Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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J».nu»ry 3, .1934 lUn Jili.r.


( ^roiu Our <'orrt-s|>oii(liMit }
Siliguri, December 30

A meeting of the pro:
minent citizens of the
town was held on Deo. 28
at Meghdoot Cinema Hall
under the presidentship of
Sri B. Bagcbi. SP, Dar-
jeeling where decision of
forming MahalJa Resistence
Party to combat the grow-
ing menace of theft in the
town was taken. There
has been a marked increase
in the number of thefts
in the town during the
last month aud people ha ve
become very much panicy.
Some of the theft were
vnry daring in nature.
Sri Bagchi told the gather
ing that unless local peo-
ple co-operate with the
police, it would be very
difficult to check , the cri-
minals as it was a cos
mnpolitsn town with a
moving population if
about 20 thousand 6yeT
and above the. permanent
population of . about 45
thousand He complained
that ncksaws were seen
plving in the town whole
n ghi and tea and pan
shops were kept open and
as such the criminals
look the chance of it making
it impossible to spot them
out from the general pub-
lic Several persons pre-
sent in the m etiiig com-
plained that in some cases

police did not turn up for
enquiry though informa-
tion was given in Thana
in tigs*.

One gentleman said that
some notorious places of
this town which were well
known to local police, had
n»ver been raided. It.was
suggested in the meeting
that a well organised raid
was nece*siry in the town'
for rounding up the crimi-
nals. It was brought to the
notice of the S. P. that
unlicensed skill games, dis-
tilation of illicit liquor in
huge scale were being
openly conducted without
being least disturbed:
The Superintendent of
Police assured the meeting
that he would make things
better if local people co-
operated with the police..

Ad unidentified man who
was admitted in the Local
H spiral With severarinjii-
■ r»e* cn head on Pec 25,
cfied on "Dec„ 27. It U
slated that the man. was
found lying unconscious on
th« slippers of the railway
Tista bridge near Se.vbke
just after the crossing of
■> up North Bencal Express.
« * • •
The elect'on of 7 office-
bearers of Siliguri College
Union for 1954 was held

, Three .

on Dec. 23. U was con-
tested by two student
organisations—Student As-
sociation and Students
Federation, six seats were
equally shared by the
two organisations and one
independent girl candidate
supported by the'S. F. was
elected uncontested. The
General Secretaryship and
Vice-chairmanship went to
the Federation.

» » *
The marriage ceremony
of Dr. Sunil K. Dasgupta,
Asst. Surgeon, Siliguri with
Srimati Sumitra Debi took
place at Calcutta on Dec.
11. lo celebrate the oc-
casion Dr. Dasgupta ar-
ranged a tea party here on
Dec. 20 where a good num-
ber of leading persons of
the town as well as friends
and admirers of Dr. Das-
gupta were present. |)r...
Sunil K Dasgupta is the
eldest son of Dr. S. K.
Dasgupta. Ex i Medical
officer -of Darj*eling Muni-
cipality, ' .

■ '"'! The National Geogra-
phic Society Washington
has announced on Dec.
3d that it had awarded
the Hubbard medal to the
British expedition which
conquered Everest last

Sir John Hunt and

Sir Edmund Hillary would
receive the «rnedaU in
Washington on Feb. 11
