Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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. .1 uetp.i th-'i Ml* on iiiiliniken tradition, is behe.

Year after, year «&tft,. ■ to |„. the Ham). ,u.

Decern'er remind* u* wt . UirM. hit. in which Jean* «...
the birth w[JeeuaChUrt, Iheir ' o'd t*m bar ^ VPlir1

ht!y ea led ;"tbe Frmce ^ play, » , .^ief thai

if Peace".. The word , > wild ami sweet

was horn in th<

••Christmas ■ ecymoio*- ". ., fc "eprM veiir 1. A: I) (t based on
caliv .'J jef:vail , troiu

^y. , Jf«»«« whi'-h Of p>a<fe. on earth a miscalculation.

: means Christ's' Mass ch* [goodwill to men". Historically liobodv

.feast ofnaltvity >f Christ. . Bat, alas. M know* the ex.ct date loi

• A* .over M-Xi.iUW.UW Catbo-' Chrt'stmaa HM*ls resound Jftu(| Christ and the eai!v

lie, Protestant, .1 Greek • / in homes and temple*. Christians' Up to tfeVthird

Orthodox and. dissident the of what IV.- centurv.' at least.''never

Christians chant their sident fr~«enh nver calls: celebrated th«i birthday of

Christmas carols, lit Christ- "Senc'ear War" is envc- Christ 00 the 25th Decern,

mas Trees, dispatch Ch loping' the war-weary. (>Pr At (ne tinle

"'ristmas . Cards," present- fear haunted and authority- Mitraism was nto*l pieva-

Christmas box**'/ and exhi- 'ridden Mankind Peace jent jn lu.. Qreco-Koman

bit an air of jubilation conclaves" and peace trea • . w„r|,j. ' ft!1 t(ie s,r,„.....•

•rest ami peacefu!nes*. the ties are becoming mere rival to the nMoent Christ-

thoughtful sections of the truce intervals between ;Unj •;.-„„ IWmber *•*

■ nofcChriSttan *Orld also wnrld wars The anna- . a • , ,-„^, w K „„,,■,

join-:n the birthday featl- „nnt race and technolo- ,.-s'ivai SnUtli* intifii

vat of Jesus Christ1, who gical'" progress of the bie s" /, •—pjrthd'v it the

along with .Buddha K'ung .„owera and their satellite, linifonquerefl gwn. awooia,

Futza, Laotze, Mahavir, neVer keen puce with the , , A, M;. a ftedee-'

Zoroaster, lO.rishna.Moha.. ethical and moral evol... £j g» zZgtSLi^22

rumed auu other prophets, . tion of peoples. Armed „,,;,.„'j • l- )i„ |7„I,,

has won the allegiance. p.ftce is no peace: it is ' "Jt, . Z„!

love,.devotion and faith nothing bnt a preh.de to w '

hf Mankind '■'<• • 11 i". . , 1 , lirst appeared in Persia

ui iiiantiUHi bloodier and more devas. ■ ' ■ , . , ..

„. . ... . ... . -j . .. prior 101 he rite of Koroas-

L-hnstiPBS is -ttic les- tatin<! wars. Amidst the , ■ ., ,

,. . ... i-i .. iTT , ,, , tcr an l then spread we>-

tiva! ol l.iuht like the Atom and Hvdi-or.<.n Hom'i

T, ,. . *T- ,. • . . . , jv v .. • terward, once aorninating

Uepavali m India,- It is, rests is the mus:<! ot ■ ,. ...

i •« c ..• j r • _ i j i 'he enure Human Kmp'.re.

nesidi'S .the testival ol Cnnsrpas enrols and noels ^ of th' ROl r f*

peace and; coodwill amoij" heard, loved or understood' , ■ • * „. ,8° !* .'

men Longfellow, parat- . r.enesis of Xmas -il M r,, ,s„„i,,<

-phrasing the .canticle -of i. ..- Tourists and pilgrims ,lli Peceuiber, com-

heayenly,"hosts who sane^.V Rome can still see ih ('", 1 ,w"*».QAmw>ty

the hymn: 'Glory to God the the Liberian Basilica co • ' "f K"l"i""

in the Highest and peace a rustic manger so reli- It is well-known that

to men of gocd will',' giou.slv still preserved. in tho early centuries of

wrote: ■ " which, according to an Christianity there was «"
