Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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•Four • ^jin-nlaguu Aim«» .January 17, 1 '.*.» 1



Kalimpong, .Jan. 11
About s-ven hundred

Kalimpong, January 17. 1VS.4 . sewing machines, besides
- '.—-:--the usual numbers in

EXPEDITIONS IN THE HIMALAYAS tailoring establishment-

are working here, day and

Mountaineers all over may take car,, to closely t» produce Td.tta.,

the world are' fired by ; verify the actual nature Sarmo"t bke lUk ni Ku-

the desire to climb the of such expeditions: tie ^ (J-'^s) »nd 1 homa

top of ; the snow'.clad possibility of appointing (pyjamas) which are being

Everest. Darjeeling born Indian mountaineer, "a l° 1'U't1'n "f

Tenzing and New Zealand- guides or including them a9 Mttdo

born Edmund Hillary as members of the final "»Tn»0 s-

climbed to the top of the assault team and of de- Dining the last one year

world's highest peak last manding . the .minimum ending with December

year. In the history of comforts convenience and 19.*>3 nearly thirty thou-

mountaineering. 1 H 5 3 pay to the hard-working, sand Hhar.es (bates)—'each

stands out as the year of 'load-carrying sherpas but Bhari of approximate I) Qn»

the greatest achievement. ■ for whom such expeditions maund weight- ot these

Available report/ indicate «ro:ild not be possible. ready'made garments have

that a Swiss team will " The Himalayas represent been exported to Tibet

start an assault on tho the northern ramparts of and pricing each Bhan at

Everest- in March1!his year. India and provide security '• * modeiate estima.te nt

Three other exp ditions from the north. Under . '• (Oowiiued <>" ">'"

are visiting the Himalayas the new conditions that -

in the spring oftbistyear are coming to prevail

.and 'they are to attempt round this Republic there

the climbing of Makalu would be reason to be

| 2-7,799 feet \ Manashi . more careful about future

(26-6a8feet) and Dhaulgiti expeditions to the Hima-

(26,795 feet). U is riot lavas and visits of tourists
known, vet whether. Indians' to that area.

would be associated-with -'-1--

these teams except, poeai; ■- - ' f'""1""""1 f'*,m '"""»" :l >

bly in - the ■ capacity of ; Rs 3 0/- the tot-al export,

sberpas . and guides, A of, Ready .Made Garments

mo :ern ' rnrjuutainSering ' in lerm') of money has

expeditions an- .expensive been to tho tune of over

business and India-, in her a PTOre of rupees,

pi e-^ent economic condition, Nearly ten thousand

may not be able to finance ^—ptop'e including about

such' adventures. But in three thousand local tai.
granting permission to such" lors are at present depen-

. expeditions the authorities , dent on this trade.

i um.n

Voyr guide in darkness

FOR EFFICIENCY & SERVICE: Consult Darjeeling Radio Co . Darjeeling