Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Four' '■ 3S«iimI»u»« <?,im«* Mareh 7, 1U54'

MilSTi.i; M vRKKT

;-'~V\ • Kanptir, M.ireh 3

h1l*I1 -ttliP1? 10 ",nimin* "ot'' l> b*» been -i—uol by the .

t*4t V^aittsr-j Imlian lirislle Merchant* Association, Kanpur.
* "Last year, all the 4 Motion* in KiikImkI

-1-.-'■--!-—-—- declined as a result of which the in-rch ints of.

Kalimpong, March 7,- 1954 raw & dressed bristle* had to suffer |>erp*ta*l
----——■— loss as the raw bristles men ham* had not bought'

' « STABLE GOVERNMENT in r*uin .. . proBubu, price,

. No# .it is season f»r the brittle and all
The elections in Travancoro-Coohin and PKrS.U the bristles will go to London auction to beheld
are recently over. Without a stable majority of jn June next, when prices always decline. In
a party it. is always difficult for a government addition to this the I hineee bristles arc available
to- work smoothly. An 'example of it may bo j„ t|„. world market at a less |irio» ami in
obtained from Fiance where the ministry is formed abundance, This is the reason why Indian bHMlri
and resigns sometimes in course of a few weeks. ari, timling vciv difficult market and me sold
Kven during the past two years the ministry in at a v,,rv low price and manv of the Indian
PEPSU - changed'twice and ultimately the assembly Companies hud to atop their works. ' Tfcia Assoc,*-
was dissolved for fresh election, Xow PKPiSU has tj,m sasumts that as in previous years, pries in
returned a safe Congress majority. Hence it can JBne, 54, will go down at the iale of I'll to
be said without doubt that the ministry will be 25",,. aa the good* will reach their for ' auction
stable now;, in Travancore-Cochin, however, there in large quantity.

is hot much prospect of a stable government. Moieovcr the Covt. of India has decided

Both Congress and UFL have. filled to . secure ln e,an,i„e strictly ihe bristles for cn.|>ori and
absolute majority and P.8.P. is holding the balance. nlliy af|(,r esamilHtion, thev will b*\uported
Today with the help of PSP the UFL inform- ,. f,om ln<]iav. due to which on* will have t . meet
ing a ministry mainly because the P8P leader. a higher expense and oulv high class Ir.ssed
Mr. Filial .is being elected Premier but a time bristles wilt be exported and that also" In those
may come when disagreement may arise between wrio ,,ave |f' ,B„ nK bristles are

these leftists. If, however, they work in haimony, n()t bought at a low price, the hujcr will have
j)eoplo will hav^ a chance of testing .the<rttle of to gyp;^ ft heavy loss. 1

the' Non-Congress Party and. compare their rule A> th( m(,r,.|,,llltH dealing with raw hrUtle*

'th'those in other digress Province*. are also a part of the . Association, it recpicsts

them to buy the gs°ds with, great care and
thereby save themselves from losses.

The association expect* that the. tncrchatii*
of raw bristles 'trill try to improve the ,iuahtv
of 1,1 lie*"

Ctbes bare la-en received that Auction
held from 2nd to Ml, Mar, h MO I, have declined
and openion for dune MOt Auction is. ■ that a
further1 il cliiie of. about 2n', is expected.


K. G to Senior Cambridpe-Small Classes

I3ovs admitted from the ape of 0.
Classes re-opened on Tuesday, Mareh 2nd
al It a.m.
Apply to : Th3 Principal.

to be held at the

on saturday 27th march, 1954

Opens at 2-30 p m.

AH friends are invited to enter exhibits

Full particulars may b/r had' from Mr. I Political • Officer in Sikkim, Gangtok not

McCabe at Farm,'.House, Homes. | later than 20th Mareh 19,14.

WANTED-An Knumeratioii Clerk for the
Office of the Indian Trade Acency, Yatung
(Tibet) on a pay scale of S5-3-85- KIt-
4 125-5-130 plug a consolidated allowance
Its.75'- per month with free accomodation.

Only person who has knawlodpo of
Tibetan and has passed Matrie. or equiva-
lent examination neetl apply.

Application should be marked 'APP-
MCATION' and sent to the Assistant

FOR EFFICIENCY & SERVICE: Consult Darjeeling Radio Co, Dtfjatting