Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Eight ' . V )Eimt»l^t,«n Sf«.-nt» .lan.i.'.ry 24, V)U



Scaled lenders are invited to reach' the undersigned on or before 23-2-54 for:—
(A) Transport of Food Stuff. Cinchona Bark and other stores during 1954-5")
the following^Routes and in the approximate quantities stated :
1. Siliguri to Kalitar ... 4,000 mds ( Food stuff )

2-..-. Kalitar to Rdmb'ee bazar ... 1,000 mds ( Bark etc )

3. Rumbee bazar to Sukea Khola .(^ Small quantities of Food fluff.
4.. Siligur? to Rum bee bazar ..). 24,000 mds 'Food stuff and misc stores!

5. Siliguri to Sukea. Khola . ..) 14.000 mds ,' Food sniff Y

6. Rum bee' bazar toAjUtingpoo ^ . . . 1'0,000 mds (Food stuff & misc. stores)

7. Sukea Khola to Munsong ... 14.000 mds (Food stuff)

8. Munsong to Sukea Khola ■ ... I'i.ooO mds (Bark)
it. Sukea Khola to Rumbee bazar ... 10,000 mds (Bark)

10, Kalitar try Latpanehor., ' ' ... 4,000 mds ( Food stuff)

11. ■'Latpanehor to Kalitar ... 1,000 mds (Bark)
12/ .Siliguri to Kumani ... 8000 mds ( Food Bluff n.ait ly )

13, VKumani t|D Gairibas .... 2'0 rods

14,; ' Kumani to Bongo .... 8 000 rods ( Food stuff mainly ) .'

15, Kongo to Gairibas ... ItOO mds '

16, '• Bongo to Kumani ... 1,500 rods (Bark)

17, Kumani to Mm gpoo ... 1500 mds ( Bark )

The rates quoted mu.-t store temporarily if r.eee- to enter into written con

be separately for each. ssury. inhis own' godowo, tracts by due' date to

Route- ; and be inclusive. these and other stores of produce Income Tax soil

of aU clitrgesv g. charges the Cinchona Directorate Commercial Tax clearance,

for. loading and un'oadi-ug, delivered to him for boo- Certificate and to furnish

weighing, and even trans- king outwar i All Charlie*" the requisite Se uritv

porting crver s ip», if and Agency Commission, Sto- Depos:t, which w.ll be

when ■'nno-ssnry and no i rage charge*, charges «f forfeited in case of failuic

•Atra. ch arges .tvill. bo louiirg and u leading and to fulfil the tei nn of the

admissible later " Details ■ .'transport charges-should contract ami failure to

mould . be. given of Trucks be quoted for separately pne prompt, and mil.-fa'

irid Route Permit.! owned. and . no fre-b i'em of torv service. .

. <B). Clearing Agency ;;[;?'^(; ""M to- ' A„ ^ (jf

Siliguri for.1.954 55 ^ Coders in separate <*<•! and .bove

- The Agent shall have sealed covers for (A-_ ••ilhvw.ibl- I ii.il>, shall have

to take delivery prompt y . Trans pott Wotkand R)_ '" compensated for at

is and when .called on iilijjuri Agency and 'clearly d ouble • the purchase p it '

to do. so,,of Food stuff -gup,r,cf;bedreach with an . ■ -

(total 40,000 .mds approx.) Ernest .Money, ofRs. • l.'.e r.ghl ,n rcet v. -l

iron, Civd Supphes Depot - in Cush or Treasury. !.? or 'U ,h

or from merchants in.Si'i Challan. should reach the '

.'tiii-.-and of various stores undersigned on or before^ M. SEN,

( tola) lo 0.00 hids approx. 23->J-54 /■ L. , .'

from Siliguri Rly. SUtiogy " . "The selected cr.nlraci Doctor, L.r.chot.a, West

and-Bagdo-ra. Airport, «n<T tor8 or Agent shall have Bengal.