Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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February 14, 1954

ISimalagan limes




An Agriculture &
Cottage Industry Kxhibi.
tion was held in Goru-
bathan on 7th oth Feb-
ruary As this exhibi-
tion Was first of its kind
in this lemote oorner of
thi) .lvitlimuong Sun !) vi-
sion people from fir off
.places such as Tode-Tangta
and several tea garden in
Pooats attended the ex-

The exbibitii n was
opened by Sri S. Dutt
Mazumdar 1. A. S Deputy
< nminissioner, Da> jet-ling
The exhibits included
severs 1 varieties of ngri
rultural produce, cut'age
industry products and
rural handicrafts Drata**,'
b.ily show and folk sons*
and ilnnces were also
included in the programme,

Sri Dtitt M umiidar
in liis'prvtideiiti d address-
congratulated th ■ orjaui ■
sera of the exhibition and
»aid that ho ; r?a i<-d t he
various problem* uf the
people both gjcsl and
ecunom c b it, w th the -
limited resources i>{ thf-
oonntry nothing cou'd ba
achieved all' at a ' time,
unless ca.-h . a"'d everv:
individual did- hi* brst tn- '
improve \m eimlitio-i -
116 said, intirsivp cortl
Vatioii by means ofsci-n-
tilie fertilisers and modi n

February 9.

methods was necessary.
H« gave emphasis on the
preservation of fores's and
planting of more trees to
du-ck soil eroi-ion which
liad a disastrous effect
on agriculture. He reco.
mmend»d growing rmre'
oranges in the hill areas
which was a ca«h crop.
He also o-ked the people'
to. take a'l r>ossif)le assis-
tances from th" \ar culture. .
Department of the West
Benjal Government Re-
fering to Public Health .
he. said that a twenty
bedded health Centre wa<
going tob" opened at Ooru-'.
bathan during the course
of this year.

Sri 8. -V. Roy. ST> 0
Kalimpons; and President
of the Exhibition 'wel-
comed 'he jdis't'i, guished
visitors and the people
. in a brief srv>*»eh Others
who spoke in th/e meeting
e-nphasioins the importa-
nee of agriculture* and the
need of g-nwing- more food,
in the eOnn'ry. were Sri
S. N; >Jig Rrswss Superin-
tendent of Agriculture.
Sri t S'inda.s,' District
Puhlieitv. Officer, l>arjpa- .,
line, .Sri G-ri Shara.bjo.nw
'« SuhThyjsional PiiWioitv
Officer, Kalimpon.j .-,'■ . \

Sri M B D.UiM, S--c-':
K-tary of the Exhibition in
his opening speech ;expre-;

ssed the needs of the local
people and explained rthe
cbj-'C- of, holding ,Cthe
exhibition at O-arnbathan,

On this occasion, Sri
Brahmadiitt Sharma-,-, ft.,
local businessman presen-
ted a cheque of lis. 20007-
to the Deputy Commi-,
ssioner, Darjeeling for the.
T B Chest Clinic Fund
started by the West Ben-
gal Governor for Darjee-
ling district -.

The Government Pub-
licity Department, Dar-
jeeling which gave cinema
shows on the two nights
'attracted -thousands of
khasmahal and .tea garden
people. . •

St. Robert's High School!
. q„a'fuelling. -

Notice is • hereby given
of the following vacan-
cies on the School Staff:-

One 15. A', or . R. Sc.,
as Trained Physical' Ins: j
tructor. '

One -B. ~o\, for teaching
Ma themalics. Science and
■ Geography in iht)' tifp
i la»ses . .

"One B' A„ for teaching"
,Nepali, . English ,sod His-;
-t.ory In the tap classes*.

The rate of pay, terms
and conditions of employ,
ment. etc., wid be'settl<-d
a'l, .tho- lima of interview.
All applicants must ap.
p v- first in. wifling to
the Ilea 1 Master on or
before t' o 20th ol Feb
rustry, 1934:
