Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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•Tune 7, 1953


iSinuiI atjatt (Times

Name of constituency Extent of constituency Electoral Registration

0flioer anil his office.

Presidency Division
South (Teachers)

Presidency Division
North (Teachers)

Burdwan Division

24 Parganas (excluding any area
included in Calcutta .'Teachers)
constituency)', Nadia and Murshi-
dabad districts

Malda, West Dinajpur, a G'ooeh
Behar, Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling

Burdwan Division >

Commissioner, Presi-
dency Division-, fcl
Netaji Subhaeh Hoad,


Commissioner, Presi-
dency Division; Jal-
paiguri •

Commission' r. Bur-
dwan Division; Chin-

In the cuse of a Graduates' consti-
tuency, every.person who was ''ordinarily
resident” in the constituency on. the 1st
April 1953 (i e. either ordinarily resided
or owned or' possessed a dwelling house
in the constituency on that date) and
who has for at least 3 years immedia-
tely before that date been a graduate
of any Indian university or been in
pol session of any qualification declared
equivalent to that of such graduate shall
be entitled to be included in the electoral
roll of the constituency. )

In the case of a’ 1 eache-fs'consti-
tuency, every person who was ‘ ordinarily
resident” in the constituency on the 1st'
April 1953 (i. t. either ordinarily resided
or owned or possessed a dwelling house
in the constituency on that date) and
who has, for a total period of three
years'within the period from the 1st
April 1947 to tire 31st March 1953, been-
engaged in teaching in any of the class
of institutions in West Bengal alreadv
specified by the State Government, shall
be entitled to be included in the electo-
ral of the constituency-

Evorv person, in order to be en-
rolled as a voter, must be a citizen of
India, must not be of unsound mind

and must not, for the time lying; be
disqualified from voting un.d' r any law
relating to elections

Every such eligible voter, who is
not already included in the . electoral
roll of a graduates’ dr teachers' consti-
tuency and who wishes to .be. so' iricluded,
should make an application in h'ORM
VII, together with necessary evidence
to the - Electoral Registration. Officer of
the constituency. Application in Form
VII which can be made from the 1st
June 1953 onwards ihust reach the Elec-
toral Registration Officer on or before
the 23rd June 1953.- Copies of Form
Vll are available in the offices of the
Electoral Registration Officer-, the Chief
Electioral Officer at Writers’ Buildings,
Calcutta, arid all District and Sub-divi
siona! Officers.

Form II applications for Armed Forces

In the case of voters belonging to
the. Armed Forces etc., the period for
-sending applications in Form 11 for
Council constituencies as well as for all
Assembly and Parliamentary constituen-
cies has also been fixed, by the Chief
Electoral Officer’s Korm I notice, as
from June 1 1,53 to June'23 1953

(both dates inclusive).
