Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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January 10, .11-54

iHiinalatiuii 2imr*



( From Our

. filipuri.

More than fifteen cut
tural ' organisations ofSili-
gjiri town give a joint
reception to Uday shankar
and Amala .Shankar at
Mi'tra Samiriilani Hall on
January 3. SiiP'riyagnpil
Sen presided. The Hall » w
packed t>> capacity and
people greeted the world
famous artistes tremen-
dously when they appeared
mi the stupe. A welcome
address on behalf of the
above organisations was
pres-nted to the guest.
I'dayshankar told the
gith-ririp that there was
na limitation of learning.
A man had to learn throogh
out his life, Continuing
he said "At the ape of
53. 1 see, I have learnt
Utile and I a.m.confident
that I shall g-> on w th
my dan<e> up'n 8 t years
of my ape '.* P4ntint'out
to the eh I iren preseht in
the Hall ho s lid ' Kuture
is there. They should lis
brolfpht up nicvly . ' He
requested tile people n >t
only to criticise govern,^
ment but t> do somethinj
with their own initiative
With a feel Hp of sorrow
Shankar said that he liked*
to acquaint th* pen -ral
mass of the people of his
country with his dances
but ho eou d not. [l the


CorreajMm.l.fht J .

January G

maintenance of his parly
could be arranp d by
somebody he could have
ea-i ly done this.

Being requested by the
people Amala Shanker
delivered a short ■ speech
mainly on Shankar's •
ideas and his thoughts
She said that -vithout help
of (invernment the missicn
of Shankar could not be

In an interview with the
Representative of Himala-
yan Times, • Udavshankar
and Amala told him that
the purpose of their tour
with shows in the MofuBsil
towns of West B::gal was
to, promote th- cultur-il
' level and sense of the
pe iple as vi all astoacqi a nt
the m'ss of the p"i>ple as
fir as- passihV w.th th: ir
da»res>.. Amil.t hanka^
reminded tliat a c.juotry's
eillural activities and i;a
prosperity', were, mainly
. d ;p n lent. -on. the initfa-
tive and "help of its Govt.
- Being ask<:d , about the
pr iposed Cultural 'Insti-
tution, Shankar ' said that
it had no' yet materialised.
He further sail thithiJf
of the Gwalior Koit mav-:
• be available for the. me.
of the above .purpose by
tho G ji'crnmcnt of that

land.,The Central Govt, has
agreed to help the estab-
lishment of such instittr-
lion . . .-•.;'

After the reception'
Idayshankar, Amala Shan-
kar and party, were enter-
tained with a light refresh-'
ment. .t

'Udavshankar arid Amala
with a full troupe of
artistes: opened their dance
performances here at Megh-
doot Cinema from Jan 1
for i> days.
• * . •' » •"

The Commissioner of
Presidency. "Division in a
recent order declaring tho
Chairmanship .of -Siliguri
Municipality vacant, inti-
mates that the election
of Sri K. P.Batua, S.l) .0.
Siliguri as Chairman, Sili-
guri Municipality is not
maintainable under law
Sri Barua was elected,<«.
be tiie Chairman of- :•.
Municipality just after the .
transfer of iris piccecissor
Sri It.-P.- Ganguly thjB then
S.T> 0. Siliguri as.■■well as
elected chairman of, the-
Municipality. It is report <J

■ .that- Sri'Ganguly did not
tender his resignation from
the Chairmanship of the

.. Municipality at the time.
of his transfer, ,


■■ ■-. TO B Lt

The G«.v -rnor has
assented to tho Bengal
Electricity ' I 'utv (Amend-
ment) 3ill, ly53.
