Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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- iSimalj-.jvt.i. Ui.-ncn

March 21, 195 \


A temporary permit
can only he sanotiontd to
meet a purely temporary

The following 'Do and facto>s like condition of e^ncy in any particular

Donts' has been issued the road, public conveni- a^a- ,Suth Pp™,t lapse

by the Regional -Transport ence or utility to be "H" 4 n10",'8 n,,d can

Authority, for the infor- served in that area. * have no rlalm to ,;"

ination of the public in . ir , , t***9*'

general. ■. " »«• .feel */gr*V!d N Part 11

• ■ ■ ' • by the decision of R.T.A., , i.

1. Do not apply for vo„ can move • in apppai ». Do no drive or
stage carriage or public before the State Transport «How your driver to-dnve
carrier permits unless Re- Authority. Do not press ^0,or ^"hicle unless
gional Transport Authori- R T A "ov»r your case ,n" t>nv"'g License is
ty has advertised routes again *s R.T.A. cannot valid and current Do not
and invited applications. revise its own' decision aso dr,vo a Yh}cle of
If you apply for the same tor a certain period that ' ategory which is not
when ho advertisement ' . . endorsed in your licence,
has been made," you will A permanent permit Do not drive a vehicle
be disappointed' as your is'valid for' 3 (yew* from whose Route l'ennit., or
application will not be date of i*£ ■ . «sue and Insurance or Tax Token
en'ertained automatically lapses there has expired.

2. You can applv at after unless renewed. Do 2. DriVing Jleence. .»
any time for a contract ™\ ™ ,l° l° th" valid for 12 twelve month,
carriage or Pnvatemarrier ^J^tS^S ttW" *V* °f

permit. In the latter case, § {h j&ut>'.. °Always keep the Driving

you must be sure that Office, l.arjeehnp, yWBees 0Ilwfu„y Rtld

your volume of business l"° "j"1 V'.'> '!> °lean'y in >'0Ur I,os8e8io"'

justifies a route-permit tor °.f * l$',1S °r ' "^'V £ watch the time for rene-

J . r rier and one month in „ , i .in „nnlv ;,, iin,n

a truck in the opinion of .. .„,„„ ,h„ .„ "nl ,ln" "° "PP'J

RT4 Do nnt annlv-V if other cases before the ex- ithi - Uie riod 0f

K l.A uo not appl.yx it piry of the permit. If von _ " jn ike %»toeeUv*

there is no genuine juslt- f , f, „ ... _„»:j:»„ grain in we iwijwhjvj

c .-- r^i , epplv after the validity Xnb divisional Office A

fioation or if the route you he iVrm t is over oily ui> isinnai uimt.

nrnn.isn is nnt nnen 'n I , 1 ™'1 .° Driving l.ieenco automa-

affi On the Mafn ine -V0* b° ^pointed, ticallv lapses if not re-

tramo. un the Main Mne g Permits ,ire nol tranM. -, ,- iod

between Dance me and f n, . ,,„ „,.j„r eneweu lor a pernio t,\

. J h . ferabtei Do not try under- ,.rP(iin<' 3 (three) rear*.

Smgur .there are certain hand business in "BrON AMI' ' ' . f ' „ T - nr

restrictions in respect of.t ho b Bellipg permits without ,. 3' ^' A^ Jl

number of Public Carriers, *■. . 8,int.tj01) 0f UTA I ruck <lo not fail to carry

Contract carriages, Stage f gM of in^f„\ P$lt'- *B' of the Honte

Carriers and private.-Car- R X<A . , prepared IVrm,,1 ft'!(1 dlsP'»? W

■ 'to help you provided you properly^.n a receptacle

3. The R.T.A. is a sta- applv V good time ,„d »n'U' «Token
tutory body and sanctions ■ ».T A.is satislt d about, its logeuina u« i.

you a permit or refuse it. genuineness, necessity and 4 Do not neglet to obey

on consideration of facts Migibility of the tfans- rules and directions re-

about your case and allied '. ftree. (rmitimm! on pafs 10)
