Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Jannary 10, mi Cimal«e«n flfimea liiv*


responsible for' .bunefitiiiL"
IN- WSST BENGAL • an area of ^ftV acres.^

Reclamation : The .total

REVIEW OF PROGRESS ACHIEVED . reclaimed so "far is 2,416,


The following is a sum- ',lf form of .distribution uLt* »;'«„•,*' a,

..Jr^ofthe work Achieved of implements (347). short. . , Hedth 4 Sanitation : At-
\ L. er the G mm' ^n, loan to agriculturists temPts,havf. »>a<Je P

so far u.i ler tut l._ramu- %t»tM „»<■„,.„,t„t;o„ meet the diverse facets of

nity Development -cheme j J' . aff,™,,tat.on thia tion. Kaoh block

since its formal ioftgtira- of WMte land (384 acres); ' -provided- With

i.. West licne xl on Octo- destmet ion of wild animals nas . .. •.. • , . w .
in Viest limgn on ulio . one M0{,,]e Medical Utljt,

ber 2, 1952. (4.11) .te ■ in addition to two anti-

The .broad channel* alone rmn*ry d wlopment baa malarial units operating

which work baa proceeded «he form of «p-nine- iia Shaktigar and Oushkara.

are: Agriculture, Animal damo/stratinn fi«h fa ran A ten-berl health centre

Ktubandary, Indication. U) and improvement of has been op> tied at Fulia.

Reclamation. Health ■ and tAnk" f;'"- The area , . -o .far. 57,352 persons re-

.Sanitation. Education, So- -'vercd by such imiroved ., t.eive,d .c^itive treatment,

cial -Education, ''nmmu- tanks is /■> acre?. 254 maternity cases were

location. Arts. ("raft*, and *nimal Husbandry : Each handled, 41,045 persona

Industries and Works^, blo-k now possesses ^nnc inoculated and vaccinated

Lastly an attempt has outdoor di»p»naary with 454 houses .ind wells dis-

baeq made to gnu^e the four «nV^ntr-". The num infrcte I, 4!4u0 houses

amount of people's n:Ni- b«-r of cattV • a.- d .poultry spread with 0, 1) .TV A

cipatiou because of its ''n^enlnted and .vaccinated detailed scheme for popu-

spccial significance, is 70.950 Four improved Tar si, g dugwell latrines in

Agriculture: Distribution breeflnc. both of cattle rural areas is uow qndei

of impro\eil s<eds and and poultry, Of bulls nnd exartvinat;0;i. At Uushkar.v

manure* is ah important ""''V""""' h'S* ,,fen a i**n t,,r ',ra'"aS'' "f ^
aspect. 4.219 maun.Is i'f distributed An .-.rtifici.il portion of" Ka'nar. river is
teeda B8SD.1 m'antids >f insemination centre has ■ (funi^.rlv bei g stud ed. At
manure and fertiliser*have been, opened at Saktigjr. Fulia, about 10% oT slit
bwn distributed so f„ -. Irrfrslien the» "ditioma "" .-Clearance, of • Baramashila
«nd .C.:<70 t,ms ..f eompo>t . at.-« brought und-r. irri- Khal has been coin pie ted.
pr-pare.l. Eiediiy^ix d,-- . Bat;n„ throtiRh-amaUirJi.: ■ ^ 4„ied prob)em of
uiou-straliw. tjllrtl, each...,. •„,.,„„ prro.et*. ,n 4.890 ri|ra., wat,r ,lipp.|y ia
2 •"• .' T • ',T,n- aorea- and' aucb • project '. 8!,n:jht • t0 be tIU:f;|ed

. p .i .l.n e,i,t,v,tors, .,od- :.arr2»m number ■.Twenty,.; ,,„., KnlnUipri,;ariou of
ings in all the e gb blocks . tube we la are .shortly to " w„ls and t ubewells. So far,
an on ,0 small p.Hs. of, . .be sunk to irrigate an f„ ^ mlv„ b „, cona.

land manurial tra.s oV addjtjonal oiMt trtloted amJ ,ha nttm|^r

monstrat"! <m» in each laid. 5 such, tube Wei s . r ,..i,„,„iiu in

■ • ■ iir ■ i. , • , ,- , , ot tub. wells SIIIIK is 141.

I inon. Work has p-n. in fact ;have already been: ■

cceiled sumulUtiioUsly in taken in hand. Moredv<rf [To bo Cjiitiiiurd N.^t AVtek)

EAKLY REPAYS PROLONG RADIO LIFE ~ 1 arjeeiing Radio Co., Darjeeliug