Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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Kiev, u

November 22, 1^5-T

^imulnnatt ttin*1*


( Continued from ii;)

He spares no pains and f-els no sacrifice
too great f,r shaping India into a great country.
Now ho has no other ambition except this. His
personal needs- are few and far between. Comf rt
and rest have met with complete burial, at his
hands. God has endowed him with uncommon
spirit and stamina.

Jawaharlal stiuck the whole world with awe
and wonder during this period of trails and tii,
bulaiion. Storm blew, cyclone raged, waves le[)t
and roared to engulf the m-w boat of the newly
born free India but Jawahar with utmost dignity,
grace, calmness and strength held the rudder in
Ids tight grip and foiled their vile attempt. Dr.
John Hayness Holmes when he visited India in
October, 1947 said ‘Prime. Minister Panditv-Neh U
is proving himself to be the greatest. Statesman
in the World today. In the partition outbreak
he encountered the supreme test triumphantly. I
found in Nehru, a man utterly devoted to. his
country and masterful in his comprehension and
grasp of the problems that 'now confront1. India
and the World. * ■

But the critical pe.iiod of supreme trial is
not . over. The* country is passing through a period
of crisis nepotism have engulfed the whole country.
Tire world is eagerly watching the day today ad-
ministration of the Indion Union during t.h.s
period of transition; \trial and consolidation. But
it is as true as truth itsejf that Jawahar will
come out of his firy ordial 'as shining, and pure
as bright gold. India will emerge-out successfully
of his transitional' pangs and occupy her rightf.il
place in the comity of nations. He is destined
to ferry the boat tliroughyaj,! turmoils and tornadoes
and bring back a reign of. pefVce and tranquility
So long India s destinies areplnced in his worthy
and mighty hands no. sort., of catastrophe or
catarlys-n will overtake her.- He is destined to
fulfill his Master’s dream of Ram Raj.. Let every-
one of us strengthen his hands and pray^ to God
for his long lif - and good health. That "will be
the truest tribute to Jawaharlal on his birthday.

(CojTtinited from page 9)

disaster on this hazardous highway.
Owners of cars and proprietors of Trans-
port Agencies should try and instil order
and discipline. “1/ore haste, less speed”
is a maxim worth following, down traffic
should give way to up-going traffic !

Autumn Session Concludes

Gangtok (Sikkim) N°v. 21
The autumn session of the Sikkim. State Council
which met on the 15th November, J953 concluded-
its sitting on the 20th inst. The business of the
first day was tconfined to mutual greetings, ques-
tions and presentation of supplimentary budget.
The questions, were ably answered bv Dgwsn
Bahadur J. S. Lall, I.C.S. the ' President oP- the
Council, the Executive Councillors and tho nomina-
ted members. Throughout the session the discussions
were carried in Nepali which is understood by
almost, all the members of the- htfuse.

On subsequent days, the supplimentary budget,
as presented on the first day of. thi? session; was
parsed. A cut motion of Re.l/-, the only cut motion
of the session, was lost in good..spirit with only
one vote in favour of the motion.

The General impression is that'inspite of its
b'e’ng the first, session of the .first elected Council
most of the members accuitted themselves credf-i
t.ably and the‘president, Dewan Rahadur J. S.
Lall, I.C.S'., conducted the proceedings with ad- '
inirable grace and dignity.

Denial Surgeon at Kalimpong

Dr. B. Chatterjea, L.D.S., of the
Dental Clinic, Darjeeling ' has arrived
and will be available for consultation
and treatment for two weeks at Dr.
Graham’s Homes Kalimpong.

For Appointment— Bing up 27


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Himalayan Stores


FOR EFFICIENCY 8c SERVICE: Consult Darjeeling Radio Co , Darjeeling