Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Ten . «iir.olnB»» January 21, 1954


U P SCHOOL BLIND SCHOOL (twiUnucd horn put!- 5)

u< r" .. . , .... , also explained id . bncl

Sibguri, Jan. 22 Kal.mpong-; .Ian ^ gj^plu Nr)mlj ,,,„

The Annual General Major Ha/.el Koeruer of 5.year Plan launched by
Meeting of the Krishna- The Salvation. Army has the Government and ex.
inaya Memorial U. P. arrived in Kalimpong to horted the audieftca to
School's Managing Com- take over the supervision ^vis their whole hearted
mittee was held on the 3rd of the Institution for the support to the Govern-
January, 1954 in the • Blind. 'Miss Kberner has ment for its success He
school premises. Captain recently . ..(returned from exhorted the cultivator*
Bal Bahadur Gurung O.B.I, furlough in .America, pre- to grow as much ioodctops
presided. viOua to which she served as woll|,j i ,. possible With
Dr. A. 11. Taipatra the for six years in Calcutta ,)„. |ipil, 0f gcientine fcr-
secretary, read- out tho' and Colombo (Ceylon) tili-ers and also 1>\ taking
Annual Report*bf theConir. ' NEW POST OFFICE AT the help of the Ag'rieul-
mit.tee, wherein he made RONGO tural. Department under
an appeal to those pre- Run"o Jan. 23 • *ho West Bengal Govern-
sent for financial aid in An experimelital Branch . "lent About 5000 cuhi-
order to raise the status Post GlVi-'o has been open- valors from different Kbits,
of the school ed' at Roe.^o Cinchona mahal Blocks had pathe
In view of the Tact that Plantation recently. As red ot» 'he day. Other
ten thousand Nepalese re- such Uie people of the speakers were Sri Jangbir
Bide in "iliguri it lsun abso- . locality as the labour,force Lama, General Secretary
lute necessity that eduoa- of the Cinchona Mi recto- '°f f>» Exhibition. -Mi
ti.onal /facilities be made- rate, Medicinal Plants' Sonada Lama, Sri Soi am
' avaiiabla'to them. Regard- scheme of . the Govt, of Tahering arid Sri -Kalt o
less of the lin.ineial difficul- West Bengal and the neigh- Singh-.
|ies which the school is fa- bouring Khasmahal ville- SKW,s lktter->kum «iKKt»
cing the hew executive co- Bera wiU aotimllv »et the (Continued from page 3
mmittee Have taken on the benefit of their postal svs- . lt",n learnt that bi» plan-
responsibility' of ; opening. ' tern with this new experi- "inP fur the development ,,t
Class V jn order to satisfy 'mental Branch Prist Office. Sikkim will include, Major
the needs of eight, student's The mail being carried bv "nJ Minor Irrigation Pro-
,'who have successfully rea- . one runner from and to jecta. Agricultural DeitTifts.
ched this standard. -l:his .tfie last Siib-Post Office tration Farms, More Hu-
policy will naturally raiMV*~~ atMate'lli In Dooars, a a" ' v«l««ri»ery Ho*'

^the school to. a junior distance- of 15 miles on l"1"'* Mo"' .....al

High School,'sUndard.and -every alternate davs. It i4"1' C\>iumunrc*tion faei-

thus be tho first step j, hoped tliat the' Govt. hues, !-'ruit Preservation,

visualised in raising tho . wiU soon improve the daily ,md .<-"»""« -Industries,

status of the establish- 'dab system for the locality. Introduction "Ismailhuak-

ment. ■ .----—-__—. _'— iuu and other machines

The .following are the .-.President.. 2 Mr I. K. and a Power Proj


Office Bearers elected for

Thapa-Vice Pr'eiderit. 3. trodnction of Rur

year' 1951 I'r.A. It. ' ralpatra-oecrev aperattve Credit Si ctely

t-ary. t Mr. S Loksanw- • Banks U -also said to be

1. Mr. Baghhir Gurungk Asst. Secretary. 7 under his considtration.

D\RJEELINQ FUDIO CO., DVRJEELINC the pioneer radio concern of Darjeetiii; district.