Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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November 29, 1953 *

bix ifittn/ilawan (Tim r it

i * :

KESAR of LING —Legendary Hero of Ancient Tibet


From Tales and Legends of old Tibet



How an incarnation was
sent to earth and Kesar
was born in Ling. It came
to pass that grave concern
Wis felt in the Land of
the Gods (Lha Yu.!), for
evil omens and inauspi
cious tokens abounded on
; earth. For instance, one of ,
the pods told how a white
'bird was seen to combat
a black bird, and for a
long while they fought
without winning, either of
them, until in the evening
the white bird seemed to
gain the victory. Then
another told how he had
seen how two yaks fought,
a white one and a black:
and towards the end of
ttm day, the black yak
was winning.

After much discuss on, it
s was decided, that the forces'
of evil were growing to
such a strength that some-
thing r must be done- or
elsfe- they might imperil the
Gods themslves: 80 serious
was the matter, that
Padmasambhava, the Guru
Kimpoche, capitf to confer
with the gods os to'what
means should be taken to
combat, the forces of dark-


(Continued- from Inst .issue)

ness. After long and se-
rious deliberation, it was
decided that a son of the
gods should be- sent to
LING, to be incarnated.
After destroying many
demons and combatting
the enemies of Ling, the
Incarnation would became
» King of Ling.

Some say the choice of
gods fell upon the son of
Khorlo-Demchogand Dorje
Phagmo, others that
Dbang-po’s (Indra) ‘middle’
son was sent.

The future Kesar did
not seem pleased at the
idea of going to Ling and
exacted many things, and
put many conditions before
he would accept his incar-
nation on aarth. Now
these were snoh as wouid
help him in his struggle
against evil and the gods
readily gave him all he as-
ked There was a horse that
‘death could not overtake’
and a saddle studded with
-^precious stones, a helmet,
a sword; a bow and arrow
and a very' special coat
of mail. All these had
magic properties, yet. did
Kesar make a further
demand and ask to have

with him two friends who
would assist hiin to
accomplish his mission.

All this having been
granted, therestill remained
co be found, someone fit
to become the mother of
the future Kesar. The
Guru Rimpoeho searched
far and wid\ until, in the
realm of the Nagas, he
found a Nagi Girl Dzeden
whom he chose to become
the mother of the hero

All was now ready and
Kesar could be incarnated
in Ling.

There was . in Ling a
chief called Singlcn (some-
times Singlon) and his
wife being no longer young,
needed help in their camp.
To them went Dzeden, ms
if in search of work, and
entered the service of
cdnglen’s wife. Unfortu-
nately, in course-of time,
she became very jealous
of Dzeden and her youth,
and persecuted her in many
ways. So, one day, in her
husband’s absence, Xing-
len’s wife decided to get.
rid of the girl altogether
and sent her to a moun-
tain pass, said to be haun-
ted by evil spirits. fshe
