Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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August 10, 1953

M. B. Tamang

Let us go for a moment, into a close
survey of the present trend of general
education in our country. It Bhould
never escape our notice that the
present production of difbrent Univer-
sities of this country which every year
turn out graduates and undergraduates
out of all proportions to the Country's
need for several requirements in leberal
professions for which alone they are fitted
is not well adopted to the present re-
quirements. These men enjoy a momentry
pride in their literary accomplishments,
but are, in the practical course, left
helpless in the matter of getting emplov-
i ment. Year after year this state of thing
continues to occur. Is it not, therefore,
time for them to take to Technical Edu
cation which our country needs in
ever increasing numbers (of youthful
aspirants ?)• If, but a fraction of the army
of Graduates and Under-Graduates turned
out year after year by the several Univer-
sities through out the length and breath
of this va,st country would only take to
. Technical Education, such a course would
be profitable to them and make for the
prosperity of our country and the devel-
opment of its Technical Industries. Indeed
this should be regarded an imperative
duty by all ,right thinking patriots, and
not a moment should -be lost from
henceforth in their endevour to take to
this persuit.

•Jn. this' happy context, how gratifying
it is to know' one of the resolutions under
the heading ‘ Educated Unemployed”
adopted by the Congress Working Com-
mittee in its session at Agra. The pace
of the resolution baj been in the right
direction and at the right moment, and
the-final achievement of the object on
a nation wide scale will mean nothing
but consumation devoutely to be wished.

A fait accompli, the technical edu-
cation is the burning topic of the day,
and the need of Technical Manpower
in our country is increasing every day
in every way.

The Five-Year-Plan, is now under-
way of its being implemented in the not
distant future. 3'4th items of works of
the scheme are of Technical natures. It
is therefore, naturally expected, apart
from its fulfilir.g the very high expecta.
tion of our country, to turn out a good
number of new Technicians within the
limited period of the scheme The more
we go into the depth of the scheme the
more we come to the new avenue of
Technical trend. It would, therefore, be
fit to name it as the Blessing of Bharat
Mata pouring in through her inspired son
Sri Nehru, the active promoter of the
scheme. Tlure is therefore, no cause
why our young boys should not become
proficient in the various Technical
branches, if they give their best by
sincere participation in the Services of
the Five-Year-Plan.

“The fortunate circumstances of our
lives are generally found at last to be
of our own procuring — Gold Smith’’.


1. livery five seconds, around the
llook, a goods wagon is loaded on the
Indian Railways. During Juno this year,
an average of 17,355 wagons wi re loaded
nverv day, 64 percent of them on broad-
gauge. This was 936 wagons moie daily
than three years ago.

2. During the period Januaiy to April
1953, internal air o;erating companies
carried 1,57.250 passengers. During the
same period 2.80,71.908 lbs. of freight
and 29.38,587 lbs. of mails} were also

3. Out of atotal production of 18 30
lakh tons of bananas in India in 1951 -52
Madras State produced 11.05 lakh tons.
