Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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March 14, 1954

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{I'rom Our Correspondent)

Siliguri. March 12
The head of * woman
and a portion of her
cheat completely chopped
off from her bo/ly havo
been recovered by the
Siliguri police from a near-
by yillage. These were
seen lying on the side of
pome hushes off from any
habitation. Other parts
of the body have not yet
been found. The recove-
red portion have been
identified tc be of n woman
of the village who was
reported to have been
seen with a man on the
previous day of recovery
of the chopped off portion
of the body. No clue of
the murder ban yet been
made. 'I he recovered por-
tions of the body have
been sent for postmor-
tal!). Police investigation
is proceeding.

« « «

A sensation was crea-
ted in the Siliguri Court
on Keb. I, when a cheque,
for Us. 480 <> - of the
Detective Department of
the Bengal Excise Siliguri
was drawn from Siliguri
Sub-Treasury by an un-
known person falsely per-
sonifying himself as man
of Excise Dept. It is
reported that the cheque;
was presented to the
Treasury but when the'au-:
thorised man of the Excite
came to receive the money


Darjeeting March 10
Mr. B. B Kay t'hau-
dhuri,. the founder of the
Tagor* Society of Europe,
and Secretary of the In-
dian Woriers1- Association
of Great Britain, who is
or, a three months Visit
to India, has arrived in
Darjeebng for a fortnight's
stay. Mr. Ray Ghaudhuri
attended the Congress
Session at Kalyani. Prior to
his departure fr< m Calcutta
he had an inU rview with
His Excellency the Goverr.
nor of West B ngal, with'
whom he discussed-about
the Deshbandhu Memorial
at "Step Aside'' in.Darjeel-
ing. Mr. Ray Chaudhuri met
''Tiger'* Sherpa Tenzin.g
Norkay. During TenzyicV
visit to London, Mr. Ray
Chaudhuri presented him

with a painting' by the
\oung Bengali artist, Mrs.
Maya Bose -

Mr Ray Chaudhuri, who
is one cif the oldest In-
dian Journalists in London,
has been reelected the
Indian Member o , the
Executive Council of the
Commonwealth Correspon-
dents Association of Great
Brita;n for the vearT9o4-
19r>.> . , - . '." ■

he foufid to his . utter
surprise that the . money
had alrfady been drawn.
Police Was immediately
informed and do trace'
of the drawer 'has yet
been made. ' .' '■'-'•■


Darieeling March (>

Applications on the pres-
cribed form any invited
frptil the Serving Perton-
i ef and ex Servioeflie.n
(below the rank of J..C 0 )
< f Bengal recruited during
W orld War ! I {September,
l"'i • to April. 1910) for
stipends for their .direct
ilep' ndanls reading in
Schools. Personnel other'
than those from Indian
Army, Navy & Aifforco
are not ■ entitled- to the
benefit. " >. .

, Applications along with
the Annual Mark Sheets
duly certified by this Board
and the Headmaster/Mis
tr-ss concerned should
reach Calcutta by .'15th
April. J951. No applica-
tion will be entertained
after that dp.te*.

Application forms can
be. had from the office of
the District Spldiers, Sai-
lors' & Airmeris Board,
' Old fecretariat Building..


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Car in good condition.

Apply —

' Dr Grahani's Homes,
Kalimpongi ''■'.

Price Rs. 10 000/- Cash or
neartst offer

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