Later His Excellency
visited the local Primary
School and granted Rs.100/-
to the school.'- He also
visited . the hospital and
the epicaC nursery.


Siliguri, May 19
A tornado, passed over
■Siliguri last night at about
9 p m and it.caused quite
a hiivoo though confined
.within a very small area
in Deshabandhupara, Sili-
guri. A number of houses
Were seriously damaged.
Most seriously affected was
the Torai Adarsha Bid-
yalav, a high School for
displaced boys from East
Bengal. Almost all the C I.
Sheets of the roof of the
School building were blown
off, as also the entire
corrugated sheets of the
(Continued on page 11
