Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Ten 5s>-.»lnSmi £ime» February M, H<54



New Delhi, Feb. 9 Sri R S. Prasad M.L.C. established trade practice

Progress reports from and Chairman of the Ten- between Kalimpong and

Peking on the talks now zing Reception Committee Tibet,

taking place on Tibet bet has sent the following

ween representatives of Abstract of Accounts
India and China show that , of the fund raised by the

the negotiations, thoush Committee for publication

somewhat slow are. pro- and general information.
; ceeding satisfactorily. Receipts ■

It is understood that . Coltection
the discussions which tie- '
•Jan on Dec. 31. are likely Rs. 4,970 13 .0

to Jcontinue for a few '■•-""
more days. Expenditure
J suggestions that the ne- . 1. Entertainment to Tig< r
gotiations have broken ;■" Sherpas Us. 220 0-0
down over a difference of 2. Purse to 9 Ti«er Sherpas admissions. All newco-
op iiion on the frontier ' jjs 909 0 0 mcrs seeking admission

question are described here „ p,,^ to «,ri 1Vn?.jna must bring with them

Norkev its 3.001-0 0

St.- Robert's High Schooi

Notice is hereby given
.of the fallowing dates
for the reopening of the
School -

High School Section—
February 25lh-OU) boys
must report on that date
or otherwise forfeit their
placi s

February 20th-For new

as ridiculous . because this
particular issue has not

f»atured in the talks and 4. Expenses) incurred in

is outside th«ir scope. Shri tenzinji's Itecet

This discussions taking Hon Rs. 451 (>-i>

Yoitr gqide in dpiMess

their Transfer Certificate
Primary Section-M,ireh
lst-()ld boys must report
on that date, or other-
wise forfeit their place.

place are on the question 5. Cash'in Imperial Bank \ March 2nd _For new

-Of trading arrangements. • R» 386-6-3. admission
It. is '.reported .'ttiat China _ _ « Total Rs. 4,970-13 0
is anxious to secure ad-
ditional facilities for Tibe- maharaj kUmar leaves
tun traders, the details F°R delhi

•of which are being exa-
mined! by both sides. Gangtok, Feb. 9
' It would be recalled' that Maharnj Kumar P. T.
.a deputation'of the Kn- N.imeyal of ^ikkim left
limpong Chamber oi Com- for Kalimpong 'yesterday,
rherce consisting of Sri . en route to Delhi- It is
Rameshwar Agarwal, Sri learnt that the Maharaj
Deo' Ch'aiid Mintri, Sri Kumar will discuss Plnn-
Giimnp Mai Bothra, Sri ning and other matte's
Kesharjcharid Banthia and in Delhi; will attend to
Sri Sti'esh Chandra. Jain Military duties at Dehra-
had gone\ to Delhi in ;' dun as hony. Bt. Colonel
December, last 'to 1apprise of "the 8th Corkha Rcgi-
the External Affairs ' ment and see some place
( Continued] :on. *olo'nthn :!) of interest in India.-


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