Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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September 6, 1953 tfiiiunlajtnn t^imra Seven

the people of this beautiful hill station employment to one with no training —
should go to swell the ranks of the etherwise the result will not only prove
unemployed. By the utmost efforts of disastrous te oneself, but will also make
the Darjeeling Employment Exchange, the establishment suffer in efficiency. '
this thorny problem is being solved to The National Employment Service lias
a larger extent within the calibre of its always been recognised as the medium
own machine. But, owing to the de- for assessing the manpower situation in
casualizat.ion of the figures always remain the country. In order, therefore, to,
dynamic, if not more. This serious prob- arrest the growing menace of unerflploy-
lem we can easily split in two factors, ment in the District I again exhort, all
viz, (1) Employment and (2) Training— Employers of labour—actual and poten-
(a) Vocational and (b' Technical. While tial—to notify all their manpower roquire-
the first one is the lip-word of every menfs to the Darjeeling Employment
one, the latter is, however, well nigh Exchange and help bringing down the
impossible to put to and get used into ever-growing unemployment ' 'in the
practice in the first instance of teeming District. •

thousands of unemployed. Nevertheless,
the extent of unemployed is evidenced
by the multitude of applicants for a
single job, and by flow ol registration
with the Employment Exchange. Many
who seek job are unemployable because,
they do not havo the requisite know-
ledge or training to mould them into the
jobs that may be available at the time.

This cannot be achieved easily unless
majority of our young teens is switched
over to productive fields of these two
groups of training. Our social and reli-
gious customs no more form the barrier
io National upliftment. It is, therefore,
high time to recognise the schema of
Vocational Training at Klirseong spon-
sored by the Government which would
surely ensure the elimination of em-
ployment if only onr young folks of
both Bexes participated in it. The
selection is held annually at the Dar-
jeeling Employment Exchange. It is lack
of adequate Training that is the cause
of growing unemployment. I would,
therefore, appeal to each and everyone
of my brethren, male and female to
upply themselves to this immediate task
first and then only aim at jobs — for
the trained ihand is always preferred for


Central Public Works department

Executive Engineer, Assam Central
P. ,W. Division, Gangtok re-invites sealed
tenders from the approved first class
CP.W.D contractors and also M. E, 8.,
Bailways and local P W.D. contractors
for appropriate class for the following
works, the estimated cost of which is
noted against each. Closing date 16th
September, 1953 at 12 Noon. Tender
terms and other conditions of contract
are obtainable from his office oii payment
of R». 5/- each which amount will ^not
be refunded

Name of work , Estimated cost

1. Laying 3/4" premix carpet .
between 0 — 14 of Tista-'

j Kangpo Road — National

i Highway No. 31-A. ... 2,76/52/■*

2. Laying 3 4" preirtix carppt
betweed miles 0-25 of
Rangpo Gangtok Cart
Road—-National higbwav

No 31 A. ... 4,84.872/-.

O P. Mathuh ' -

Executive Engineer,
Assam Central P..W. Division, I
29-8-53. Gangtok (Sikkim)