Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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March 21, 1954 SimaUttan SEitne.


( Fn-m Our (.'orrOKpondtmt ) . .

Siliguii, March 18

' An organisation, iti the
name and style of North
Bengal Petrol Deal< ra
Association has recently
been formed here with a
view to increaie the strength
and position of Petrol
Dealers of North Bengal
who had hitherto been
unorganised and as well
as to check the cutting
of rates on and often by
the Petroleum Companies.
The Association has deci-
ded to take affiliation of
the Auto-Requists Associa-
tion of Calcutta. An
Executive Committee with
IS members representing
about 18 petrol dealers
has been formed and
Mewra S K. Rhowmik,
R. D. Miiith-I, T. H. Oidra
and P C Mukherjee have
been elected as its Presi-
dent Vio>-.President, Sec-
retary an 1 Jt. Secretary

* <►•.'•
The financial cohdi-
tions of the teachers' of
Free Primery: Schools of
the Siliguri town . have
gone very bad due to
non payment of their pay'
for January and February.-
54 though several repre-
sentations have been made-
to Govt. These schools
were established by the

Relief Rehab litation Dept,
but later on thsy were
handed over io the Educa-
tion Dept n| Govt of
West Bengal

• • *

A scuffle between some
Motor drivetw and Riy.
vendors on the night of
March 15 at Sdiguri North
Station resulted in.damag-
ing of S Busei nnd Station
Wagons. Must of the vehi-
cle's wind glasses, head
lights, back lights and the ,
body have been damaged
The scuffle, it is stated,
started when a drunken
person kicked off a Rail-
way vendor ale ping on a
bench- of a Tea Stall at
North Station. When the
pVice force arrived at the
'sc.;ne the miscreants had
'already (led away. No
Hrrests have been made
\ .-t. Some car owners com-
plained that the, G.R P-.
dd practically nothing to,
save the vehicle from the
hands: of the rioturs, mob.
', More over the G.R.P. ' is
. r'porled to have told
that the -vendors did not
participate jo'the scuffle
and the vehicles have'been
damaged by drivers them-
selves. ■ i

• *'.*•.,.■ •••'"':•'.'•'
Two l efng 'e women have


filed a suit in the Siligurf
Court stating that, they
have been insulted, and
were plished out of the,
ReHef Rehabilitation Dept. :
Office by a clerk' of the
Dept. when they approa-
ched him about their
petitions regarding some
cloths and rug. The feeling
of discontenment among
the refugees and . general
public aginst ihe Silignri
Relief & Rehabilitation
Dept. is very rampart
since a long time. Re-
cently a weekly published
from Siliguri has charged
the Rehabilitation Officer
and his Depaitment for
favouritism, Nepotism and
mis-behaviour towards
public. The above inci-
dent of insult to the women
has created a sensation
here nnd pubbc is eagerly
waiting to see what step
is being taken against the
clerk by the higher, au-


. , .. Siliguri. March 17

" The birth day cere-
mony of Sri Ramkrisbna-
deb was observed . here
with due solemnity by
the Sililguri Branch of
the Nikhil Bharat Banga
Bhasha Prasar Samity.
The function was held at
the Burdwan Road Mai-
dan, Sri Herambanath
Ganguli, M.A..B.L., presi-
ded. .

DARJEELING JUDIO CO., D VRJEELIhG the pioneer radio concern of Darjeeling district.